mandag 1. september 2008

On Arvato, broken headset-wires weren't replaced, but fixed with blue-tac, so calls were sometimes lost.

Read this document on Scribd: scan0111

Read this document on Scribd: scan0110


Here's a comment I wrote, about the equipment on Arvato etc., on Scribd:

On Arvato, broken headset-wires weren't replaced, but fixed with blue-tac, so calls were sometimes lost.

The broken headset-parts, weren't thrown away, put kept in a box.

So if you worked the late-shift, then there sometimes weren't enough computers, with working head-sets, when your shift started.

And then you had to start looking in the box, the managers said.

And the box was full of equipment that didn't work.

So then you'd try one headset, which didn't work, that had a bad microphone, so the customers couldn't hear you, and so on and so on.

The broken equipment, wasn't cleaned up in, my eg. a manager.

No, noone threw it away, and new headsets weren't bought, due to budgets, the mangers said.

So we had to use the blue-tac, and broken head-set parts were lieing everywhere, on the tables, and in the box, so it was a chaos, to try to get the equipment working for the calls.

There were many campaigns, at Arvato, maybe ten campagins, MSPA, 3, Carphone Warehouse, Miele, MSN, Bon Prix, etc, etc.

So if I couldn't find a headset that was working, I sometimes went to the other campaigns, and borrowed a working head-set, so that I could take the calls properly.

Since they all were the same company, I thought.

But one Bon Prix team-leader, Chris Baines, once attacked me, since when I moved away from a bullying team-leader, Steinsland, then the phone, had two head-sets on it, since two Finnish girls had been using 'my' computer, on the early-shift, for training.

So I had to remove the extra head-set, and then Baines, from Bon Prix, dressed in a hooded sweater, startet attacking me, like a bully on the street, right in my face, in an aggressive way, I think one have to say.

So it would have been more simple, if the equipment that wasn't working, was cleaned up in, and new equipment bought in, when needed.

From a customer-service perspective, I mean.