onsdag 12. november 2008

Ting er visst ikke så bra i Danmark heller. Han her virker å ha noe av det samme problemet som meg, at han blir tullet med av myndighetene osv. (N).

Danish government and justice officials can be decleared criminals because they are not stopping biggest drug dealing center of nordic countries-Christiania?
Danmarks justitsmyndigheder og regering er kriminelle, fordi de stopper ikke Christiania?
Secret society world order owns whole internet, and f.ex. when I search some things, I note that next day there have been changes.
I am shown pages which they control- and this way they get all data I give to those pages?
After I took few pictures at Niels Ebbesensvej in Copenhagen Frederiksberg , I saw about 3-5 times police cars soon after that.
PET (danish intelligence) has had israelian agent in their premises?
Has this been a mazi action towards muslims in Denmark?
PET is connected to nazi-zionist-illuminist administration?
According this link Israel is zionist-illuminist country, not a country of jews or christians.(This explains why Israel is connected to bad things?)
Anyone whom has been done same kind of things what has been done towards me - has a moral right to kill?
I demand that international human rights organizations start an investigation about human rights crimes happenming in Denmark.I consider that things done to me in Denmark are human rights crime- and must be judged by interational human rights organizations,and these people who are doing these crimes must be stopped.
This is also for the benefit of danish people, because all thes e criminals are propably part of secret society world elite hierarchy, and they may act against danes too.
Maybe whole Copenhagen is totally under these peoples orders and maybe most satanic city in the world?
Denmark 2007 is worse and more horrible than nazi-Germany ever was?
