fredag 13. juni 2008

E-mail from Human Rights Watch, 13/6/08.

Google Mail - RE: Helen/Fwd: Inhumane treatment from the Government.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

RE: Helen/Fwd: Inhumane treatment from the Government.


Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 12:12 PM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Mr. Ribsskog,


Thank you for contacting Human Rights Watch. We are an
independent, nongovernmental organization that collects and disseminates
research and information about human rights violations all over the
world.  Human Rights Watch conducts fact-finding investigations into human
rights abuses, and then publishes these findings in books and reports.  We
use these publications to influence the human rights policy of governments and
intergovernmental institutions, but we do not work at the individual level.


As an organization that specializes in the gathering and
sharing of information, we are not a service-delivery organization. We regret
that we are not able to deal with people on an individual basis, and that we
cannot respond to individual requests for assistance with human rights
violations.  However, we wish you well in your struggle for human rights.


Kind regards


Helen Raynsford




Human Rights Watch

Pentonville Road

London N1 9HF

Phone: 020 7713 2769

Fax: 020 7713 1800



From: Erik Ribsskog

Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2008
2:34 PM


Subject: To: Helen/Fwd: Inhumane
treatment from the Government.




I called earlier today, regarding an e-mail that I hadn't recieved an
answer to, and then we agreed,

that I would send the e-mail again, since it couldn't be found on your

So here's the e-mail again.

Hope you have the chance to please give some help or advice regarding this!


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog

Date: Mar 19, 2008 1:41 PM

Subject: Fwd: Inhumane treatment from the Government.





I can't see that I've recieved an answer to this e-mail yet, that's why
I'm sending it again.


Hope this is alright!


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog

Date: Jan 31, 2008 11:25 AM

Subject: Re: Inhumane treatment from the Government.

To: HRW UK <>




ok it says this on your website:


Rights Watch is dedicated to protecting the human rights of people around the

We stand
with victims and activists to prevent discrimination, to uphold political
freedom, to protect people from inhumane conduct in wartime, and to bring
offenders to justice.

investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abusers accountable.

challenge governments and those who hold power to end abusive practices and
respect international human rights law.

We enlist
the public and the international community to support the cause of human rights
for all.'.

It says
that you 'investigate and expose human rights violations and hold abuser

I'll try
to explain a bit better, and summarise some of the things that has been going

- In
December 03, in Bjørndal, in Oslo,
Norway, I
overheard that I was followed by 'the mafia'.


- In July 05, I was chased away from my uncles farm in Kvelde, outside
of Larvik in Norway,
by people

with dogs and guns.


- And I've also been chased by what seems to be mafia in France, Germany and Holland etc, in 2005.


- And in Liverpool, in 05 and 06, I've
been working in a company, Arvato, which seems to have been

infiltrated by a criminal network, and there were problems with illigal
management methods and

organised harassment etc.


- And in my home, in Liverpool, now
last month, I'm getting visits by 'phoney' inspectors from the

water-company, who are saying that they want to inspect the
water-meter, even if my flat hasn't got

a water-meter installed.

And the inspector was also looking in the boiler-room and the
electricity-cabinet, for the water-meter.


And then I called United Utilities, and they say that their
representatives never inspect the electricity-



So theres obviously something 'phoney' going on.

And I'm also worried about what has happened with some of my former collegues
at Arvato, who I think

can have been victims for trafficing, prostitution etc., possibly
organised from within the company.


So these are some of the things that has been going on.

There have also been more things, but there have been so many things going on,
that's it hard to focus

and summarise it all, I'm sorry I'm a bit overworked.


The problem, is that I've been contacting the police in both Norway and Britain, and they don't want to

give me any advice or information, or any help at all, even if it's
clear that I'm having problems with

being followed/chased by criminal networks etc.

And the incident with the 'phoney' water-company inspector, I think, must be
someone from the Government,

like police or intelligence, and I also get 'phoney' people contacting
me on my facebook-page, which also

seems something from like the police.


So it's obvious that the governments in both Norway
and Britain
are spying on me.

And they don't want to tell me what's going on, they're keeping me uninformed.


And I think this is like torture, because I've heard and seen that I'm
being followed by mafia and I understand that I'm

being spyed on by the government, and I'm worried about some of my
former collegues at Aravto, who I havn't heard

from in more than a year, and whom someone seems to have been
making 'phoney' facebook pages in the name of.


So this is more or less driving me insane.

I've been smashing up the houshold-equipment, and I've considered killing
myself and/or the police, since it's making

me go insane, that they won't tell me anything, even if it's more than
a year ago, that I sent the e-mails from Arvato,

to the press, explaining that there were some organised harassment
etc., going on there.

But the British police just pretends that there has been nothing going on.

Like the Norwegian police are doing, they aren't even answering my e-mails or
phone-calls, when I try to contact them,

regarding the how to deal with the situation, with that I've overheard,
and seen, that I'm being followed by mafia, and that

I was chased from uncles farm in 2005, and around Europe,
also the same year.


So I have
been thinking that it is one's right to get information from the police about
what's going on, when oneself are

involved in a case.


And also, that one have the right to ask for advice on how to deal with
haveing problems with criminal networks etc.

But the police refuse to tell me anything, they won't give me any information
or advice, and this has been going on since

December 2003, in Norway,
and then from 2004/2005 in Britain.


So I think I have the right to get some information and advice, before
I loose my mind completly here.


But the police in both countries don't seem to think that.

So that's why I'm trying to contact you, because I was wondering if you by any
chance, have some information, regarding,

if it isn't my right to get information and advice from the police in
situations like this, when one are almost going insane,

since one don't know what's going on?


Also, I've been contacting the Norwegian department of Amnesty
International, but they are only harassing me, and

pretending to not understand what I mean, so I thought it would maybe
be right to complain about the department,

since I think that they should know how to answer enquieries like that,
without any lying or harassment.

So I hope very much that you have the chance to have a look at this.

I'm sorry that I've been using a bit of time to reply, but I havn't got much
founds, so I have to work a lot of overtime etc.,

so I've had to use a lot of time at work.


So I think it would be very fine if you had the chance you have a look
at this again!


Hope this is alright, and thanks in advance for the help!


Yours sincerely,


Erik Ribsskog



On 1/31/08, HRW UK <> wrote:

Dear Erik


Thank you
for your email. I am afraid Human Rights Watch is a research and advocacy
organisation which does not usually deal with individual cases of human rights
violations apart from our current reports in progress. We do not have the
resources or expertise to give advice on individual cases of human rights
problems and would suggest you consult a lawyer and/or a non-governmental
advice centre.


We are
regretful that we can't be of more assistance and sincerely hope your situation
is improved as quickly as possible.







From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: Saturday, January 19, 2008
7:42 AM


Subject: Inhumane treatment from
the Government.




I was
just wondering if you by any chance could have any possiblity to please help
with some problems

inhuma treatment from the Government.


I've been
followed by one or more criminal networks, and the police don't want to give me
any help, or

or advice on how to deal with this.


And it
also seems like the governments of the United
States, Britain
and Norway,
may have used me

like a
living target against some mafia, possibly Albanian.


And I've
been trying to contact a lot of organisations about these problems, but I
haven't managed

to get
any help, so I would think it would be very fine if you would have had the
oppertunity to please

help me
with the problems with the inhume treatment from the different Governments.


Thank you
very much for your help in advance!



