onsdag 23. april 2008

E-mail from Facebook Support, 23/4/08.

From: privacy+nxvfxer@facebook.com Facebook Support
To: eribsskog@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 2008 04:42:37 +0100
Subject: Re: Hate-group and personal-attacks/harassment/bullying against me on Facebook.

Hi Erik,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. After reviewing the reported abuse, we have removed all offending content per our Terms of Use.

In the future, please feel free to use the "Report" links located near most pieces of content on the site to report offensive material to Facebook. If you are not able to use the "Report" links for any reason, please write to us at privacy@facebook.com with a link to the offensive material and a description of the problem. We will then review this material and take the appropriate action. Please be assured, these reports will be kept confidential.

Thanks for contacting Facebook,

User Operations

-----Original Message to Facebook-----
From: Erik Ribsskog (eribsskog@gmail.com)
To: privacy+nxvfxer@facebook.com
Subject: Re: Hate-group and personal-attacks/harassment/bullying against me on Facebook.


there are two url's, to pages containing offensice content:


*Url*: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12728098058

(It says:

'Gruppen for oss som blir plaget, forfulgt eller trakassert av Erik

Les mer om Ribsskogs galskap.
' .

Which translates to:

'The group for us who has been abused, followed or harrased, by Erik
Ribsskog. (Which is a lie, I haven't been doing this).

Read more about Ribsskogs insanity.
(The link translates to insane Ribsskog.blogspot.com, I have complaind to
Blogger, it contains a lot of sick personal-attacks, about things, that this
person, who has a fake name).).

*The persons name:* Lena Marie Mørk Lier

(Which I suspect is a fake name, this person claims to know me, but I know
noone with this name, and I couldn't find it on Google, or in the online
Norwegian phone-directory. The person haven't got any friends on Facebook
eigther, so it seems clear to me, that it's a fake name).

*Network:* (I had to block the person, because of all the attacks, but I
think it has to be the 'Norway'-network, and I don't think there
are more than one person with this 'name', on Facebook.).


The URL is: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12298048222&ref=mf

Here, i was attacked, like explained, in my earlier e-mail, in something,
that seemed like a gang-stalking/'street theater'-operation.

The people attacking me there, where:

- Bryan Morley.

- David Smith.

- Erika Svensson.

- Mia Dalen.

- Runar Gundersen.

- Sara Jennifer.

- Steinar Pettersen.

- Matthew Harrison.

And it could also seem like Kathy Doxianidie, also was involved, even if it
was a more subtle attack, like
described in the previous e-mail.

There have also been other incidents, that seems to be linked in a Gang
Stalking/Street Theater/Mind
Control operation.

But I guess this is enough to start with, to not lose the overview.

But I can update you more about the other incidents later.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On 4/22/08, Facebook Support
> Hi Erik,
> Thanks for reporting this potential abuse on our site. Please provide the
> URL to the page containing this offensive content. Please also provide the
> exact name and networks of the person responsible, and if possible, the URL
> to their profile page or search listing. We will then review the material
> and take appropriate action per our Terms of Use. Please be assured this
> report will be kept confidential.
> Thanks for contacting Facebook,
> Dori
> User Operations
> Facebook
> -----Original Message to Facebook-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog (eribsskog@gmail.com)
> To: info@facebook.com
> Subject: Fwd: Hate-group and personal-attacks/harassment/bullying against
> me on Facebook.
> Hi,
> I'm sending an update, regarding what the exact expression is, for the
> attacks I was subject to, on the Facebook-group.
> (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12298048222&ref=mf).
> I think it's called gang-stalking.
> That I have been the subject of a gang-stalking operation.
> It's explained more here:
> Street theater / Gangstalking
> Operations.<
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/2008/04/street-theater-gangstalking-operations.html
> >
> *"Consider "street theater" as an example. Street theater refers to a form
> of harassment where a group of torturers act out little skits, either
> literally on the street or on the internet, in the media, etc., intended
> to
> harass and disturb an individual or to otherwise modify the victim's
> behavior. So if a group of people act out "street theater" to a random
> person to disturb him or her then, while this might be a crime, I would
> not
> necessarily call it mind control. It is when surveillance is combined with
> the "skits" to both track a person over time for harassment and to obtain
> personal information about a person to be used in the harassment that I
> would say a mind control operation is being carried out."*
> http://xiandos.info/Surveillance,_Psychotronics_and_(Gang-)Stalking_Operations
> So I think it would be very fine, if you think you could have a look at
> what
> has been going on, on the Facebook-group, and maybe also
> inform me a bit about this.
> Hope this is alright!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog
> Date: Apr 20, 2008 5:35 PM
> Subject: Hate-group and personal-attacks/harassment/bullying against me on
> Facebook.
> To: info@facebook.com
> Hi,
> someone has created a hate-group towards me, as a private-person, on
> Facebook.
> They say I have harassed and followed people, which I haven't done at all.
> And the person, have also linked, to a hate-blog, agains me, on blogger:
> http://galeribsskog.blogspot.com/.
> And this url, translates to insane
> Ribsskog.blogspot.com
> .
> Further, the person, that has set up the group, claims that she knows me,
> but I have never heard that name before.
> And I've searched in the online phone directory, and on Google, so I think
> it must be a fake name, because I can't find
> it when I'm searching on the net, even if I'm working as a company
> researcher, and work with finding information on the
> internet, and more.
> So it's frusterating, because I don't know who this is, who is spreading
> false acusations against me on Facebook, and
> has now even set up an own group against me as a privat-person.
> I have also had problems with being harassed on Facebook before, and then
> the problems seemed like they were organised,
> so I have published them on my blog.
> This are the attacks from the person that has set up the group against me:
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Lena%20Marie%20M%C3%B8rk%20Lier%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> Also, I was attacked, by several other people on a facegroup-group,
> regarding the Norwegian woman who was murdered in London last month,
> and even if I wasn't acting inpolite, or anything like that.
> It seemed to me, that the attacks were organised, and I suspect, that
> someone maybe didn't want people to start diging to much, regarding
> what had been really been going on, with the murder.
> Here are the links to the harassment I received from other people in that
> group.
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Bryan%20Morley.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20David%20Smith.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Erika%20Svensson.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Mia%20Dalen.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Runar%20Gundersen.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Sara%20Jennifer.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Steinar%20Pettersen.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harrasment%20Matthew%20Harrison.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> And the url to the group, that this harassment happend on, is this:
> http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12298048222&ref=mf
> It also seem like a person called Kathy Doxianidie, is attacking me there,
> now quite recently.
> But I've had enough of that group, so I tried to start another group,
> since
> it wasn't possible, to discuss the case at all, on the
> first group, without being attacked, and the attacks were against ones
> person, and not regarding the case.
> So I think it's very unfair, to blame me for the problems there, because I
> was only standing up for my right to discuss the case.
> And that's not the same as seeking attention etc., like Doxainidie is
> saying, so I can't agree with that attack.
> But she doesn't meniton my name, but I think she makes it clear, that it's
> against me.
> And I reackon this also, since there were so many other attacks towards
> me,
> in that group, so I suspect, that the attack, from
> Doxainidie, could be linked with the other attacks, and that the attacks
> were organised.
> So I hope you have the chance to have a look at this!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> So I was wondering if you could please have a look at this.
> The url should be: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12728098058
> -----End Original Message to Facebook-----
-----End Original Message to Facebook-----