torsdag 28. august 2008

A British message-board is also linking to my blog.

A crazy person emails the queen

What is waffle? My view is that if you can come and view the thread in 3 hours time and join in - then it can go into waffle. All other throwaway "chat" shite needs to go into the "Weird shite" forum. Pruning set to 60 days.

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A crazy person emails the queen

by Jayfive on Thu Aug 28, 2008 9:56 am ... %20England

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Here's my reply, in the thread:

Re: A crazy person emails the queen
by johncons on Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:18 pm

Hi, I have a tracking-cookie on my blog.

So I can see who links to it.

I'm being bullied by the Police and the Government etc., so I sometimes lose my temper, and have to
let out steam.

So then I sometimes do things that look a bit crazy, like writing e-mails to the Queen.

But that keeps me from going insane, since I'm bullied all the time, by the Government in several countries.

Just to try to explain.


Erik Ribsskogjohncons

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