by johncons on Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:49 am
traffic_cone wrote:
johncons wrote:
traffic_cone wrote:
OK, so you don't think it's a misprint - what is it then?
I think the e-mail address written on the letter, is the right e-mail address, and that the e-mail address I was given in the meeting, is
a phoney e-mail address.
What makes you think this is more likely than it being a misprint?
Ever heard of Occam's Razor?
Well I have already written about this.
I've received at least two letters with the e-mail address written like that.
Police-detectives should have noticed an error like that.
Respectable organisations, don't use letters with misprinted e-mail addresses on them.
The letters from the Police, even have the Queens sigl, on them 'ER II', they shouldn't have misprints on them.