mandag 20. oktober 2008

E-post til nobelinstituttet. (In Norwegian).

Google Mail - Spørsmål om å ta tilbake fredspris.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Spørsmål om å ta tilbake fredspris.

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 6:48 AM



mitt navn er Erik Ribsskog.

Jeg overhørte, i Oslo, i 2003, at jeg var forfulgt av noe 'mafian', og

ble forsøkt drept i Larvik i 2005.

Jeg har siden da vært i Liverpool, og har prøvd å kontakte Kripos og

politiet i England, angående

problemene med denne 'mafian' da.

Uten at jeg kan si at jeg har gjort noe galt.

Og uten at jeg vet hvem den her 'mafian' er.

Men politiet vil ikke hjelpe.

Og jeg mener det da blir som tortur, at man må gå i uvisshet, om hva som skjer.

Det har også skjedd ting på jobb, i England, hvor politiet ikke vil si

hva som har skjedd med

kolleger som har forsvunnet fra jobb osv.

Og alle myndigheter bare tuller med rettigheter mine, uansett hva jeg

kontakter dem om, også

i forbindelse med en arbeidssak mot Bertelsmann Arvato/Microsoft, hvor

jeg ble mobbet mye

av ledere da jeg jobbet der, og de brukte også ledelsesmetoder, som

jeg har fått beskrevet som

ulovlige og mobbing, i ettertid.

Så har jeg kontaktet Amnesty, for myndighetene får men nesten til å

klikke, når de ikke gir meg

rettighetene mine.

Jeg kan jo ikke komme meg videre med livet mitt, når jeg ikke vet hva

de her 'mafian'-greiene er,

og når rettighetene mine blir tullet med hele tiden.

Da kan jeg jo ikke ha noe vanlig, verdig liv, som jeg mener er en menneskerett.

Så kontakter jeg Amnesty.

Men leder i norsk Amnesty, Jegenes, heter vel han.

Han sier at mafian, følger ikke etter folk uten at de har gjort noe galt.

Så han legitimerer mafian.

Og det mener jeg er feil.

Fordi noe 'mafian', står det ikke noe om i grunnloven, at vi skal ha.

Vi skal ha en ordensmakt, politiet, et rettsvesen og et storting og en


Men det står ikke noe i Norges lover eller grunnlov, at vi skal ha noe 'mafian'.

Så derfor mener jeg at Jegenes, og Amnesty, ikke kan referere til noe mafian,

som om de var en legetim organisasjon å referere til.

For mafian er ikke legetim, hvem de nå er.

Og jeg klagde til Amnesty international.

Men de sa at Jegenes har rett, mafian vil ikke følge etter noen, hvis

de ikke har

gjort noe galt.

Så jeg mener hele Amnesty International, oppfører seg som en ulegitim


Siden de legitimerer mafian, som jo ikke er legitim.

Mafiaen er ikke offisiell og legitim.

Hvis Amnesty refererer til disse, da er ikke Amnesty offisielle og

legitime heller.

Da lever de ikke i det vanlige samfunnet, men i et 'phoney' samfunn.

Så derfor tenkte jeg at jeg kunne høre om dere kunne ta tilbake

eventuelle fredspriser

dere har gitt Amnesty, siden de ikke lenger er legitime, og hører til

i den virkelige

verden, men opererer i en fiktiv underverden.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog


Jeg sender med e-poster fra Amnesty, så kan dere se selv.

Google Mail - Complaint about the Norwegian Amnesty.

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Complaint about the Norwegian Amnesty.

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 6:56 AM


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From:  <>

Date: Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 9:36 AM

Subject: Complaint about the Norwegian Amnesty.

To: Erik Ribsskog <>


Dear Mr. Ribsskog,

I am sorry to hear that you have not had a positive experience with

Amnesty International in relation to your concerns.

I need to affirm, however, that the response that was given to you  by

the Director of AI Norway is correct, and that there is nothing that

AI can do to support you in this instance.  I am sorry that you felt

this was impolite.

Best wishes,

Marjory M. Byler

Senior Director, International Mobilization

Amnesty International

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Jun 18, 2008 1:38 PM

Subject: Complaint about the Norwegian Amnesty.



I called your offices today, and explained that I had been having some

problems with the

Norwegian Amnesty, and if it was possible for me to send an e-mail to

you explaining about

this, and then I was given your e-mail address.

The problems, are regarding that I was in contact with the General

Secretary, for the Norwegian

Amnesty, Mr. Jegenes, earlier today.

It was a bit of problem with the communiction in this phone-call.

So I thought I'd try to write you an explanation, or complaint, about this.

I found that Mr. Jegenes, was a bit impolite, I think I have to say,

since he interupted me, when

I started explaining why I had contacted him and Amnesty, and about

the problems with the earlier

contact, which I had escalated to the General Secretary.

Then, after he had interupted me, and said quite a few things, then he

didn't want to let me finish

my explanation, that I had prepared, before the call.

He just hang up.

I thought this was a bit inpolite.

Further, in the call, when he interupted me, he said that their

representative, was right in declining

to help me, since Amnesty couldn't investigate organised crime, like he said.

But, I wanted them, to help me with the Government.

The Government, aren't answering my correspondence, and also the

Sivilombudsman in Norway,

which Amnesty UK, adviced me to contact, is also, like the Goverment,

playing games with me,

I think one have to say.

This is what I wanted Amnesty to help with, to get the Government to

treat me, in accordance to

my rights, and not play games with me.

But the General Secretary, said that Amnesty would have had to

investigate organised crime,

to help me.

This is not right, they could just have looked at the correspondance,

between me and the

Government, and then they could have seen that the Government are

playing games with me.

Since I think this is the real problem, that leads to what I'd say is

torture and inhumane

treatment from the Government, that they are playing games with me,

and my life, and that

they have no respect for my rights.

And this leads to the torture, like I think I have to call it, and

inhumanity, in my situation.

I think I have to hold the Government in Norway, since I am a

Norwegian citizen, responsible

for this, since they haven't got the right, to keep things in soceity,

like how the situation is

with 'mafia', like I've heard I've been followed by, secret.

And they are also not answering my corresponedence etc, with I'd say

means that they are

playing games with me.

Further, Mr. Jegenes, also said, when he interupted me, that

'mafia/organised criminals

wouldn't just single out and individual for following', when he asked

me, why I was being

followed, and I answered that I couldn't say exactly why.

These things, like criminal organisations/mafias agenda, is not

something that is open in

society, and for him, to demand, that I needed to know this, I think

is unreasonable.

Mr. Jegenes, is infact, legitimising mafia, in society, by saying,

that their agenda, is

logical and reasonable.

Mafia, is not a legitimate part of society, you can't find anything in

eg. the Norwegian

constitution, that says that mafia, is legit.

I think it seems like Mr. Jegenes, is trying to legitimise mafia, and

mafia/orginised criminal

organisations agenda in society, by claiming, that they are acting

reasonable and logical.

I object strongly to this legitimisation of mafia/organised crime, by

Mr. Jegenes.

Further, Mr. Jegenes, also said, that he thought, that the Norwegian

Government, thought

that, what I had overheard, that I was followed by 'the mafia', and

that I was being used as

a 'target-guy', by the Government, must have been something I had imagined.

So Mr. Jegenes, is saying what he thinks is more right, than what I think.

He isn't taking what I'm saing in good faith, and neighter is the Government.

There is no declared sivil war, in Norway, at the moment, so there is

no reason, for why,

Mr. Jegenes (and the Norwegian Goverment), shouldn't take what is

being said from a

fellow country-man, in good faith.

So this I would like to complain about, I think it's inpolite of Mr.

Jegenes, to treat a fellow

country-man, in this way.

This is what I wanted to contact you and explain about.

I hope that you have the time to have a look at this!

I'll also add a link, to my blog, where I've written a short summary,

of the phone-call with

the General Secretary today, and also posted the notes from the call,

and the notes that

I had written, to prepare myself, before I called, but which the

General Secretay, wouldn't

let me finish read/explain about.

(Although this blog-post is in Norwegian, but I add the link anyway,

just for to explain that

I got a bit upset, and posted the notes etc. on my blog, at once after

the call, since I though

I was being treated a bit inpolite.).

I hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


Here is the link to mentioned post, on my blog:

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