lørdag 13. desember 2008

More harassment on the Dagbladet-journalist's blog.

desember 12, 2008 at 9:40 pm
Youd be surprised how much I dont care Erik.

I think you should spend a little less time on the internet and more time finding a way to pay those bills of yours.

Take a second to think about how much time youve wasted.

Erik Ribsskog
desember 13, 2008 at 2:45 am
I think you should mind your own business and don’t tell people how to live their lives.

Who ever you are, you must be pretty coward not wanting to write your name.

I can’t say I know any Brits in Liverpool from things other than work etc., so whoever you might be, you’re obviously sticking your nose into things that are not your business.

Erik Ribsskog
