tirsdag 22. april 2008

E-mail to Facebook, 22/4/08.

From: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
To: privacy+nxvfxer@facebook.com Facebook Support
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2008 04:46:47 +0100
Subject: Re: Hate-group and personal-attacks/harassment/bullying against me on Facebook.


there are two url's, to pages containing offensice content:


*Url*: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12728098058

(It says:

'Gruppen for oss som blir plaget, forfulgt eller trakassert av Erik

Les mer om Ribsskogs galskap.
' .

Which translates to:

'The group for us who has been abused, followed or harrased, by Erik
Ribsskog. (Which is a lie, I haven't been doing this).

Read more about Ribsskogs insanity.
(The link translates to insane Ribsskog.blogspot.com, I have complaind to
Blogger, it contains a lot of sick personal-attacks, about things, that this
person, who has a fake name).).

*The persons name:* Lena Marie Mørk Lier

(Which I suspect is a fake name, this person claims to know me, but I know
noone with this name, and I couldn't find it on Google, or in the online
Norwegian phone-directory. The person haven't got any friends on Facebook
eigther, so it seems clear to me, that it's a fake name).

*Network:* (I had to block the person, because of all the attacks, but I
think it has to be the 'Norway'-network, and I don't think there
are more than one person with this 'name', on Facebook.).


The URL is: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12298048222&ref=mf

Here, i was attacked, like explained, in my earlier e-mail, in something,
that seemed like a gang-stalking/'street theater'-operation.

The people attacking me there, where:

- Bryan Morley.

- David Smith.

- Erika Svensson.

- Mia Dalen.

- Runar Gundersen.

- Sara Jennifer.

- Steinar Pettersen.

- Matthew Harrison.

And it could also seem like Kathy Doxianidie, also was involved, even if it
was a more subtle attack, like
described in the previous e-mail.

There have also been other incidents, that seems to be linked in a Gang
Stalking/Street Theater/Mind
Control operation.

But I guess this is enough to start with, to not lose the overview.

But I can update you more about the other incidents later.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On 4/22/08, Facebook Support
> Hi Erik,
> Thanks for reporting this potential abuse on our site. Please provide the
> URL to the page containing this offensive content. Please also provide the
> exact name and networks of the person responsible, and if possible, the URL
> to their profile page or search listing. We will then review the material
> and take appropriate action per our Terms of Use. Please be assured this
> report will be kept confidential.
> Thanks for contacting Facebook,
> Dori
> User Operations
> Facebook
> -----Original Message to Facebook-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog (eribsskog@gmail.com)
> To: info@facebook.com
> Subject: Fwd: Hate-group and personal-attacks/harassment/bullying against
> me on Facebook.
> Hi,
> I'm sending an update, regarding what the exact expression is, for the
> attacks I was subject to, on the Facebook-group.
> (http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12298048222&ref=mf).
> I think it's called gang-stalking.
> That I have been the subject of a gang-stalking operation.
> It's explained more here:
> Street theater / Gangstalking
> Operations.< > http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/2008/04/street-theater-gangstalking-operations.html
> >
> *"Consider "street theater" as an example. Street theater refers to a form
> of harassment where a group of torturers act out little skits, either
> literally on the street or on the internet, in the media, etc., intended
> to
> harass and disturb an individual or to otherwise modify the victim's
> behavior. So if a group of people act out "street theater" to a random
> person to disturb him or her then, while this might be a crime, I would
> not
> necessarily call it mind control. It is when surveillance is combined with
> the "skits" to both track a person over time for harassment and to obtain
> personal information about a person to be used in the harassment that I
> would say a mind control operation is being carried out."*
> http://xiandos.info/Surveillance,_Psychotronics_and_(Gang-)Stalking_Operations
> So I think it would be very fine, if you think you could have a look at
> what
> has been going on, on the Facebook-group, and maybe also
> inform me a bit about this.
> Hope this is alright!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Erik Ribsskog
> Date: Apr 20, 2008 5:35 PM
> Subject: Hate-group and personal-attacks/harassment/bullying against me on
> Facebook.
> To: info@facebook.com
> Hi,
> someone has created a hate-group towards me, as a private-person, on
> Facebook.
> They say I have harassed and followed people, which I haven't done at all.
> And the person, have also linked, to a hate-blog, agains me, on blogger:
> http://galeribsskog.blogspot.com/.
> And this url, translates to insane
> Ribsskog.blogspot.com
> .
> Further, the person, that has set up the group, claims that she knows me,
> but I have never heard that name before.
> And I've searched in the online phone directory, and on Google, so I think
> it must be a fake name, because I can't find
> it when I'm searching on the net, even if I'm working as a company
> researcher, and work with finding information on the
> internet, and more.
> So it's frusterating, because I don't know who this is, who is spreading
> false acusations against me on Facebook, and
> has now even set up an own group against me as a privat-person.
> I have also had problems with being harassed on Facebook before, and then
> the problems seemed like they were organised,
> so I have published them on my blog.
> This are the attacks from the person that has set up the group against me:
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Lena%20Marie%20M%C3%B8rk%20Lier%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> Also, I was attacked, by several other people on a facegroup-group,
> regarding the Norwegian woman who was murdered in London last month,
> and even if I wasn't acting inpolite, or anything like that.
> It seemed to me, that the attacks were organised, and I suspect, that
> someone maybe didn't want people to start diging to much, regarding
> what had been really been going on, with the murder.
> Here are the links to the harassment I received from other people in that
> group.
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Bryan%20Morley.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20David%20Smith.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Erika%20Svensson.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Mia%20Dalen.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Runar%20Gundersen.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Sara%20Jennifer.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harassment%20Steinar%20Pettersen.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/search/label/Harrasment%20Matthew%20Harrison.%20%28From%20Facebook%29
> .
> And the url to the group, that this harassment happend on, is this:
> http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12298048222&ref=mf
> It also seem like a person called Kathy Doxianidie, is attacking me there,
> now quite recently.
> But I've had enough of that group, so I tried to start another group,
> since
> it wasn't possible, to discuss the case at all, on the
> first group, without being attacked, and the attacks were against ones
> person, and not regarding the case.
> So I think it's very unfair, to blame me for the problems there, because I
> was only standing up for my right to discuss the case.
> And that's not the same as seeking attention etc., like Doxainidie is
> saying, so I can't agree with that attack.
> But she doesn't meniton my name, but I think she makes it clear, that it's
> against me.
> And I reackon this also, since there were so many other attacks towards
> me,
> in that group, so I suspect, that the attack, from
> Doxainidie, could be linked with the other attacks, and that the attacks
> were organised.
> So I hope you have the chance to have a look at this!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik Ribsskog
> So I was wondering if you could please have a look at this.
> The url should be: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=12728098058
> -----End Original Message to Facebook-----