onsdag 6. august 2008

Weihnachtsmarkt in Basel.

Noemie Savoldelli's Photos - pic o fme

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Noemie Savoldelli

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"pic o fme" by
Noemie Savoldelli

weihnachtsmarkt in basel, corinne auf besuch. pic by mark oliff

In this photo: Noemie Savoldelli

Added August 4


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I have a cousin, from Switzerland, Rahel Savodelli, who is working as an actress, in Berlin.

She's on my Facebook-page, so when she writes on pictures, then I can see it, sometimes.

I think the one on the right, in this picture, is her cousin, on her fathers side, I think.

My cousins mother, is my late mothers sister.

So I'm not really related to the woman on the picture.

But I remember, from when I studied, in Sunderland, in 2004 and 2005.

Then, there was a market like this, a Weihnachtsmarkt, in Sunderland, outside of the Bridges shopping-center.

There were some American students, in Sunderland, and they worked at this market.

It means Christmas-market.

I was at a party, that the American students had, at campus, or the Forge, it's called, one of the places, where the university-students lived, and then they told me this, that they worked there.

I asked what the market was called in German again.

And then they had to ask their boss, or manager, who also was at the party.

After my sister and her friend, Siv, arrived at the Forge, since they wanted to celebrate Christmas and New Year there, then we talked about the market, with one of the German students in the neighbour flat, Julian.

I didn't really think the market was that interesting, I reckoned, that it was probably not that useful things that they had on the market.

So I asked if they had gnomes there as well, like garden-gnomes, but they didn't Julian said.

I had looked at the market, in Sunderland, a couple of weeks before, and they had many stands in the market, but I guess that gnomes, don't sell that much in the winter, since they are meant to be outside in the garden.

Something like this.

But I guess the market maybe wasn't that bad, really.

It was maybe just me, who didn't take the time, to look at all the stuff.

I remember I was in Frankfurt, for a couple of days, in 2005.

And there, at the railway-station there, one could buy ready made dinner, like meat, from swine, etc.

Like the same meat, that pork-chops, are made from, I guess.

And you only had to pay one euro, I think, and you got a snack, that was wery tasty meat.

At less than half the price of a Big Mac, for instance.

So to me it seemed, like it is good quality on the food, in Germany.

(Even if I know that Basel is in Switzerland).

I can't remember that I bought food in Germany, that was of poor quality.

While, I've managed to buy food of poor quality many times in Britain.

But then I've been in Britain much longer, than I've stayed in Germany, so I guess this is possibly the reason for this.

But I think this Christmas-market, Weichnachmarkt, in Basel, don't seem so bad.

I don't think the jam, or what it is that they sell, is of as poor quality, as some of the value products, in Tesco etc.

But it could just be, that it's me that is to sceptical about the value-products.

Who knows.

I think mabye Britain is so crowded, that it's not that easy to make inexpensive, high quality food, like in Europe, but that's just a theory I've got.

I'll try to figure out more about how this really is.

We'll see.