mandag 30. juni 2008

E-mail to the Euro Ombudsman, 30/6/08.

Google Mail - The European Economic Area.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

The European Economic Area.

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Jun 30, 2008 at 8:57 PM




I'm a Norwegian citizen living in Britain.


Here, there have been many problems, at work, and regarding a complaint against the Police etc., that

I haven't got any help with.

(I've also contacted the Norwegian Government, regarding these problems, but they don't answer my

e-mails, and the Sivilombudsmannen, is part of a cover-up, from the Government, it seems, even

if I wont explain this in detail now, but I can explain more detailed if it's needed).


I was wondering, since Norway, are part of the European Economical Area.

So Norwegian citizens, are allowed, to live and work, in Britain, like if they were EU-Citizens, as I've

understood it.

But, I was wondering if this means, that one, as a Norwegian citizen in Britain, also has the right,

to get help/advice from the Police, and other Goverment in Britain, like if one was an EU-citizen?


I think, that if one have the right to work and live in an EU-country, like the 'EFTA/EØS-agreement'

says, then only has the right help from the Government, it that EU-country (the Police etc), like

if one were an EU-citizen, right?


I just wanted to try to get this clear, since I'm having some problems, both with the Norwegian and

the British Goverment now, so I just wanted to know, if some this could be something to do, with

that one aren't that well protected by rights, if one are a Norwegian citizen living in the EU?

Hope that you have the chance to answer about this, and thanks in advance for the reply!


Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog