Hi Erik,
I apologize for the misunderstanding. When I say the admin of the group, I mean the person who created the group and edits its settings. Please let me know if you have any further questions.
User Operations
-----Original Message to Facebook-----
From: Erik Ribsskog (eribsskog@gmail.com)
To: info+d6w8pub@facebook.com
Subject: Re: Complaint.
why would I want to contact a school-administrator?
Are you jokeing with me?
Isn't Facebook meant to be for adults?
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 8/6/08, Facebook Support
> Hi Erik,
> Thank you for reporting this potential abuse on our site. We will review
> the reported material and remove anything that violates our Terms of
> Use. If warranted, we will either warn or disable the user responsible.
> If you need to report offensive material to Facebook in the future, please
> write to us at privacy@facebook.com with a link to the material and a
> description of the problem. We will then review this material and take
> appropriate action based on our Terms of Use. Rest assured that these
> reports will be kept confidential.
> Remember that you should also contact local law enforcement or a school
> administrator if you ever feel threatened by something you see on the site.
> With regard to your being banned from the group, that is an issue that you
> should contact the admin of the group about. Please let me know if you have
> any further questions.
> Thanks for contacting Facebook,
> Blair
> User Operations
> Facebook
> -----Original Message to Facebook-----
> From: Erik Ribsskog (eribsskog@gmail.com)
> To: info+d6w8pub@facebook.com <info%2Bd6w8pub@facebook.com>
[Quoted text hidden] > info%2Bd6w8pub@facebook.com <info%252Bd6w8pub@facebook.com>>
[Quoted text hidden]