mandag 14. juli 2008

Haldis har blitt yankee på sine eldre dager. (In Norwegian).

En yankee, skriver på Viggo Snoghøys YouTube videoer, og påstår å være hans mor, Haldis Humblen, (Under navnet Haldis Brekke):

'haldisbrekke (3 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Ever seen Ronnie, Jay and Johnny do T-Bars ???
They stand almost upright and only move the bar 5 inches !!! It`s all about less stress on the low. back and a whole lot of trap involvement...By the way - Viggo is 47 yr`s old and had severe low. back surgery at 18 !!!'

'haldisbrekke (10 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam 315Lbs.X 8'

haldisbrekke (3 months ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam At the young age of 47, my son Viggo is getting ready to compete once more... It`s painful to watch, but we are all very proud of his determination and hard work. Best of luck at the World Pro Masters, Atlantic City -Sept. 12-13th.2008. MOM.

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Af: johncons d. 14/07/2008 Kl. 14:37

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