søndag 3. august 2008

Problems with writing Thomas Gravesen's name right, on posters.

The local newspaper in Liverpool, The Liverpool Echo, is spelling the then local footballer Thomas G

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I think something must be wrong, when the Liverpool Echo, is spelling the name of then local footballer, for Everton, Thomas Gravesen from Denmark, as 'Graveson', even if he is a famous footballer, in Europe, and has played many years for Everton, in the football-mad city Liverpool.

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Must be a typo. LOL.

Posted 53 mins ago by "japapadex" (R)

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Yeah I guess you're right.

Doe, Graveson, sounds like a Swedish name.

Why make Swedes of the Danes?

And he has played five years or so, for Everton, I can't see people in Liverpool, not knowing the names of their fotballers.

And then not notice this, during correcton and printing, and distribution.

Seems a bit odd, or like a curiousity, at least, to me.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Posted 3 mins ago by "johncons" (R)

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