mandag 4. august 2008

The British Police lied, and said Citizens Advice Bureau was a charity.

Four Merseyside Police offisers (one of them garding), arresting a girl, (I heard the girl scream, a

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I took this picture, a coulpe of months ago.

The girl, was pushed, by a man, in front of him, up Matthew St., in Liverpool, before about ten police-officers, stoped them.

The girl, who I didn't see doing anything wrong, was searched by three police officers, while one stood garding.

I watched them standing like this, four about five or ten minutes.

The girl was screaming, or rather moaning, for some reason.

In the picture, it looks like it's only two officers, searching the girl, (who wore party-clothes), but there is a third officer, in between, the two that are easiest to spot on the picture, if one look closely.

When I think of it now, I don't understand, why they covered the girl, for viewing, and why they were standing like that, for that long, the girl couldn't have had much on her, since she only wore going out clothes.

And I don't understand why she was moaning.

I can't get myself to write, what I think they could have been doing, but I'm wondering a bit, what went on, to say the least.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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The two guys in the foreground look like a couple of meatheads.

Posted 1 day ago by "Ant00" (R)

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What's your point, you illiterate moron? Hey, Erik, maybe she was another drunk party girl who did something illegal? Did that ever occur to you? Are you implying the officers sexually groped and assaulted the woman?

Posted 1 day ago by "Johnls" (R)

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Authorites have understood for years the criminal tactic of giving weapons and contraband to the females and innocents. The current situation with the extremists is a perfect example. They have used it for centuries. So much the reason for the demonstration of violation on the part of the females who are loud and pleading in their attempt to evade. You want to be treated like a lady; behave like one.

Posted 1 day ago by "VZ58" (R)

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I'm not into police-work.

But she didn't do anything wrong.

A guy pushed her, up Matthew St., then he grabed her tit, if that's allowed to write.

And then, about ten police officers spread out, four police officers went to arrest the girl.

They stood like that, for about five or ten minutes, before I left the scene, the other people left, so I was about the only one watching.

The girl was a bit upset, I think one has to say.

But she was wearing tight clothing, so what they could be looking for, isn't clear to me.

But the three other Police officers, hid the forth one, and her body was lieing, over the waste bin, and she was moaning.

That's what I saw, I can't say exactly what they did.

But the girl didn't say or do anything wrong, that I could see.

She was being held and pushed by a man, he grabed one of her tits, and then let her go, right before they were captured by the police, who led the man away, I think.

I couldn't see where they brought the man, so I took a picture of the girl.

I thought that they the police were doing something wrong, since three officers were standing that close to her, and the fourht covering the three.

And the girl was moaning.

So I thought there were something wrong, because the girl had party-clothes, so she couldn't have hid anything, so why would this go on, for five to ten minutes?

The girl seemed clear to be harmless to me, so I don't understand whey they would stand around her like that, for five or ten minutes, and make her afraid, it seemed to me, uncalm, and moaning, like in pain.

So that's why I posted the picture.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Posted 1 day ago by "johncons" (R)

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You're not yet used to Liverpool. Or so it seems.

Posted 1 day ago by "KPD" (R)

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SOP dictates that suspects are to be searched either at a police station, or out of view of the public, where reasonably possible.
The others were possibly providing a 'dignity screen' for the girl.
I don't know what she's suspected of, but the other option of going back to the nick probably didn't appeal to her or the officers involved.
Another reason for the guard is the fact that the friends or associates of the girl may be upset, and try to intervene, creating further public order problems.
In my experience, female suspects were the worst to deal with, and screaming like a possessed banshee can sometimes antagonise even passers by into getting involved.
A quick (justified) search, followed by issuing a record of search for the suspect, and it's "on your way" to enjoy the rest of the evening.
Job done, or if there are any problems - plenty of section 5 public order nickings to up the arrest points.

Posted 23 hours ago by "pheasantplucker" (R)

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someone getting arrested on the street so what? clearly a female cop holding the accused...mountains out of mole hills...

Posted 22 hours ago by "cerpas" (R)

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No, it wasn't the female cop who searched the girl.

There is a male cop, in between the to police officers whos faces can be seen on the picture.

The girl wasn't a threath to anyone, and she just wearing thight, going out clothes.

And the man pushed her up the street, while she screamed.

So to me, she seemed like a victim of the man.

He even grabbed her breast hard.

Then four police offers went after him, and four after the girl.

And there were also a few more police officers, following behind.

I think one with a funny hat.

KDP: What to you mean by not used to Liverpool, could you please elaborate?

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Posted 22 hours ago by "johncons" (R)

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Quoted comment by johncons: No, it wasn't the female cop who searched the girl.

There is a male cop, in between the to police officers whos faces can be seen on the picture.

The girl wasn't a threath to anyone, and she just wearing thight, going out clothes.

And the man pushed her up the street, while she screamed.

So to me, she seemed like a victim of the man.

He even grabbed her breast hard.

Then four police offers went after him, and four after the girl.

And there were also a few more police officers, following behind.

I think one with a funny hat.

KDP: What to you mean by not used to Liverpool, could you please elaborate?

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Are you trying to say that the police methods in this case was unacceptable in your opinion. Do you know why the girl was an issue with the police?, seeing as you were close by did you not hear what was happening and why the girl was taken aside.

It just appears that the girl was maybe drunk and she possibly kicked off and was unhappy with the guy who groped her.

Sounds like a normal night out in liverpool to me.

Posted 20 hours ago by "japapadex" (R)

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Holy Cow! Thanks for breaking this b.s. story to us. The media in the U.S. is trying to cover this up!

Posted 20 hours ago by "Mandingo07" (R)

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Evening or night, too many people in a too small place, testosterone, alcohol and/or drugs abuse. What do you expect?

Bush did it, for all I care.

Posted 20 hours ago by "badMother" (R)

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The girl wasn't kicking anyone.

She was in a state of shock, I'd say.

I've explained why I posted this post, earlier in this thread.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Posted 19 hours ago by "johncons" (R)

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If you thought it was worth the time why is it you waited a couple of months??? By the way...did they check her for ben-wa balls?

Posted 19 hours ago by "dsterber" (R)

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I posted it on my blog, the same night:

I first heard of this site today, when I saw it mentioned in an online Norwegian newspaper.

I've also posted the pictue, on the Norwegian Wikipedia page, for Liverpool:

Ben-wa balls, I had to look up that.

I didn't search her for anything, she was surrounded, by police officers, the whole time, four of them, and when the other guys, on the picture, left, then I moved a bit away, since there were very many police officers there.

The girl was moaning, and leaning over the litter bin, as far as I remember.

I tryed to understand, why she was moaning.

I looked at her, and tried to understand what was wrong.

I only understood, that the moaning, was due to something that the third officer, the one thats hidden between the other two, was doing, when he searched her, or what he was doing.

What he really was doing has been puzeling me a bit, to be honest, like I wrote earlier, I don't think I want to wright what I wonder about really happened then.

It seems a bit surreal to me, the whole episode, and how the police acted.

But I'm maybe a bit old fashioned.

There are maybe new times now, with the new world order etc., so maybe there are new world order cops as well, what do I know.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Posted 18 hours ago by "johncons" (R)

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Goons gone wild. Probably either doing an illegal cavity search or outright raping the poor thing.

This is where we are headed folks, with our out of control fashist governments and their racketeering goon squads.

Posted 17 hours ago by "Avaton" (R)

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Posted 16 hours ago by "hotfuzz" (R)

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well i have a little rule of thumb i follow, if im out somewhere (which is rarely) and a bunch of cops show up for any reason, Beinrich bimmler turns into Houdini and disappears - doesnt matter that i am not doing anything either. You dont have to be a genius to know when there is a bunch of cops around, nothing good is about to happen and whatever happens, it may involve YOU.

Posted 14 hours ago by "Beinrich_Bimmler" (R)

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Scum of the Earth.

Posted 11 hours ago by "truegritbrit" (R)

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Does sound fishy why do you need to shield a girl for a search like a pat down. If he was looking or reaching is her pants don't female officers do that? Truthfully it shouldn't take five to ten minutes to search a girl little to no pockets. Sound like the officer inappropriately searched her like a body cavity search but honestly we need more to make sure what really happened.

Posted 3 hours ago by "Okolei" (R)

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Maybe it would be possible to locate the girl, and ask her what happened.

They didn't do any patting, as far as I could see.

But the cops are doing fishy things in this town, or city I mean.

I worked for Aravto Services Ltd., for their Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation.

And it seemed to me, that the company was infected by mob, and the Scandinavian women working there were controled and vitims of the mob.

I've been working in management in Norway, for almost ten years, so I'm quite used to organisation-work, so I started gathering some files, about the problems in the company: (Scroll down a bit, in the link, for the files in English).

It was problems with organised harassment from managers, and illigal management methods, thats punisment/bullying/negative reinforcement. And also, that one given to few rest-days, so one had to work for free some days. Things like that.

We were basicly working as slaves.

I gave all the files to the Police.

But they gave them back, and sent a letter to me, where they called me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog':

And they have been lieing.

They didn't want to do investigate the case against Arvato, so they sent me to the Citizens Advice Bureau.

They said it was 'Government', but it wasn't, it turned out it's a charity.

And they lied about other stuff as well, and were harassing etc. (It's more on my blog).

So I'd advice that you shouldn't trust the British cops.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Posted 3 mins ago by "johncons" (R)

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