Ingen personlig tragedie
Skrevet av Fremtiden 14.02.2008 kl. 20:54
Manuela er fremtidens politiker.Dette er ingen personlig tragedie, men en tragedie for det politiske Norge som via "retoriske overfortolkninger" klarer å gjøre noe så enkelt som "middag med en bekjent" til all verdens kriminalitet. Norge er multikulturellt, det suser inn i fremtiden og er avhengig av arbeidsinnvandring (for at du og jeg skal få ha sjefsjobber,og andre jobber,ok,da),for å beholde arbeidsplasser i Norge, forebygge utflagging, ta integrering på alvor og godta at slik er det)
At noen fremstiller dette, med all den politiske mer eller mindre "uskyldighet" som politikere liker å fremstille seg med, ikke minst de borgerlige(er borgerlig) er totalt mangel på hvilke utfordringer Norge, Europa og verden står overfor i fremtiden med den folkevandring som foregår. MANUELA RAMIN -OSMUNDSEN er en politiker for fremtiden, en GULLGRUVE for det partiet som klarer å "kapre henne".;med sin kunnskap,interkulturelle/globale bakgrunn og kunnskap(utdannelse).Danner hun parti, stemmer jeg, og mange ,på henne.
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anbefalingerBra! RE: Ingen personlig tragedie
Skrevet av hmmm 14.02.2008 kl. 20:55
Håper dette er sarkasme...
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anbefalingerBra! RE: Ingen personlig tragedie
Skrevet av Fremtiden 14.02.2008 kl. 21:02
nei,dette er ramme alvor,jeg klarte å kvitte meg med nisseluen,omsider,etter noen turer i utlandet, og ser hvilke utfordringer de står overfor.Vi må ikke tro at Norge overlever på nasjonalromantikk
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anbefalingerBra! RE: Ingen personlig tragedie
Skrevet av Svein 14.02.2008 kl. 20:57
Hvilket parti vil synke så lavt at de vil ta den løgneren inn i varmen og gi henne et tillitsverv på høyt plan?
Ja kansje Sv. etter valget er desperate nok, og der er det mange løgnere fra før.
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anbefalingerBra! RE: Ingen personlig tragedie
Skrevet av Fremtiden 14.02.2008 kl. 21:04
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anbefalingerBra! RE: Ingen personlig tragedie
Skrevet av cons 14.02.2008 kl. 21:17
Har hun ikke løyet for statsministeren og landet da?
Jeg synes ikke slike løgner er bagateller.
Det virker som om du bagatelliserer disse løgnene.
Man må kunne stole på statsrådene, hvis de blir grepet i løgn for sjefen og landet, så er de vel ikke spisbare mer som politiske ledere(?)
Og hun har visst vært i noe skandale før også, i Innvandrerverket.
Så jeg tviler nok litt på om hun her Ramin-Osmundsen er fremtidens poltiske leder.
Da tror jeg det er noe galt med fremtiden.
Hun tilhører vel heller fortiden, som politisk leder, skulle man vel tro, og også håpe, når man ser det tullet hun driver med.
Og begynner å lure på om det være noe kos på bakrommet, som er årsaken til dette tullet med barneministeren.
Dette er vel litt slag under beltestedet, men likevel, når det er snakk om statsråder osv., så er det vel lov å ta opp ting som dette.
Særlig når folk mener at hun fortsatt er fremtidens leder.
At, hun ser vel mer ut som en mann, gjør hun ikke det da?
Hvorfor ville hun hive ut han Bjartmann, eller hva han heter.
Alle barneombud har sittet i åtte år, untatt Bjartmann, som Osmundsen ville hive ut etter fire år, med en mer eller mindre troverdig begrunnelse.
Kan det være at hun ville ha en pen dame der i stedet?
Var det et forhold på si, mellom Osmundsen og Kraby?
Er det et arrangert ekteskap Ramin-Osmundsen er i?
Hva er det som foregår i bakgrunnen?
Hvorfor vil Osmundsen riskere hele sin politiske fremtid for å få Kraby inn i stillingen som barneombud?
Jeg lurer på om det kan ha vært mer i bakgrunnen, enn at dem bare har vært i samme bursdagselskap.
Hva skjedde egentlig når Osmundsen besøkte Kraby i Lofoten?
Det tror jeg sikkert Eia og Tufte-Johansen kunne ha lagd noe morsomt om.
Uten at jeg kjenner noe særlig til hva som har foregått, men jeg synes nesten man kan mistenke at det er mer som har foregått, enn som har kommet ut, eller inn, bare fleiper, og jeg mistenker også, at dette kunne man sikkert ha laget masse artige humor-programmer om.
Uten at jeg vet dette i detalj da, så det må jeg selvfølgelig da forbehold om.
Men hun dama prater vel ikke engang flytende norsk, gjør hun det da?
Burde ikke det være et krav til statsråder?
At de prater flytende norsk?
Men samme det, man kan vel ikke forlange av denne regjeringen, at de skal klare å finne kandidater som prater flytende norsk.
Nå må jeg ta forbehold om at jeg egentlig ikke kjenner saken da.
Og at jeg bare skriver det jeg har inntrykk av, etter å lest litt i nyhetene.
Men du kan kanskje rette opp det jeg skriver som er feil da.
Så beklager hvis jeg har skrevet noe feil!
torsdag 14. februar 2008
E-mail to CAB, 11/2.
14 February 2008
Erik Ribsskog
11 February 2008 10:47
I've been filing a complaint against the Liverpool Central CAB, and I've also been
apealing to The Chair there.
In the last letter/e-mail from them, I was told that I could contact the Complaints
Officer, at Midleton House, I think it was.
The problem is, that I've already been in contact with the Complaints Officer,
regarding some problems with the Liverpool Central CAB, not answering
the complaint, within the earlier mentioned date.
And then, I didn't get answers back, to the e-mails, that I sent the Complaints
Then I didn't know who to contact regarding this problem, so then I sent an
e-mail to the CEO or Managing Director in your organisation, because I
found the name on your website.
It was to someone on the top of higher management.
(I'm sorry I haven't got all the names etc. in my head now, I'm a bit in a hurry,
with delays with my work etc., sorry about this!).
And then, after this, I got answered back from the Liverpool Central CAB,
but they didn't say if this was due to my correspondence with the officials
at Middleton House.
After I got the last letter from the The Chair, at Liverpool Central CAB, I
was adviced to contact the Complaints Officer.
But due to the mentioned earlier problems, I've been in contact with HR,
on 0207 833 2181, several times last month.
And I was told, on 30/1, that you where the line-manager, of the Complaints
Officer, that I had been having problems with, last year, regarding not
getting answers back to my correspondence.
I've been a bit busy the last days, with work etc., but I called back to HR
today, to get your e-mail address, since I had orginially planned to send
a letter, but it turned out that it was bit low on printer-ink etc., unfortunatly,
for the printer, so I thought I could maybe send an e-mail.
I'm going to forward copies of the mention correspondence with the CAB.
Thanks in advance for the help, and sorry about the problem with not sending
this in the form of a letter, due to the unfortunate problems with the ink etc.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
14 February 2008
Erik Ribsskog
11 February 2008 10:47
I've been filing a complaint against the Liverpool Central CAB, and I've also been
apealing to The Chair there.
In the last letter/e-mail from them, I was told that I could contact the Complaints
Officer, at Midleton House, I think it was.
The problem is, that I've already been in contact with the Complaints Officer,
regarding some problems with the Liverpool Central CAB, not answering
the complaint, within the earlier mentioned date.
And then, I didn't get answers back, to the e-mails, that I sent the Complaints
Then I didn't know who to contact regarding this problem, so then I sent an
e-mail to the CEO or Managing Director in your organisation, because I
found the name on your website.
It was to someone on the top of higher management.
(I'm sorry I haven't got all the names etc. in my head now, I'm a bit in a hurry,
with delays with my work etc., sorry about this!).
And then, after this, I got answered back from the Liverpool Central CAB,
but they didn't say if this was due to my correspondence with the officials
at Middleton House.
After I got the last letter from the The Chair, at Liverpool Central CAB, I
was adviced to contact the Complaints Officer.
But due to the mentioned earlier problems, I've been in contact with HR,
on 0207 833 2181, several times last month.
And I was told, on 30/1, that you where the line-manager, of the Complaints
Officer, that I had been having problems with, last year, regarding not
getting answers back to my correspondence.
I've been a bit busy the last days, with work etc., but I called back to HR
today, to get your e-mail address, since I had orginially planned to send
a letter, but it turned out that it was bit low on printer-ink etc., unfortunatly,
for the printer, so I thought I could maybe send an e-mail.
I'm going to forward copies of the mention correspondence with the CAB.
Thanks in advance for the help, and sorry about the problem with not sending
this in the form of a letter, due to the unfortunate problems with the ink etc.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
E-mail to CAB, 11/2.
Fwd: Problems with the CAB
14 February 2008
Fwd: Problems with the CAB
Erik Ribsskog
11 February 2008 11:02
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Aug 16, 2007 9:58 PM
Subject: Fwd: Problems with the CAB
I can't see that I have recieved an answer to this e-mail yet.
I reackon that it's probably a letter on the way in the post, but I send this e-mail anyway,
just in case.
Hope that this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Aug 3, 2007 3:56 PM
Subject: Problems with the CAB
I'm a Norwegian living in Britain, who has had some problems with the contact with the CAB.
I've contacted your complaints-department, and the Complaints Officer regarding these problems.
The complaint was sent to my local CAB, but they didn't reply within due course.
Then I contacted the Complaints Officer twice, and asked how I should go forward when the
local CAB didn't send an answer to my complaint.
I've sent two e-mails to the Complaints Officer regarding this, one on 5/7 and one on 22/7, but
I haven't recieved any reply.
I was adviced by the Norwegian Embassy to contact the CAB regarding these problems.
And the problems in the complaint surrounds issues that also has to do with different Government
and other institutions, like the police and the law-society, and due to this and the nature of
the problems, I think that this issues should be dealt with responsably.
I tryed to find out about how the CAB was organized on the CAB website, I didn't manager to find
an organisation-chart, but from reading on the CAB website, it looks to me that you are the
line-manager of the Complaints Officer.
So, thats why I'm sending this enquiery to you, I'm very sorry if it has been sent to the wrong
person, but I think that the CAB should answer peoples e-mails, since the CAB are working
on issues regarding induvidual rights, then I think one propably has the right to get an answer
when one contacts the CAB. And also due to that I think
So sorry if I'm sending this e-mail to the wrong person.
I'm going to forward the e-mails with the correspondence with the Complaints Officer.
Hope that you have the time to help with this, and sorry again if I have sent this to wrong
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
14 February 2008
Fwd: Problems with the CAB
Erik Ribsskog
11 February 2008 11:02
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Aug 16, 2007 9:58 PM
Subject: Fwd: Problems with the CAB
I can't see that I have recieved an answer to this e-mail yet.
I reackon that it's probably a letter on the way in the post, but I send this e-mail anyway,
just in case.
Hope that this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Aug 3, 2007 3:56 PM
Subject: Problems with the CAB
I'm a Norwegian living in Britain, who has had some problems with the contact with the CAB.
I've contacted your complaints-department, and the Complaints Officer regarding these problems.
The complaint was sent to my local CAB, but they didn't reply within due course.
Then I contacted the Complaints Officer twice, and asked how I should go forward when the
local CAB didn't send an answer to my complaint.
I've sent two e-mails to the Complaints Officer regarding this, one on 5/7 and one on 22/7, but
I haven't recieved any reply.
I was adviced by the Norwegian Embassy to contact the CAB regarding these problems.
And the problems in the complaint surrounds issues that also has to do with different Government
and other institutions, like the police and the law-society, and due to this and the nature of
the problems, I think that this issues should be dealt with responsably.
I tryed to find out about how the CAB was organized on the CAB website, I didn't manager to find
an organisation-chart, but from reading on the CAB website, it looks to me that you are the
line-manager of the Complaints Officer.
So, thats why I'm sending this enquiery to you, I'm very sorry if it has been sent to the wrong
person, but I think that the CAB should answer peoples e-mails, since the CAB are working
on issues regarding induvidual rights, then I think one propably has the right to get an answer
when one contacts the CAB. And also due to that I think
So sorry if I'm sending this e-mail to the wrong person.
I'm going to forward the e-mails with the correspondence with the Complaints Officer.
Hope that you have the time to help with this, and sorry again if I have sent this to wrong
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
E-mail to CAB, 11/2.
Fwd: Complaint
14 February 2008
Fwd: Complaint
Erik Ribsskog
11 February 2008 11:03
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Aug 3, 2007 3:00 PM
Subject: Fwd: Complaint
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Jul 22, 2007 6:48 AM
Subject: Fwd: Complaint
To: "Follows, Saffron" <>
I can't see that I have recieved an answer to this e-mail yet, so I'm trying to forward it again.
Hope that this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Jul 5, 2007 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint
To: "Follows, Saffron" <>
Thank you very much for your answer!
I haven't heard anything from the CAB about this yet, so I was just wondering
what you think I should do if I don't hear from them one of the next days.
I hope you have the time to answer me about this.
Thank you very much again.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 5/31/07, Follows, Saffron <> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
I have contacted Liverpool Central CAB who have located the case notes of your visit to the bureau. The manager of Liverpool CAB will now investigate the points you have raised about the bureau and will send their findings to you within the next 20 working days.
Yours sincerely,
Saffron Follows
Complaints & Policy Officer
-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:]
Sent: 23 May 2007 04:59
To: Follows, Saffron
Subject: Complaint
I'm refering to my phone-call on Friday 18/5, and I'm sending a complaint against
the CAB in Dale St., Liverpool.
I enclose a file called 'explanation CAB', in which the problems are explained.
The last part of the explanation contains a section called 'Complaints against
the CAB, Dale St., Liverpool', in which the complaints are listed and indexed.
There is also a section called 'The complaint-process so far', in which this is
explained about in more detail.
Please just contact me if there is something else I should have remembered
regarding the complaint.
Yours Sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
The Citizens Advice service is a network of charities that helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing information and advice, and by influencing policymakers.
• For information and advice
• For information about our campaigns, to volunteer or support us
• Volunteer hotline 08451 264 264
NOTICE: this e-mail originates from Citizens Advice, an operating name of The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (Charity Registration Number 279057, VAT number 726 0202 76, Company limited by guarantee, Registered Number 1436945 England, Registered office Myddelton House, 115-123 Pentonville Road, London N1 9LZ). It contains proprietary information, some or all of which may be legally privileged. It is for the intended recipient only. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this e-mail, please notify the author by replying to this e-mail. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, distribute, copy, print or reply to this e-mail (other than for the reason stated above).
14 February 2008
Fwd: Complaint
Erik Ribsskog
11 February 2008 11:03
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Aug 3, 2007 3:00 PM
Subject: Fwd: Complaint
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Jul 22, 2007 6:48 AM
Subject: Fwd: Complaint
To: "Follows, Saffron" <>
I can't see that I have recieved an answer to this e-mail yet, so I'm trying to forward it again.
Hope that this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Jul 5, 2007 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: Complaint
To: "Follows, Saffron" <>
Thank you very much for your answer!
I haven't heard anything from the CAB about this yet, so I was just wondering
what you think I should do if I don't hear from them one of the next days.
I hope you have the time to answer me about this.
Thank you very much again.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 5/31/07, Follows, Saffron <> wrote:
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
I have contacted Liverpool Central CAB who have located the case notes of your visit to the bureau. The manager of Liverpool CAB will now investigate the points you have raised about the bureau and will send their findings to you within the next 20 working days.
Yours sincerely,
Saffron Follows
Complaints & Policy Officer
-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:]
Sent: 23 May 2007 04:59
To: Follows, Saffron
Subject: Complaint
I'm refering to my phone-call on Friday 18/5, and I'm sending a complaint against
the CAB in Dale St., Liverpool.
I enclose a file called 'explanation CAB', in which the problems are explained.
The last part of the explanation contains a section called 'Complaints against
the CAB, Dale St., Liverpool', in which the complaints are listed and indexed.
There is also a section called 'The complaint-process so far', in which this is
explained about in more detail.
Please just contact me if there is something else I should have remembered
regarding the complaint.
Yours Sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
The Citizens Advice service is a network of charities that helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing information and advice, and by influencing policymakers.
• For information and advice
• For information about our campaigns, to volunteer or support us
• Volunteer hotline 08451 264 264
NOTICE: this e-mail originates from Citizens Advice, an operating name of The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (Charity Registration Number 279057, VAT number 726 0202 76, Company limited by guarantee, Registered Number 1436945 England, Registered office Myddelton House, 115-123 Pentonville Road, London N1 9LZ). It contains proprietary information, some or all of which may be legally privileged. It is for the intended recipient only. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this e-mail, please notify the author by replying to this e-mail. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, distribute, copy, print or reply to this e-mail (other than for the reason stated above).
E-mail to CAB, 14/2.
Re: Complaint about Liverpool CAB
14 February 2008
Re: Complaint about Liverpool CAB
Erik Ribsskog
Thomas, Sue
14 February 2008 11:22
thank you very much for your answer!
It sounds very good, that you'll have a look at the complaint.
I'm in a very busy periode at work at the moment, so I won't go into to detail about the problems there.
Except for two things that come to mind.
1. The e-mail address, that is on Liverpool Central CAB's website, is incorrect. (It's to do with the the ending,
after the dot, they have changed the provider of the e-mail addresses is seems, but they haven't updated the
2. The CAB representative lied in the complaint-answer.
He said that he had turned the lights on, at CAB. (I think it's very strange that the CAB let people in to their
premisses, without turning on the lights there first).
He said he had turned the lights on, at the beginning of the meeting.
But that's not right, he turned the lights on, close to the end of the meeting.
Eg. he read me the number to the law-firm, in the dark.
And it turned out he had read the law firms fax-number to me.
Which must have been because it was to dark to read properly there.
So this, the representative says, that he turned the lights on, before the meeting/at the beginning of the meeting,
isn't right at all.
More of half of the meeting was being held in the dark there, with a level of light, thats was like twilight, in the way
that it wasn't possible to read.
I had to put a folded I had picked up away, since it was to tirering to read it, due to the lights being switched off.
And also it seemed like it was some kind of plot.
With a young girl, maybe 12-13 y.o. standing outside the CAB, in the stairs, in an office-building, for no appearent
And then the lights being turned off in the CAB-premisses.
Me being the only person there, for about 5-10 minutes.
Then the representative, who seemed clear to me, to be homosexual, started having the meeting in the dark.
Close to the end of the meeting, the lights were turned on.
Then, the woman working there, with dark hair, and in her fifties, went into the reception.
She was just standing there, not doing any work.
Only scanning my face, when I left the CAB premisses, as to see, if I had reacted on the CAB representative
and/or the girl outside.
So it seemed a bit like being in a Clockwork Orange-esque movie, of some type.
But I'm going to have a closer look at the complaint, in two or three weeks time, when I'm finished with the
busy periode at work.
If you think that's alright.
Also, I was wondering, about Complaint Officer Saffron Follows.
This because, when the Liverpool Central CAB, last year, failed to answer the complaint, before the
time they had said they would answer the complaint.
Then I contacted Follows, on two occations, asking what was wrong, since the CAB, didn't answer me.
But Follows didn't reply back to me, at all.
So I was wondering then, if it's right that she should be involved, since I a bit question what went on
last year, when I contacted Follows on several occations, without being answered.
So I was wondering a bit what you were thinking about this.
I was wondeing if this wasn't maybe a couse for complaint.
And that Follows, due to this, already is involved, in the way, that she is the subject of a complaint,
that has to do with the file you have asked for from the Liverpool Central CAB.
I'm questioning a bit, if it's right that Follows should be involved now, when there have been problems,
that seems to be cause for a complaint, regarding Follow's involvment in this case, from before.
I'm not sure if you agree with me in this.
But I hope you understand what I mean, and that you have the time to have a look at this, and answer
me back regarding this.
Hope this is alright, and thanks in advance for the help!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 2/13/08, Thomas, Sue <> wrote:
All CABx use a standard complaints process. Initially, the manager is involved (Stage 1), then the Chair (Stage 2). After this if you are not happy with the outcome of the Chair's review, the next step is a review carried out under the direction of the Citizens Advice Chief Executive.
I believe that is the next stage on your complaint. Therefore Saffron Follows (Complaints' Officer) has asked Liverpool CAB for a copy of their file on your complaint and the file on the advice you were given. Once we have this we will be clear that our assumption on what next is correct.
What would help us would be for you to let us have a clear statement of why you are not satisfied with the Chair's response. This will give us the basis on which to look at the way your comlaint has been handled.
Sue Thomas
Head of Advice Policy & Standards
Tel: 020 7833 7034 Mob: 07970 990425
please consider the environment - do you really need to print this email?
The Citizens Advice service helps people resolve their legal, money and other problems by providing information and advice, and by influencing policymakers. Citizens Advice is an operating name of The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux.
Information and Advice
For information about our campaigns, to volunteer or support us
Volunteer hotline 08451-264-264 (local rate Mon-Fri)
NOTICE: this e-mail originates from Citizens Advice, an operating name of The National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (Charity Registration Number 279057, VAT number 726 0202 76, Company limited by guarantee, Registered Number 1436945 England, Registered office Myddelton House, 115-123 Pentonville Road, London N1 9LZ). It contains proprietary information, some or all of which may be legally privileged. It is for the intended recipient only. If an addressing or transmission error has misdirected this e-mail, please notify the author by replying to this e-mail. If you are not the intended recipient you must not use, disclose, distribute, copy, print or reply to this e-mail (other than for the reason stated above).
This footnote confirms that this email message has been swept by MIMEsweeper for Content Security threats, including computer viruses.
14 February 2008
Re: Complaint about Liverpool CAB
Erik Ribsskog
Thomas, Sue
14 February 2008 11:22
thank you very much for your answer!
It sounds very good, that you'll have a look at the complaint.
I'm in a very busy periode at work at the moment, so I won't go into to detail about the problems there.
Except for two things that come to mind.
1. The e-mail address, that is on Liverpool Central CAB's website, is incorrect. (It's to do with the the ending,
after the dot, they have changed the provider of the e-mail addresses is seems, but they haven't updated the
2. The CAB representative lied in the complaint-answer.
He said that he had turned the lights on, at CAB. (I think it's very strange that the CAB let people in to their
premisses, without turning on the lights there first).
He said he had turned the lights on, at the beginning of the meeting.
But that's not right, he turned the lights on, close to the end of the meeting.
Eg. he read me the number to the law-firm, in the dark.
And it turned out he had read the law firms fax-number to me.
Which must have been because it was to dark to read properly there.
So this, the representative says, that he turned the lights on, before the meeting/at the beginning of the meeting,
isn't right at all.
More of half of the meeting was being held in the dark there, with a level of light, thats was like twilight, in the way
that it wasn't possible to read.
I had to put a folded I had picked up away, since it was to tirering to read it, due to the lights being switched off.
And also it seemed like it was some kind of plot.
With a young girl, maybe 12-13 y.o. standing outside the CAB, in the stairs, in an office-building, for no appearent
And then the lights being turned off in the CAB-premisses.
Me being the only person there, for about 5-10 minutes.
Then the representative, who seemed clear to me, to be homosexual, started having the meeting in the dark.
Close to the end of the meeting, the lights were turned on.
Then, the woman working there, with dark hair, and in her fifties, went into the reception.
She was just standing there, not doing any work.
Only scanning my face, when I left the CAB premisses, as to see, if I had reacted on the CAB representative
and/or the girl outside.
So it seemed a bit like being in a Clockwork Orange-esque movie, of some type.
But I'm going to have a closer look at the complaint, in two or three weeks time, when I'm finished with the
busy periode at work.
If you think that's alright.
Also, I was wondering, about Complaint Officer Saffron Follows.
This because, when the Liverpool Central CAB, last year, failed to answer the complaint, before the
time they had said they would answer the complaint.
Then I contacted Follows, on two occations, asking what was wrong, since the CAB, didn't answer me.
But Follows didn't reply back to me, at all.
So I was wondering then, if it's right that she should be involved, since I a bit question what went on
last year, when I contacted Follows on several occations, without being answered.
So I was wondering a bit what you were thinking about this.
I was wondeing if this wasn't maybe a couse for complaint.
And that Follows, due to this, already is involved, in the way, that she is the subject of a complaint,
that has to do with the file you have asked for from the Liverpool Central CAB.
I'm questioning a bit, if it's right that Follows should be involved now, when there have been problems,
that seems to be cause for a complaint, regarding Follow's involvment in this case, from before.
I'm not sure if you agree with me in this.
But I hope you understand what I mean, and that you have the time to have a look at this, and answer
me back regarding this.
Hope this is alright, and thanks in advance for the help!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
On 2/13/08, Thomas, Sue <> wrote:
All CABx use a standard complaints process. Initially, the manager is involved (Stage 1), then the Chair (Stage 2). After this if you are not happy with the outcome of the Chair's review, the next step is a review carried out under the direction of the Citizens Advice Chief Executive.
I believe that is the next stage on your complaint. Therefore Saffron Follows (Complaints' Officer) has asked Liverpool CAB for a copy of their file on your complaint and the file on the advice you were given. Once we have this we will be clear that our assumption on what next is correct.
What would help us would be for you to let us have a clear statement of why you are not satisfied with the Chair's response. This will give us the basis on which to look at the way your comlaint has been handled.
Sue Thomas
Head of Advice Policy & Standards
Tel: 020 7833 7034 Mob: 07970 990425
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Handlingslammet. (In Norwegian).
Hva kommer det av at det alltid er amerikanerne som må ordne opp, når det er problemer et sted?
F.eks. Bosnia, eller Kosovo, eller hvor det var, så måtte Nato og Amerikanerne ordne opp.
Er det fordi de europeiske landene er så fulle av mafia, at de er helt handlingslamma?
Det at vi hører på nyhetene, at mafiaen blir bekjempet og tatt ned, i land som USA og Italia.
Betyr det at det er der problemene finnes.
Eller betyr det, at dette er de eneste landene, som tar problemene på alvor, og som har god nok kontroll til å drive med bekjempelse av mafia i offentlighet?
Jeg skal ikke si at det er sånn det er, men jeg begynner kanskje å få en mistanke.
Uten at jeg skal si at jeg har kommet til en konklusjon enda.
F.eks. Bosnia, eller Kosovo, eller hvor det var, så måtte Nato og Amerikanerne ordne opp.
Er det fordi de europeiske landene er så fulle av mafia, at de er helt handlingslamma?
Det at vi hører på nyhetene, at mafiaen blir bekjempet og tatt ned, i land som USA og Italia.
Betyr det at det er der problemene finnes.
Eller betyr det, at dette er de eneste landene, som tar problemene på alvor, og som har god nok kontroll til å drive med bekjempelse av mafia i offentlighet?
Jeg skal ikke si at det er sånn det er, men jeg begynner kanskje å få en mistanke.
Uten at jeg skal si at jeg har kommet til en konklusjon enda.