mandag 9. juni 2008

More mysteries in Sunderland.

*** Topic is Welcome to the England room on UKChatterbox :D

<m3l1ssa> or lemon juice

<butterflymio> lime juice?

<m3l1ssa> yeah

<butterflymio> necer had it

<fallenangel19> I Live On Cola Or Dr Pepper:|

<butterflymio> **never

<m3l1ssa> its nice

<johncons> hi there

<ladyn> well lemonade..for me..

<m3l1ssa> i used to like fizzy drinks as a kid

<m3l1ssa> then it died out

* ladyn says her head really hurts..:S

<m3l1ssa> i got a cold head

<m3l1ssa> hot body

<m3l1ssa> weird as hell

<ladyn> I have never been a big soda drinker..

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<fallenangel19> I Just Love The Caffeine (AWE)

<ladyn> once in a while

<hsar152> hello fellow night owls

<m3l1ssa> i usually like some cream soda once in a while

<hsar152> how is everyone?

<m3l1ssa> but thats all

<ladyn> ohhhh now that I like..:)

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<johncons> i was just wondering if someone have some advice for me about some stuff that happened at uni

<m3l1ssa> good hsar

<m3l1ssa> annd yourself

<ladyn> love cream soda :)

<butterflymio> ahh my sword fell down

<m3l1ssa> what happpened john ?

<hsar152> yeh good thx..

<johncons> would a femal student steal from another female studets milk you think?

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<johncons> ? :)

<m3l1ssa> steal her milk

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<m3l1ssa> lol

<m3l1ssa> what on earth

<johncons> isn't that a bit strange?

<ladyn> lolol

<m3l1ssa> i love milk

<johncons> from the fridge that is

<butterflymio> i love cheese

<m3l1ssa> i would steal someones milk

<butterflymio> ew

<hsar152> so whats going on in a Euro 2008less England for everyone else?

<butterflymio> why?

<johncons> i thought it was maybe a bit strange

<johncons> okok

<ladyn> I think its possible

<johncons> i thought it was a bit strange

<m3l1ssa> nah its cool

<hsar152> and where bouts is everyone from?

<m3l1ssa> london

<m3l1ssa> u

<johncons> would you be angry then, if your fellow female student stole from your milk?

<butterflymio> im form usa

<hsar152> same same

<butterflymio> **from

<ladyn> usa here

<hsar152> london

<m3l1ssa> nope

<m3l1ssa> would ust let heer have it

<m3l1ssa> but she can owe me

<m3l1ssa> lol

<johncons> ok :)

<hsar152> ok im guessing u love england so ur here.. (USA peeps)

<hsar152> lol

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<butterflymio> uh not really

<butterflymio> i think its cool, but i dont love it

<johncons> so somethings probably wrong then i reackon, since the one female student was angry at the other student for stealing her milk

<butterflymio> pretty

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<butterflymio> with cool stuff

<hsar152> so where in the USA are u from?

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<johncons> hm

<m3l1ssa> haha maybe she is broke john

<butterflymio> just south of nyc

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<johncons> that could be i guess

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<hsar152> in london

<johncons> it ended with two of the students moving to another house at campus

<ladyn> I have never been...visiting there next year.. which is why I orinally came to this find out some place to visit

<butterflymio> aww gtg

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<hsar152> London is the place to go!

<m3l1ssa> hahah john thats kinda lame over milk

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<m3l1ssa> london is ace

<hsar152> second only to New York id say

<johncons> yeah i guess

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<johncons> she said that the student who stole the milk, was trying to get the other students against her

<ladyn> but have made some friends here..and so I chat here now..

<johncons> well well

<johncons> anyway

<hsar152> cool

<m3l1ssa> ladyn be my mate

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<m3l1ssa> can stay over

<m3l1ssa> nice round my way

<ladyn> :D

<hsar152> nooo be my mate.. its nicer round my way

<hsar152> hahahaha

<hsar152> lol

<johncons> i was wondering about something else as well

<m3l1ssa> lol

<ladyn> lol

<m3l1ssa> whats up john

<m3l1ssa> where abouts you live hsar in london ?

<ladyn> was gonna ask

<hsar152> b4 i answer that.. what footy team do u support if any?

<hsar152> random i know

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<m3l1ssa> enigma - return to innocence

<fallenangel19> Damn Internet:|

<ladyn> wb fallen xxxxx :D

<m3l1ssa> i support arsenal but dont follow them

<m3l1ssa> wb angel

<johncons> when i was studying at uni, then i was a bit stressed, so i maybe looked a bit tense or aggressive, and then one of the female students went and hid in the female bath-room when she saw me, why did she do this, have anyone got any idea?

<fallenangel19> Thanks :D :D

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<hsar152> Ok cool.. i live in Arsenal..or Highbury as its known

<hsar152> North London

<hsar152> u?

<m3l1ssa> because you wanted to kill her with the badd butt looks

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<johncons> ey

<m3l1ssa> west london

<m3l1ssa> notting hill area

<m3l1ssa> lansdown road

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<ladyn> brb

<hsar152> nice.. i like west. its cool.. bayswater..etc

<johncons> hehe, i was just a bit stressed with metro etc., i thought it was a bit strange that she would be hiding in the bath

<m3l1ssa> she might of thought you was going to go violent

<m3l1ssa> yeah its a bit posh

<m3l1ssa> but the neighboors are ok

<m3l1ssa> dont bother me

<m3l1ssa> so its fine

<johncons> no i had complete control, like i always have, but maybe she thought that

<m3l1ssa> maybe so

<johncons> dont women like men who look a bit agressive?

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<m3l1ssa> just the bad look

<m3l1ssa> hell no

<johncons> yeah i guess

<johncons> no, ok

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<m3l1ssa> be yourself

<m3l1ssa> maybe she thought you had a dark side

<m3l1ssa> and didnt like it

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<johncons> well i was myself, i was just a bit stressed

<johncons> ok

<m3l1ssa> im very different

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<m3l1ssa> i would of asked whats up

<m3l1ssa> or laughed

<hsar152> haha

<hsar152> lol

<johncons> i see, i thought it was a bit strange that she would be hiding in the bath, maybe she got afraid since she had been doing something wrong or something

<ladyn> bk

<m3l1ssa> but maybee she needed a pee

<m3l1ssa> or on her blob

<hsar152> ROFL

<m3l1ssa> many reasons

<johncons> yeah, that i would have thought was more usual to do

<m3l1ssa> haha i have no idea

<m3l1ssa> wb ladynnnnnnnnnnnnnn

<hsar152> hey ladyn.. so where in US u from>

<hsar152> ?

<ladyn> ty m3lllllllll :D

<m3l1ssa> no problemo gangstarrrrr

<m3l1ssa> lol

<ladyn> the west coast - Oregon

<johncons> well she didn't close the door, she was just standing in the bathroom, she knew it was not alowed for me to go there, since the muslim girl, i think it was, had said the men had to use the shower, and not the biggest bathroom

<m3l1ssa> westsideeeeeeeeeeeeeee yeahhh homie

<m3l1ssa> haha

<ladyn> lol

<hsar152> haha lol

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<m3l1ssa> ok john

<hsar152> the US is a great place

<m3l1ssa> maybe your agressive look gave her the wrogn idea

<hsar152> bin 4 times in 3 yrs lol

<m3l1ssa> i love usa

<m3l1ssa> i have to work there soon

<hsar152> me 2

<m3l1ssa> in orange county

<m3l1ssa> should be fun

<ladyn> oh really ..where'd you go?

<kevinll> night all

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<johncons> m3l1ssa: what to you think she thought then?

<m3l1ssa> i went to indiana

<m3l1ssa> and new york

<ladyn> good grief..what is it with the fast exits tonight ..:S

<hsar152> OC baby! Californication!! thats awesome M31ll

<m3l1ssa> its ace there

<m3l1ssa> i got work there

<hsar152> I went on a North south Road trip

<hsar152> Minneapolis to Texas

<m3l1ssa> ermm john just your look

<m3l1ssa> maybe hes gonna whooop my bum bum

<m3l1ssa> or something

<hsar152> and did East coast ish a bit

<johncons> ok, she didn't like my look, so she went hiding in the bath

<johncons> hm

<m3l1ssa> i know

<m3l1ssa> maybe she is weak

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<ladyn> I used to live in minneapolis..well right out side it

<m3l1ssa> or hates confrontation

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<hsar152> MAn the Mall of America is soooo fricken awesome..

<hsar152> a theme park in a mall

<hsar152> genius

<ladyn> it is ...its huge

<johncons> yeah i guess, well i wasn't confronting her at all, i was just putting my food in the fridge

<johncons> hm

<ladyn> haven't been back there for years though

<m3l1ssa> i dunno

<m3l1ssa> maybe she was having a fiddle

<m3l1ssa> haha

<ladyn> lol

<m3l1ssa> and was liek ewww hes lookinh

<m3l1ssa> many reasons

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<m3l1ssa> or she was praying

<m3l1ssa> and you cant interupt them when they do that

<johncons> with the door open? (if fiddle means what i think it means that is)

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<m3l1ssa> so many reasons

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<m3l1ssa> haha

<m3l1ssa> hell yeah

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<m3l1ssa> iif someone sees i dont give 2 craps

<johncons> no, i could see her, she was just standing there, looking a bit afraid maybe

<m3l1ssa> but hey im engaged

<ladyn> I need a massage I think....:S

<m3l1ssa> so i wouldnt do it with a door open

<m3l1ssa> yeah

<ladyn> need to schedule one...

<m3l1ssa> ohn the bad ass

<m3l1ssa> we get them at work

<pie_n_chips> :S

<pie_n_chips> :|

<m3l1ssa> nice

<hsar152> man i need one too

<johncons> in a shared campus student flat?

<hsar152> played footy today

<hsar152> and my legs are killing

<m3l1ssa> you never know john

<johncons> with the door open?

<m3l1ssa> or maybe she is on drugs

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<johncons> well she had her clothes on

<m3l1ssa> you just need to ask her

<ladyn> my back hurts..shoulders too

<johncons> yeah i guess

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<m3l1ssa> alll i need is a foot rub

<ladyn> hi pie :D

<m3l1ssa> and im cool

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<johncons> im from norway you see, so im not into all the slang, or what its called again

<fallenangel19> I'm Gunna Go To Bed Now:) Night Ladyn, M31 :D :D And Everyone Else xx

<johncons> it was an international students flat

<fallenangel19> Take Care xxx

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<m3l1ssa> she might be using drugs joen

<m3l1ssa> night angel x x x x x x x x x x

<ladyn> night Fallen xxxxxx :D

<hsar152> nite x

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<johncons> yeah, i guess, that could be it

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<pie_n_chips> hey ladyn

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<pie_n_chips> (H)

<m3l1ssa> pie has an evil pic

<m3l1ssa> haha

<ladyn> how's u pie?

<m3l1ssa> makes me hungry