lørdag 16. august 2008

A fascist regime.

Looks like a usual Friday night scouse gobby cow getting nicked to me. Pissed out of her skull on cheap alcohol-pops.

The other filth are there watching the backs of those making the arrest, looks like it could be a sizeable crowd from the number of filth about.

It is likely that either a bunch of her equally mouthy pissed-up girl friends gets involved, or some knob of a boyfriend tries to have a go at the filth while they aren't looking.

I think you need to get out more if you think this is something unusual in an average UK city on a weekend...

Posted 11 hours ago by "eddie_wood" (R)

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No, like I wrote above, she wasn't doing anything wrong at all, as I could see.

She wasn't screaming at the police, she was screaming in pain/fear.

And the police-officer was conducting a cavety-check or a rape, on the poor girl, who was pushed around the whole time, and was in agony, or pain, I think it's called.

If this is usual in the UK, then I understand why the UK-cops, are cold pigs, and why the sex-pistols sang about a facist-regime.

And why the cops shot the Brazilian guy, on the tube, two or three years ago.

The police are clearly acting like a kind of mob/or rape squadron, I'd say.

But by all means, please just go on living in your imaginary world.

I've been out a lot in Sunderland, Newcastle, London and also in Liverpool.

I've never seen as many police-officers, as there are in Liverpool, on a Saturday night.

The city is crowded with them.

In Sunderland, if you went out, you saw maybe two police-officers, if you saw any at all, on a Saturday night.

In Liverpool, the whole city center, is crowded with police-officers, especially the Matthew St. area, and the area in Church St., close to the bombed out church.

I was in London, in the summer of 2003, and also in 2005, and went out a lot, but I almost didn't see any police-officers, at all.

I sometimes saw two at a time, and they even explained me the way to the nearest cash-point, in a polite way, even if I was drunk, and hardly could walk or speak.

But in Liverpool, the police flood the city-center in the weekends, and act like they are some kind of para-military force, I'd say, with arrests that look like army-drills etc.

So what it is that's going on, that I don't know, but it's obvious that this is coordinated with people on the internet, giving these facist New World Order police, or what they are, support.

I think the person that wrote, that people should wake up, and that this is where we're heading, is right.

There's definatly something almost surreal going on with the police in this town.

I'm from Norway, but I've been a lot in Britain, on holidays, and with studies and work, and I've never seen anything like how it is in Liverpool now, before.

And people in Liverpool, generally behave very polite and rearly act out of line, so that it should be need for so many police-officers, seems very strange to me.

The girl on the picture, had no friends or anything, that looked on what was going on.

The man who held her, and pushed her, and grabed her breast, in a brutal way, dissapered.

And the on-lookers, were just curious, on what was going on, none of them knew the girl, or tried to tell of the police.

The all disapeared, while I was still standing there, and in the end, it was like ten Police-officers standing there, and me looking at the whole sceen.

I'm not that familiar with the police-rutines, so I withdrew a bit, and watched the sceen from a bit more of a distance, so that the police shouldn't start to be intimidated, or what it's called.

Then I thought it would be smart, to post the picture on my blog, so that maybe the girls friends, would hopefully see the picture or something, if someone from town, coincidentely saw the picture, on my blog.

So this is my view of the situation.

Erik Ribsskog

Posted very recently by "johncons" (R)

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