søndag 27. april 2008

Facebook-conversation with the founder of the Facebook-group: 'International hunt for the truth about the murder of Martine Vik Magnussen'.

Hi there Issmat,

Between Issmat A. and You

Erik Ribsskog

Today at 7:09pm

if you have the time. I was just wondering, if you knew why it is, that I can't seem to be able to post on the group for the International hunt for the truth about the murder of the Norwegian woman i London.

So I was just wondering if you have the chance to have a look at this.

If you have the time, of course, that is!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Issmat A.

Add as Friend

Today at 7:39pm

Report Message

Hello Erik,

Unfortunately, due to a large amount of complaints from group members regarding your postings, I asked Facebook to ban you from posting in the group.

Please know that this decision was taken out of respect for the wishes of Martine's closest friends and involves no personal opinions regarding the merits of your contributions.

An announcement has been posted in the group about this decision. I am sorry that the situation has to end this way, but the group remains largely about respecting the memory of Martine, and a very high number of people reported that your postings were offensive.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors and good luck with your blog/website.

Yours truly,

Issmat A.

Erik Ribsskog

Today at 7:51pm


I'm sorry I wasn't aware of the posting on the group.

So thank you very much for making me aware of this decition.

Although, I must point out, that even if a mob, says something, and they are more people, than the ones who are being mobbed.

Still, it isn't always that the mob has got it right.

So I'm a bit disapointed that the mob get it their way.

But thanks very much for the good luck wishes, and good luck in return, with your blog and Facebook-groups etc.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog