fredag 8. august 2008

UKChatterbox: Police raped girl in Matthew St., Liverpool, it seems.

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Police raped girl in Matthew St.,
Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 20:50:14

I've reported on LiveLeak[censored], that a
couple of months ago, on a Saturday night,
when I was walking down Matthew St., I saw a
guy, pushing a girl infront of himself,
grabing her breast hard, before letting her
go, just before, about eight or ten
police-officers, cought up with them.

Three Police-officers, got control on the
girl, and surrounded her, after placing her,
next to a litter-bin.

Then the frisking, or what it was, began.

The girl was made to bend over the
litter-bin, while all three Police-officers
were standing very close, one hidden by the
two others, and even by a fourt officer, who
was standing back to back, with the three
earlier mentioned officers.

Then the moaning/howling from the girl began,
and went on for at least five to ten minutes,
while she was standing there, bending over
the litter-bin.

A user on LiveLeak, thought that the Police,
could have conducted a cavety-search, or
raped the poor thing, like he wrote.

The girl looked like a vitim of the earlier
mentioned man, pushing her up Matthew St., to
me, so I don't understand what the Police,
were doing, she seemed harmless, and there
shouldn't be any reason to do anything with
her, that made her scream/howl/moan, for five
to ten minutes.

I couldn't actually see any frisking eighter,
the policeofficer, who did the frisking, or
what it was, was hidden by the other

But the girl had going-out clothes, so I
can't see why the Police would need to frisk
her eighter.

So, I wonder if the user on LiveLeak was
right, that Police raped or abused her, and
that this was the reason for the howling

I took a picture of the incident, which I
posted on LiveLeak.

I'll see if I can find the link.

So if anyone understand what went on, then
feedback about this, would be appriciated,
because I don't think the Police should do
things like these.

Erik Ribsskog


Here's the link to the post regarding this
incident, on LiveLeak:


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