lørdag 6. desember 2008

Facebook-conversation with Kelly from Shoreham.

there Kelly,





5 at 11:30pm

are you?

Sorry that I'm sending this message a bit late!

congratulations with the new job, that I saw on Facebook, that you've
now got, after leaving ASDA, it said.

It was maybe a bit silly
of me, to add you on my Facebook-page, but I saw a woman with the
name of Kelly, on H&T, and then I remebered you.

And I'm
also seeking new employment, and I'm a bit late with bills etc., so
this morning, I got phone-calls, twice, from Debt Managers

The second woman who called, was named Vicky, so now
I remebered your older half-sister Vicky, the one with the blond

Who was christened Vicky, I think your mother, Tina,
told me and my third cousin Øystein, who you called Einstein,
I think it was.

We were staying with you, on summer-school, in
Shoreham, in 1988 and visited you again, in 1990, since your parents
were cool, and let us smoke and drink etc. And me and Øystein
went with you to the pub etc.

I also visited you in 1989, when
Øystein didn't go.

But anyway.

A couple of
episodes, came to mind, from 1990.

That's why I'm sending this
message now.

Because you also had a lot of German students
staying with you.

And you neighbours, also had.

the ones with the dead baby buried in the garden, but the other ones
that were your friends).

But anyway.

One night, during
the 1990 World Cup, one of the German students living next door,
asked my third cousin Øystein, if he had 'f*cked Vicky

Your sister was only fifteen, or something, I think, and
Øystein went into a state.

Your mother, Tina, had to
comfort him, and he told her, that he wasn't like that.

thought it was a bit silly, because I didn't think that any of the
German students would dare to try to do anything like that living
with a British family.

But I shouted a bit on the German
student, since he had upset Øystein.

But anyway.

another incident, your mother, Tina, sat down with me, in the living
room, talking to me, about Vicky.

For some reason that I
didn't understand.

She talked about Vicky's father, who she
said, that noone liked, in the town where they lived.

I asked
her, why she married him then. (To later divorce him, and marry your

Your mother, Tina, said, that she did it, because she
thought, that noone else would have married him, if she hadn't.

think this sounded a bit strange, I remember.

So, I was
wondering now, do you think it could have been some Illuminati-stuff,
that I've been reading about on the internet, to do with this, since
I thought that both the German student, Øystein and your
mother Tina acted a bit strange in these incidents.

Sorry that
I'm asking strange questions, just something that I got on my mind
due to the woman from Debt Managment Limited calling, and then I
remebered the time your mother explained about your sister etc.

sorry again about this!

Yours sincerely,




at 10:30am

eric,im a bit confussed by your messageand not sure what you want to
know if you could let me know then i might be able to help you out




at 1:05pm

there Kelly,

sorry that I'm sending the strange messages all
the time.

I just got a phone-call from a woman named Vicky,
and it made me think of your sister, and then I just wondered how she

And I couldn't find her on your Facebook-page.

then again, you have so many friends, so this was probably my

I'm sorry that I'm sending the messages late etc.,
I'm being messed with a bit, by the Police and Governments, in Norway
and Britain, so that I lose my temper a bit sometimes.

sorry about this!
