lørdag 9. august 2008

Thread that was deleted from the UKChatterbox (some New World Order stuff?), about that the Police seemes to have raped a girl in Matthew St., Lpool.

Top :: General ::Current Affairs::

Police raped girl in Matthew St.,
Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 20:50:14 Edited by:fsm

I've reported on LiveLeak[censored], that a
couple of months ago, on a Saturday night,
when I was walking down Matthew St., I saw a
guy, pushing a girl infront of himself,
grabing her breast hard, before letting her
go, just before, about eight or ten
police-officers, cought up with them.

Three Police-officers, got control on the
girl, and surrounded her, after placing her,
next to a litter-bin.

Then the frisking, or what it was, began.

The girl was made to bend over the
litter-bin, while all three Police-officers
were standing very close, one hidden by the
two others, and even by a fourt officer, who
was standing back to back, with the three
earlier mentioned officers.

Then the moaning/howling from the girl began,
and went on for at least five to ten minutes,
while she was standing there, bending over
the litter-bin.

A user on LiveLeak, thought that the Police,
could have conducted a cavety-search, or
raped the poor thing, like he wrote.

The girl looked like a vitim of the earlier
mentioned man, pushing her up Matthew St., to
me, so I don't understand what the Police,
were doing, she seemed harmless, and there
shouldn't be any reason to do anything with
her, that made her scream/howl/moan, for five
to ten minutes.

I couldn't actually see any frisking eighter,
the policeofficer, who did the frisking, or
what it was, was hidden by the other

But the girl had going-out clothes, so I
can't see why the Police would need to frisk
her eighter.

So, I wonder if the user on LiveLeak was
right, that Police raped or abused her, and
that this was the reason for the howling

I took a picture of the incident, which I
posted on LiveLeak.

I'll see if I can find the link.

So if anyone understand what went on, then
feedback about this, would be appriciated,
because I don't think the Police should do
things like these.

Erik (edited)


Here's the link to the post regarding this
incident, on LiveLeak:


[ Reply ] [ View Threads by johncons ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 20:51:21

oh thats bad

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by mysterious_x ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 20:51:55

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by diamond001 ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 20:52:48

the police seem to think they can do woteva
they like and get away with it

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by mysterious_x ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 20:59:45

The picture is nothing like your story. There
are 2 female officers and one male. Maybe she
was annoyed and drunk moaning, maybe she was
throwing up. How do you get that she was
being raped by them?

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by apapa ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 21:04:34

Sorry, just to add that by posting this on
not one but at least 3 websites you've left
yourself open in case the police would like
to prosecute you for slander. I thank you and

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by apapa ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 21:08:21


[ Reply ] [ View Threads by mysterious_x ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 21:12:15 Edited by:fsm

No, there were four Police-officers
surrounding the girl.

I've explained about it here:


And I remember that the officer frisking the
girl, or what he did, was not a female

And there is freedom of speach, people are
allowed to write about what they see.

And I think people have a responsiblity, to
report things like abuse from Police, this is
of course the only responsible thing to do,
one can't let the Police get away with
everything, and acting like they think they
are Judge Dreed, like it seems to me that
they think.

And it seems to me, that this get worse and
worse, so I think people have a
responsiblity, to report abuse and other
types of unprofessional conduct, from the

Erik (edited)

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by johncons ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 21:15:24

only female officers are allowed to frisk
females and males to frisk males

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by mysterious_x ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 21:22:35

and she was from Liverpool
And you're from where?
From my youth I know there are plenty things
you can hide in plenty places despite wearing
tight clothes. Theres a distinct lack of
female bouncers on club doors so who do you
think carries stuff into clubs? The girls. If
your so upset complain to the police about
what you think you saw. Months ago.

You have no idea what the girl was doing, who
the man was, what the police did or didn't do
to her. Just you carry on making it up as you
go along luv.

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by apapa ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-08
Time: 21:27:09 Edited by:chris20

i saw that link my self !

it doesn't need an interpretation !

actions speak for them self .

she was stripped ! end stop .
by 2 women and one man !

i saw that link my self on martial law police
.what they can do at present and get away
with , and so martial law will be worse .

why ?

coz too many [censored] footing bstrds walk
bye and do nothing ! too many accept this
behaviour and condone it in their inactions
as not their business .
it is due to these inactors that these laws
and acts are committed !
if people actually woke up and got off their
fat ass than done something , authorities
would not do such things in our faces !

wake up people , it doesn't matter if they
are a crook or police or the [censored] king
of bloody Babylon !


we are what we do !

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by reptiliantracker ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 00:10:59 Edited by:fsm


I wasn't aware of that someone had posted
about this on yet another site.

You haven't got a link by the way, since I
think it would have been interesting to see
what the people other site thinks.

Thanks in advance if you have the time to
find the link!

Erik (edited)

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by johncons ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 00:13:22


[ Reply ] [ View Threads by benibabe ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 00:40:07


[ Reply ] [ View Threads by angellove ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 01:17:14


fooking bizzies grrrrrrrrrrrrr

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by tinzel501 ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 12:03:51

If you look really closely you can see Elvis
in the background too, standing next to Lord
Lucan. What are you [censored]ing about? You
did nothing yourself. Is this to appease your
conscience over something that may or may not
have happened and your impotent actions on
the night and for months after?

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by apapa ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 12:08:39

apapa ?

sounds like you've hit a point there apapa !

i do hate cowardice my self .

we are what we DO and do not .

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by reptiliantracker ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 13:51:30

looks to me like a set up.. a stunt to bad
mouth the police.. just another excuse for
ppl to shout "POLICE BRUTALITY".
as for the creator of this thread to stand by
and do nothing then ur as bad the rest...!!
if this was real why wud you just stand
you just another sick voyeur..!!

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by soulguider ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 14:09:22

the thead is about a true situation on camera
but at the end of it all we have no idea if
those in it were actors .

iether way , a person who stands there doing
nothing about it is condoning it through
inaction that accepts the present situation .

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by reptiliantracker ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 15:16:28 Edited by:fsm

Just a little reminder, since I started this

And that is, that this thread is about what
the Police did.

If someone want to discuss what I did, then
please just contact me on my blog, which the
address of, is listed in my profil here.

Then it should be easier to stick to the case
here, which is the Police's actions.

Just so that the thread isn't going out of

Hope this is alright!

Erik (edited)

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by johncons ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 15:24:14

i have not heard anything about this and i
work security and the doors in and around
wigan an have constant link with the police
frequency i think this is a wind up ! and a
sick 1 at that (peace out )

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by antagonizer ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 15:27:24

antagoniser ?

last 2 nights on the net i saw a u toob on
police brutality on martial law .
it was no wind up .

but !

cannot prove was police .

as for the thread creator , i was getting at
you , just saying that people who do nothing
at the time , are not worthy of citizenship
let alone living here as we British have a
duty to hold up for all humanity .

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by reptiliantracker ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 15:43:23

if that story is true, then thats awful and
something should def be done about it
but if its not, with all ur talk of
moaning/screaming/howling, i think i need to
get me some

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by missdiorcherie ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 16:18:57

This isnt a wind-up, but neither is it true.
I suggest you all have a look at this guy's
blog. Some very...erm...interesting stuff on
there. It gives this post some context.

Look at the picture regarding this. Its
night- time, on Matthew street (one of the
busiest parts of that street too) in full
view of the public. And your seriously
expecting us to believe this girl was raped.
By the Police. In full view of passing
memebers of the public?

Ill tell you what probably happened. The girl
did something wrong, drunk and disorderly,
having a fight, I dont know. The police are
simply restraining her from hurting herself
or others. They are searching her (which is
normal procedure for anyone whos committed a
crime) and general following procedure.

Anything else I genuinely think is a product
of the same over-active imaganation thats
produced that blog:

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by sigmatix ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 16:20:58

Its a pain with the censoring 'www' and
'[censored]'? If thats supposed to stop spam
and such its a bit of a sledgehammer to crack
a nut. *shrug* oh well.

[ Reply ] [ View Threads by sigmatix ] [ View Profile ]

Re: Police raped girl in Matthew
St., Liverpool, it seems.

Date: 2008-08-09
Time: 16:26:38

Not at all,

I'm just telling you what I saw with my own

I've been wondering about whay made the girl

And a person on LiveLeak, who seemed to know
a thing about police-work, wrote that he
thought it might have been a cavety-cheek, or
that they raped the poor thing, like he

Like I wrote earlier, there were three
police-officers surrounding the girl, and a
forth, covering them, standing back to back.

I think it seems like the Police must have
raped the girl in some way.

Since she was bending over the litter-bin,
and howling, for at least five to ten
minutes, while a male police-officer, was
doing something between her legs, covered by
three other police-officers.

Erik Ribsskog

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