onsdag 5. mars 2008
Problem with the Police giving back documents from Arvato as 'Found Property', From Facebook, 5/3.
at 10:22pm
Documents from Arvato.
(Some of which are uploaded here).
Given to the Police in January last year.
And given back the month after, as 'Found Property'.
They sent a letter with a card, calling the documents 'Qty. P/PAPERS', or something like this.
And calling me 'MISS Erik Ribsskog', on the envelope:
Problem with the Police calling me 'Miss', from Facebook, 5/3.
Erik Ribsskog wroteat 10:03pm
Letter to me, from the Merseyside Police saying 'Miss Erik Ribsskog'.From February last year.
Erik Ribsskog wroteat 10:05pm
I was at a meeting at the Norwegian Consulate, in the India building, some weeks later.And then the British woman working for the Norwegian Consulate, and I think said her name was Liz Hurley, said that, she this was due to the Police being 'uneducated'.
Erik Ribsskog wroteat 10:08pm
Since Norway isn't that far away.And Erik, is more or less, like Eric.So I'm not really sure how this error could have been made.But I guess they maybe have a lot on their minds, or whatever it can be.It's not easy for someone from Norway, to guess if this error was intentional or not.But since Eric is a quite common name in English-speaking countries, I would guess that this error was intentional.
Explanation about the Police using phoney general enquiery e-mail addresses, from Facebook, 5/3.
Photos from Arvato Liverpool
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Remove This Photo Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 8:33pm
On the meeting at Walton Lane Police Station, 8/11/07, when this statement was written, by a sergant there:
Then the sergant assistant in the meeting, I think it was Rachel, wrote the note above.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 8:37pm
On the note, it says that their e-mail addresse is:
Where as the real e-mail address, is
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 9:22pm
Like one can see, if one look on this letter:
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 9:27pm
Even so, the Police, are using this phoney e-mail address, and are claming it's correct:
From: Civil.Litigation.E@merseyside.police.uk
To: eribsskog@gmail.com Erik Ribsskog
Date: Fri, 9 Nov 2007 16:19:39 +0000
Subject: Re: Fwd: PSD 07/0519/Sgt. Smyth/Rachel
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
Thank you for your email and the enclosures you have sent today.
I can confirm that we have today received thirteen emails from you, eleven
of which contain attachments. The other two emails are your emails making
contact with us. The email address I gave you yesterday is the correct
As discussed with yourself and Sgt John Smyth yesterday, your complaint
will now be dealt with by way of a Full Investigation.
Yours sincerely
Rachel Coyne
Liverpool North Standards Unit
Walton Lane Police Station
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 9:39pm
Here the letter, from the Police, with the right e-mail address is, with better resolution:
Virkeligheten. (In Norwegian).
Det finnes en offentlig virkelighet, som står i avisa, og som vanlige folk, som meg, kan lese om i avisa og høre om på nyhetene osv.
Også finnes det den egentlige virkeligheten, som er det som skjer da, men som dem ikke skriver om i avisa.
Og som du må være politi, eller ha noen kontakter for å vite.
Og den kommer ikke i avisa.
Så dette gjør at politiet osv., har muligheten til å tulle og kose seg, med agendaer.
Og det kan dem gjøre, siden dette ikke kommer i avisa uansett.
Så da behøver de ikke tenke på hva reglene sier.
Siden det er deler av virkeligheten, som ikke kommer i avisa.
Har jeg skjønt det riktig da.
Politi-spionasje? (In Norwegian).
Bare lurer, det virker som om det er så mye rart som foregår.
Så jeg tar det med, siden det nesten virker sånn.
Explanation about last days working at Arvato, from Facebook.
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Remove This Photo Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:05pm
Judith was working late this day I remember.
For once there wasn't almost anything to do.
So from 4 pm. to 6 pm. I mostly sat there looking at the shiftplans I think it was.
I think it must have been then, that I counted the rest-days.
And wrote on the shiftplans.
And then the day before my last day there.
There were a lot of meetings regarding harassmant/threatening behaviour from TL Bon Prix, Baines.
And lies from STL Tippins.
And covering up for Baines in harassment-meeting from Rushby HR and STL Tippins.
And also other things that went on.
So on the day before my last day there, I took the shift-plans files out of the folder I had at Arvato, and brought with me home.
Also since I was in the process of bringing up a lot of harassment from Steinsland, and O'sShaughnessy.
Lies from Sletvold.
And much more, with core care.
And then when I found that I was given one rest-day to few, in two months, since I joined Arvato from Randstad staff.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:07pm
I think the months, that I was given one rest-day less than I should have been given, was something like August or September, and also November (this file).
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:09pm
So I thought I'd include this in my case, regarding the harassment/threats etc.
So thats why I thought it would be smart to bring the shift-plans with me home.
Since in the harassment-meeting the same day, with Baines, Tippins, Rushby.
It seemed to me that they wanted to find a way to get rid of me.
With covering up, and twisting on things I was saying.
So then I thought it would be smartest to bring the files with me home, so I did that, after signing the work-hours form.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:10pm
And the next day, I sent a lot of e-mails to the newspapers, regarding what seemed like org. criminal activity in the company.
I called it organised harassment, in the e-mails.
But it seemed to me, like the company was infiltrated by some crimnal network.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:11pm
With Tippins lying, seemingly conspiering, and also been acting threatening, in an incident, a couple of weeks or so, before this.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:12pm
I was in contact with the police, the day before I sent the e-mails to the newspapers.
And they adviced me to contact the Manager Director, which I did.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:13pm
This was my last day at Arvato.
The Managing Director, said that he couldn't garantee my safety there.
He said I had to stay home, while they investigated, but I would get payed.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:13pm
Arvato was going to call me, when they had finished the investigation.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:14pm
But Arvato didn't call
I couldn't know if higher management could be involved in this or not.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:15pm
I only got a phoney letter, from Rushby, not delivered with the post.
But put, from someone, under the door, to the building I'm living in, in the afternoon/night.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:15pm
Inviting me to a meeting the next day.
In which I could bring a trade union representative.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:15pm
I thought this letter was ridiculous.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:16pm
Firstly, Rushby was involved in the covering up of the harassment from Baines.
In the day before my last day at Arvato.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:16pm
And I had reported Rushby to Carrel. (The Managing Director).
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:16pm
Still, Carrel, put Rushby in charge of the investigation.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:17pm
And Rushby had signed the phoney letter.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:18pm
And I got the letter in the evening, under the door in the builing I lived in, inviting me to a meeting with Phil Jones, Director of Operations, at 10 am, the next day.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:18pm
Why did Rushby say that I could bring a trade union representative to the meeting?
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:18pm
When the meeting was at 10 am the next day?
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:19pm
How are one supposed to get a trade union representative with you on a meeting, with such short notice?
(About 15-16 hours notice).
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:20pm
So I thougt, due to these two reasons, that the letter was continuing of the harassment.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:20pm
And I brought the letter to the Police, in January, when I had finished all the files.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:21pm
I needed the files, to explain to the Police, what went on.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:21pm
Since, if not, I think they would have just said it was my fault, that I didn't go there, like I was told.
(Since they had ignored me, when I had been there several times before).
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:22pm
And the Police said it was my fault.
I showed them the files, and then they said it was to with work, so I had to go to the CAB.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:23pm
And Carrel, Managing Director, said at the meeting at Arvato, that it was ok that I finished the summaries from the harassment-meetings etc., at home.
So thats what I did.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:24pm
I went to London, and give the files to the Norwegian Embassy, since there were so many Scandinavians working in the company.
And I didn't really trust the Police, since they had ignored me there, so many times.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:25pm
I had been to the Police, due to some problems with org. criminal networks in Norway, and also what seemed to be the same in Britain.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:26pm
It was a problem at work in Norway, etc.
It wasn't like I was involved in anything criminal etc.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:27pm
But Arvato never called.
And the Police didn't call.
They were supposed to speak with Baines, and then call me back.
But this didn't happen.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 4:27pm
I don't know who they spoke with, but they didn't call me.
Explanation regarding deleted CV. (From Facebook).
at 2:29pm
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 2:30pm
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 3:00pm
My CV was in enclosure 8, (this link: http://johncons-mirror.blogspot.com/2007/10/enclosure-8.html).
But I posted the enlosures on two blogs. (As a back-up, in case someone deleted one of them).
Here's enclosure 8, from the Angelfire blog:
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 3:03pm
And also, I don't think it was allowed to deleted the other documents, since these were my files that I had been given on work, so I don't think anyone are allowed to delete them from my blog.
These files then become my personal files, when I'm given them from my TL etc.
And I'm allowed to put my personal files, on my personal blog.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 3:05pm
And also, I'm trying to start the alarm, regarding what went on at Arvato.
It's called to 'whistleblow'.
And then one are allowed to post whatever files one want.
Facebook, 5/3.
Erik Ribsskog wrote
at 2:05am
When I read this file now:
I'm wondering what went on with Steinsland, in the episode with the headline: 'SIMILAR EPISODE'.
If someone eg. working on one of the other Arvato-campaigns, brought her with them, and forced her to do some stuff, raped her etc, on Arvato there?
Posted here.
And then I had to remove the text, that facebook found, because it was from the old, deleted files.
So I had to present the link, without the text, since it showed text from the deleted entries.
Explanation Angelfire blog.
But when I logged out, then the files weren't deleted anyway.