tirsdag 26. august 2008
Om de hadde multer i Numedal, i gamle dager. (In Norwegian).
Men jeg fikk ikke sove, så jeg tenkte litt på oppveksten og sånn.
At da jeg flytta fra muttern, til fattern, i 1979, så var det farmora mi, Ågot, som lagde middag osv., for meg.
Ågot, bodde sammen med farfaren min, Øivind, i et hus, på Sand, nesten vegg i vegg, med snekkerverkstedet hvor faren og farfaren og onkelen min jobba.
Og det her var ca. en kilometer, fra der fattern bodde da, på Bergeråsen.
Så jeg gikk vel en drøy kilometer, eller noe, dit fra skolen hver dag.
Og om vinteren, i februar osv., så kunne det blåse rimelig surt, på Sand der, når vinden kom nordfra, fra Svelvik, og Grunnane, hvor vinden fikk skikkelig fart, og når det da var snø i vinden, så piska det skikkelig i trynet.
Så det var gjerne kaldt, og med snø som piska i trynet, husker jeg.
Det var gjerne ordentlige vintre, på 70 og 80-tallet.
Med snø osv.
Men men.
Jeg husker på tirsdager, så pleide farmora mi, å lage stekt torsk, og stekte poteter.
Og på tirsdager fikk jeg også Cola.
Jeg tror bestemor handla på tirsdager og fredager, hvis jeg ikke husker helt feil.
Så sånn var det.
Og Donald fikk jeg også på tirsdager, de første åra.
Men etterhvert, så ville jeg ikke ha cola, på tirsdager.
For jeg fikk avsmak på cola, pga. fiskesmaken, som jeg ble litt kvalm av.
Så da syntes jeg nesten cola smakte fisk.
Men men.
Så det ble det slutt på.
Annen mat, som bestemora mi pleide å lage, det var kjøttkaker, eller stekte knakkpølser, og stekte potetet.
Mens hvis det var kjøttkaker, så var det kokte poteter.
Mer da.
Det var nesten favorittretten min.
Da pleide bestemuttern å kjøpe parisloff, i butikken til Oddmund Larsen, het vel han butikkeieren, på Sand, på begynnelsen av 80-tallet.
Og det måtte hun bestille, tror jeg.
Så jeg var litt bortskjemt egentlig.
For jeg fikk også penger til mat av fattern.
Og da fikk jeg gjerne minst et par hundrelapper i uka.
Og fattern sa aldri nei, han bare ga meg penger.
Jeg var nok litt tøff, siden jeg bodde aleine, på Bergeråsen.
Også var det sånn, i de årene, som jeg bodde hos muttern, så savna jeg å bo på Berger da.
Så jeg tenkte sånn, at hvis jeg og Pia fikk flytte til fattern, så ville alt bli bra.
Og vi fikk alltid masse godteri, og penger til å kjøpe leker og sånn, når vi var hos fattern, da vi bodde hos muttern.
Så det var liksom sånn at da som jeg hadde flytta til fattern, da kunne jeg få alt jeg ville.
Det ble nesten sånn.
For dem prata om videospiller, jula 1979, fattern og onkelen min, Runar.
Og da spurte jeg, om ikke vi kunne få video.
Det kan ha vært jula 1980, det er mulig.
Jeg sa det vel mest fordi det var julaften osv., og det hørtes kult ut med videospiller.
Men da kjøpte søren meg fattern en Akai videospiller, i 1980, tror jeg det må ha vært.
Så da kunne jeg ta opp Disney tegnefilmer, og andre tegnefilmer.
Så det var en helt annen verden, å flytte fra muttern til fattern, husker jeg, når det gjaldt ting og penger osv.
Så i begynnelsen, så synes jeg det var skikkelig kult, å bo hos fattern.
Så alt var ikke så ille der, i det hele tatt, det var bare de konfliktene med stemora mi, Haldis, og at jeg måtte bo aleine fra jeg var ni osv.
Men det hadde kanskje ikke funka så bra, hvis jeg skulle ha bodd nede hos Haldis og dem.
Det er mulig.
Men men.
Så Ågot pleide å lage ertesuppe med loff, og det var skikkelig digg.
Mer da.
Ågot pleide å lage kransekake, og lefser, hver jul, og det var også veldig godt.
Og hun lagde noen ganger multekrem.
Multekrem, det var enten multer, eller multesyltetøy, som ble miksa med kremfløte, og det ble veldig digg.
Det tenkte jeg på i stad, da jeg ikke fikk sove, det her med multekrem.
At det lagde dem kanskje før i tida, på det stedet hvor farmora mi vokste opp for eksempel.
Hvis dem hadde multer i Numedal da.
For det var jo ting som dem hadde på gården det, kremfløte og kanskje de multer oppe ved setra, eller noe.
Hvem vet.
Og det var ganske digg, omtrent like digg som godteri, vil jeg si.
Så det var ikke bare kjedelig mat, som de hadde i gamle dager.
Man tenker kanskje at det måtte vært kjedelig å bodd på gård, med ensformig mat, men jeg tror nok ikke det var så ille, som man kanskje kan forestille seg.
Ikke nødvendigvis i allefall.
Og det pleide noen ganger, om høsten da antagelig, å dukke opp en kar, som solgte makrell, som han hadde fiska i Drammensfjorden, som var kanskje et par hundre meter, fra huset til besteforeldra mine, og verkstedet, på Sand.
Da jeg tenkte på det med multekrem, og om bestemuttern, kan ha spist det, da hun bodde i Numedal, på gården Mogan, i Rollag, tror jeg det het.
De tok visst navnet etter gården, Mogan da, ettersom jeg har skjønt.
Da kom jeg på en episode, som skjedde en gang, da jeg satt ved plassen min, lengst
fra kjøleskapet, på kjøkkenet til Ågot.
Og det var at bestemuttern, begynte å fortelle, på en klagende måte, at hun var den peneste jenta, i hele Numedal osv., da hun bodde der.
På en klagende måte.
Også gikk hun og henta et bilde, som jeg aldri hadde sett før, men som jeg tror var i ramme, hvis jeg husker riktig.
Og da skulle hun vise meg det da, hvordan hun så ut på bildet osv.
Men, jeg synes hun oppførte seg litt rart, så jeg så ikke så nøye på bildet.
Men jeg så en grovbygget kvinne, på bildet, som ikke ligna på Ågot, og som vel heller så mer vanlig ut, enn pen, må man vel si.
Så jeg skjønner ikke at det kan ha vært Ågot, på bildet.
Så jeg lurer på om noe var galt.
Nå kom jeg også på noen andre ting her.
Like etter at jeg flytta fra muttern i Larvik, til Bergeråsen, i 1979, så sa farmora mi til meg, at 'jeg ga deg melk da du var liten', osv.
Jeg syntes det her hørtes litt rart ut, så jeg sa ikke noe.
Men jeg fortale det til fattern, da vi var i butikken, eller noe, på ettermiddagen.
'Sa hu det', sa fattern da.
Og han forklarte ikke.
Susanne, var det vel, kusina mi.
Hun sa, under begravelsen, til Ågot, i 2000, var det vel, at fattern og brødrene hans, altså faren min, Arne Mogan Olsen, og brødrene Håkon Mogan Olsen, og Runar Olsen, eller om han heter Runar Mogan Olsen.
De hadde sitti oppe, hele kvelden, før begravelsen, og diskutert hvor jeg skulle gå.
Håkon og Runar, sa Susanne, hadde sagt at jeg skulle gå bak, og bære båra.
Mens fattern sa jeg skulle gå foran.
Og fattern fikk vilja si.
Jeg viste ikke at jeg skulle bære båra engang.
Men jeg fikk vite det, i kirka, like før vi skulle bære båra til graven.
Fattern sa det.
Men men.
Like etter at kista var lagt ned i graven.
Så sa Christell, dattra til Haldis, til meg, at 'går det bra med deg, du har jo ikke så mye familie igjen nå', eller noe.
Jeg synes det var rart, for hun sa ikke 'dere har ikke så mye familie igjen', altså jeg og søstra mi, Pia.
Nei, hun sa 'du, har ikke så mye familie'.
Men Pia har jo mann og barn, så det kan kanskje være derfor.
Fettern min, Ove, han kom ikke i begravelsen, enda han var veldig glad i Ågot, mener jeg å huske i hvertfall.
Og det var Ågot, som muttern dytta ned trappa, så hu brakk armen, var det vel, i 1974 eller 1975, da jeg og søstra mi ikke fikk lov å besøke fattern, på et år eller to.
Så jeg lurer litt på det her, om dem har tulla litt.
Muttern hadde jo mørkebrunt hår, vil jeg si, eller svart hår nesten.
Mens fattern har også brunt hår.
Men jeg har mørkeblondt hår, i hvertfall hadde jeg det.
Nå er det vel veldig mørkeblondt, så det ser nesten brunt ut.
Men men.
Men jeg husker fattern sa, da jeg fikk det første passet mitt, at jeg hadde mørkeblondt hår.
For det skulle man skrive i passene tidligere.
Så sånn var det.
Og også, i 1979, da jeg nettopp hadde flytta til Bergeråsen.
Da diskuterte vi hva jeg skulle hete.
Og jeg lurte på om jeg ikke skulle hete Erik Mogan Olsen.
Jeg var på kjøkkenet, og prata om det her.
De andre i familien, var i stua.
Men, nei, 'Mogan', var det 'vi' som het, sa onkelen min, Håkon.
Det var litt forvirring, om navnet, da jeg begynte på Berger skole, i 1979.
Jeg ville hete Olsen, fordi det het fattern.
Så da lærerne spurte hva jeg het, så sa jeg Erik Olsen.
Mens i papirene, som skolen hadde fra myndighetene, så stod det Erik Ribsskog.
Så jeg måtte blant annet til tannlegen, i Svelvik, to ganger, første uka, var det vel, på Berger skole.
For de trodde jeg var to forskjellige folk, eller noe.
Noe sånt.
For fattern og de, de sa at jeg skulle hete Erik Olsen, den dagen vi diskuterte det, på Sand, i 1979, var det vel.
Men de forrandra ikke navnet hos folkeregisteret.
Så jeg ble hetende Erik Olsen, på skolen osv.
Mens i folkeregisteret, så har jeg het Erik Ribsskog, helt siden muttern forrandra navnet mitt, fra Erik Olsen, til Erik Ribsskog, i Larvik, i 1975, eller noe.
Jeg husker hun fortalte meg det, en gang vi gikk i Byåsen der, eller hva det heter, i Larvik, av en eller annen anledning.
Og det likte jeg ikke så bra, for jeg var vant til å hete Erik Olsen.
Men muttern ville ikke diskutere, jeg skulle hete Ribsskog, sa hu.
Så sånn var det.
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Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> |
Re: Complaint on User Operations Representative/Fwd: Complaint.
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> |
Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:25 AM | |
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E-mail to the American Department of Homeland Security.
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> |
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Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:20 AM | |||||||||||||||
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E-mail to Lufthansa.
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> |
Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com> |
Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 7:00 AM | |
To: info@dlh.de | ||
Dem har visst solgt gammelt brød på Rimi Liertoppen. Det er ikke bare jeg som har problemer med Rimi osv. skjønner jeg. (In Norwegian).
Magnify User (blogger) | 26th August 2008 04:51:04 |
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Mer fra Hip-Hop.no. Selv om det kanskje ikke var så veldig mye mer. (In Norwegian).
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Quoted comment by Jambo:
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Quoted comment by fozzy5000:
Quoted comment by smart99:
Quoted comment by fozzy5000:
Quoted comment by smart99:
Quoted comment by fozzy5000: i would be happy to be searched by police if it means that they are trying to keep gun and knife crime down. i got nothing to hide so why should i give a fuck if 2 mins of my time is waisted. its catch 22 for the cops if they serach too many ppl its harrasment and they get fucked over and if they dont search enogh ppl and someone gets stabbed then they have not donethere job well enough. i am pretty sure cops dont carry crystal balls so they just have to search as many ppl as possible to make sure they get the bad guys. if your inconvienienced then tough shit. rather that than be stabbed on a night out eh!
Why don't you move to china then. Here in the USA, I will do everything to protect the rights of myself, and my kids. It's this kind of attitude that starts the cracks in the system, and next thing you know, you are living under martial law.
You people have been scared into submission. I pity you all.
so let me quess, your one of these retards that think we dont need a legal system, dont need cops and so on. are you fucking retarded or what. I have kids aswell and i would rather be stopped and searched and come away clean than see the police not want to stop and searches becasue they are worried some fucking pipsqeek like you is going to get offended that your human rights have been breached by someone that wants to make the streets a safer place for everyone. Its ppl like YOU that ruin our contries, not ppl like me.
Well, here in America, we have something called probable cause, as well as illegal search and seizure. You brits gave that up years ago, along with your guns. No wonder GB is becoming a muslim state. In 10 years, all your crooked teethed women will be wearing burqas. LOL
fuck probable cause. just get it over and one with, treat me nice but with saftey first in mind and i dont give a fuck. i got nothing to hide. and as for our crooked toothed women, at least our women have teeth and dont all weigh about half a ton. Crawl back into your hole and stfu. the prob with america is the fact that everyone is too scared to do fuck all about the crims as they are to scared of the repurcusions. here they just get on with it. Although i do agree that we are turning into a muslim state but hopefully something will happen and that will be sorted.
So you miss or ignore the many stories about criminals getting shot by the ordinary folks over here.
I probably shouldn't write this, since I'm from Norway.
But in Britain, the Police, chased a Brazilian through London, an on to the tube, where they executed him.
And he was just a normal guy.
So I'm not sure if everything is like it should be, with the Police here.
He was not a normal guy, he was an illegal immigrant who refused to stop when armed police asked him to. He then ran onto a packed tube train where he could have set off an explosive device. The idiot who shouldn't have even been here should've stopped when the police asked him to.
This is not the normal behaviour of British police nor is it a common occurrence. You seem extremely paranoid.
If he wasn't a normal guy, why did they let his family come over, and look at the murder-scene etc., like I saw on TV?
A normal guy in Britain is a British citizen, the man in question was not. His family were invited because his death was a public relations disaster for the authorities.
My point still stands; this is not the normal behaviour of British police nor is it a common occurrence.
I've thought more about this, in the mean-time, since you haven't replied yet.
Did the British Police, tell the Brazilian guys parents, when they were in London, that they thought it was ok to kill him, since he wasn't a normal person, since he wasn't a Brit?
I don't think they can have told them that, since they didn't want to press charges, against the British Police.
So I think something doesn't add up here.
Posted very recently by "johncons" (R)
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Quoted comment by japapadex:
Quoted comment by johncons:
Quoted comment by japapadex:
Quoted comment by johncons:
Quoted comment by japapadex: It is possible that they might be searching for drugs, or it could be a high risk area whereas they will just stop and search anybody. Zero tolerance is very much in force in the merseyside area.
Zero tolerance for walking on the pavement?
It sometimes depends on the area or even it could be down to a particular street or road, certain restricted zones will not allow more than two youths wether it be male or female to hang around, i think the police must have had reason to search these girls, but without any more facts it is difficult to say. Just because they are girls does not mean that they are incapable of committing an offence, some girls that i know from the Liverpool are worse than the lads.
Well, this was in Dale St., in the center of Liverpool.
Not far from the Town Hall, and Matthew St., and the discos etc.
And these people, were just normal people walking on the pavemant, as I could see.
And they said that the police just frisked everyone.
I've overheard people saying this earlier as well, in Dale St, in the Spar shop, on a Saturday evening.
That they were just brought in to a Police-car, and had never seen Police like that.
Seemed like ordinary people going out to me, on both occations.
The girls, who had got their bags looked through by the Police, acted polite.
I was maybe a bit inpolite, in asking them why the Police looked through their stuff, but it was a Saturday night, and I was a bit curious.
Then one of them explained, that the Police just 'frisked everone', and the otherone complained, to the first one, that she was getting a headache, I think she said, so I don't think these girls acted like criminals.
So I thought this was a bit akward.
Is it ok for the Police to stop, and frisk, people who are just walking on the pavement.
In Norway, where I'm from.
I worked a lot, as a shop-manager, in Norway.
And I lived in a small flat, which I rented from my employer, (Rimi/Ica), and the fridge didn't work, and they didn't want to change it.
So before I got to buy a new fridge, then I sometimes, used to drive, to a petrol-station etc., at night, to buy a snack, or some food.
And then the Police in Oslo, would stop you, for no reason at all.
And ask for your drivers-licence, and once when I was tired from work, then they asked me to go out of the car, to look at my pupils etc.
They must have thought I was a criminal or something, when all I did, was to drive to 7-eleven, to buy some food etc., or I drove my brother home, once, when he had been visiting me.
And then for no reason at all, the Police are going drive behind you, and ask you to stop.
They call it 'rutine kontroll', thats 'routine-control'.
So it's maybe so, that the Police in eighter Norway or Britain, don't need any reason, to stop you, and go through your stuff, or your car etc.
It's not in America, I guess, where the Police aren't allowed to just stop people walking on the pavement, or just driving a car, if I've understood it right, that is.
It sounds by what you have described that the police seemed to be looking for something in particular, possibly they had information whereas they deemed it necessary to stop and search, and i am pretty certain that they have the authority to stop and search anybody they choose as long as they have just cause to do so. but i still think that they need the persons permission to do so.
I suppose as you stated the routine control in Oslo must be a similar variation of upholding the law as to what you witnessed in Liverpool.
It does appear unfair from your point of view i suppose, but have you lived in the Liverpool area for a while, or are you fairly new to the area, because once you understand the people and the area you will soon become accustomed to why the police act this way, as it is normally a case of they are normally searching for drugs and weapons, and in Liverpool both drugs and weapons are usually high profile causes. I don't know wether this information helps you in anyway to understand why the police do a stop and search, but i do hope it will assist you in some way.
that's what I meant, that in Norway, you can be stoped by the Police, for driving on the street, and in Britain you can be stoped by the Police, for walking on the pavement, where as, in America, the Police can't stop you, without 'probable cause', or something similar.
I was just reflecting a bit around this.
But now it's clear to me, that the UK police, don't need probable cause, to frisk someone.
So thanks very much for help with finding out about that!
I walked around the block, and then I saw the same two Police-officers standing outside of the discos in Eberle St., I think that lane is called.
So I don't think they were on some mission of any kind, other than to patrol the streets, on a Saturday night.
And the girls said that they just 'frisked everyone'.
And I haven't the police act like this, in other cities.
It was also the incident, in Matthew St., a couple of months ago, that I posted about, a couple of weeks ago, when I first heard of this site.
I've been living in Liverpool, for three years now, in Walton, and in the city centre, and I think normal people usually behave very polite and fine here.
I can't remember seeing a single fight, when I've been going out.
I think the guns and that, is more in the suburbs in Liverpool?
I can't remember hearing of any shooting-incidents, in the city center of Liverpool.
So I think the way the police in this city acts, is a bit strange, from having lived in Oslo for many years, and also in Sunderland.
In the incident in Matthew St., it looked like the police were practically raping the girl.
(Look at the post I posted some weeks ago).
And in the link to the case I have against Arvato/Microsoft, there one can see, that the Merseyside Police, call me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', and they also lied, and said that the Citizens Advice Bureaux, was Government, when it's a charity.
And they are having phoney e-mail-adresses, and are acting at bullies, in the meetings etc, I'd say.
So I'm not that convinced about the Merseyside Police, so that's why I'm posting about these incidents.
Thanks again for the information about the British Police in your comment!
Posted 17 mins ago by "johncons" (R)
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Quoted comment by johncons:
Quoted comment by japapadex:
Quoted comment by johncons:
Quoted comment by japapadex:
Quoted comment by johncons:
Quoted comment by japapadex: It is possible that they might be searching for drugs, or it could be a high risk area whereas they will just stop and search anybody. Zero tolerance is very much in force in the merseyside area.
Zero tolerance for walking on the pavement?
It sometimes depends on the area or even it could be down to a particular street or road, certain restricted zones will not allow more than two youths wether it be male or female to hang around, i think the police must have had reason to search these girls, but without any more facts it is difficult to say. Just because they are girls does not mean that they are incapable of committing an offence, some girls that i know from the Liverpool are worse than the lads.
Well, this was in Dale St., in the center of Liverpool.
Not far from the Town Hall, and Matthew St., and the discos etc.
And these people, were just normal people walking on the pavemant, as I could see.
And they said that the police just frisked everyone.
I've overheard people saying this earlier as well, in Dale St, in the Spar shop, on a Saturday evening.
That they were just brought in to a Police-car, and had never seen Police like that.
Seemed like ordinary people going out to me, on both occations.
The girls, who had got their bags looked through by the Police, acted polite.
I was maybe a bit inpolite, in asking them why the Police looked through their stuff, but it was a Saturday night, and I was a bit curious.
Then one of them explained, that the Police just 'frisked everone', and the otherone complained, to the first one, that she was getting a headache, I think she said, so I don't think these girls acted like criminals.
So I thought this was a bit akward.
Is it ok for the Police to stop, and frisk, people who are just walking on the pavement.
In Norway, where I'm from.
I worked a lot, as a shop-manager, in Norway.
And I lived in a small flat, which I rented from my employer, (Rimi/Ica), and the fridge didn't work, and they didn't want to change it.
So before I got to buy a new fridge, then I sometimes, used to drive, to a petrol-station etc., at night, to buy a snack, or some food.
And then the Police in Oslo, would stop you, for no reason at all.
And ask for your drivers-licence, and once when I was tired from work, then they asked me to go out of the car, to look at my pupils etc.
They must have thought I was a criminal or something, when all I did, was to drive to 7-eleven, to buy some food etc., or I drove my brother home, once, when he had been visiting me.
And then for no reason at all, the Police are going drive behind you, and ask you to stop.
They call it 'rutine kontroll', thats 'routine-control'.
So it's maybe so, that the Police in eighter Norway or Britain, don't need any reason, to stop you, and go through your stuff, or your car etc.
It's not in America, I guess, where the Police aren't allowed to just stop people walking on the pavement, or just driving a car, if I've understood it right, that is.
It sounds by what you have described that the police seemed to be looking for something in particular, possibly they had information whereas they deemed it necessary to stop and search, and i am pretty certain that they have the authority to stop and search anybody they choose as long as they have just cause to do so. but i still think that they need the persons permission to do so.
I suppose as you stated the routine control in Oslo must be a similar variation of upholding the law as to what you witnessed in Liverpool.
It does appear unfair from your point of view i suppose, but have you lived in the Liverpool area for a while, or are you fairly new to the area, because once you understand the people and the area you will soon become accustomed to why the police act this way, as it is normally a case of they are normally searching for drugs and weapons, and in Liverpool both drugs and weapons are usually high profile causes. I don't know wether this information helps you in anyway to understand why the police do a stop and search, but i do hope it will assist you in some way.
that's what I meant, that in Norway, you can be stoped by the Police, for driving on the street, and in Britain you can be stoped by the Police, for walking on the pavement, where as, in America, the Police can't stop you, without 'probable cause', or something similar.
I was just reflecting a bit around this.
But now it's clear to me, that the UK police, don't need probable cause, to frisk someone.
So thanks very much for help with finding out about that!
I walked around the block, and then I saw the same two Police-officers standing outside of the discos in Eberle St., I think that lane is called.
So I don't think they were on some mission of any kind, other than to patrol the streets, on a Saturday night.
And the girls said that they just 'frisked everyone'.
And I haven't the police act like this, in other cities.
It was also the incident, in Matthew St., a couple of months ago, that I posted about, a couple of weeks ago, when I first heard of this site.
I've been living in Liverpool, for three years now, in Walton, and in the city centre, and I think normal people usually behave very polite and fine here.
I can't remember seeing a single fight, when I've been going out.
I think the guns and that, is more in the suburbs in Liverpool?
I can't remember hearing of any shooting-incidents, in the city center of Liverpool.
So I think the way the police in this city acts, is a bit strange, from having lived in Oslo for many years, and also in Sunderland.
In the incident in Matthew St., it looked like the police were practically raping the girl.
(Look at the post I posted some weeks ago).
And in the link to the case I have against Arvato/Microsoft, there one can see, that the Merseyside Police, call me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', and they also lied, and said that the Citizens Advice Bureaux, was Government, when it's a charity.
And they are having phoney e-mail-adresses, and are acting at bullies, in the meetings etc, I'd say.
So I'm not that convinced about the Merseyside Police, so that's why I'm posting about these incidents.
Thanks again for the information about the British Police in your comment!
No problem mate you are welcome.
Take care.
Posted 12 mins ago by "japapadex" (R)
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Quoted comment by smart99:
Quoted comment by fozzy5000:
Quoted comment by smart99:
Quoted comment by fozzy5000: i would be happy to be searched by police if it means that they are trying to keep gun and knife crime down. i got nothing to hide so why should i give a fuck if 2 mins of my time is waisted. its catch 22 for the cops if they serach too many ppl its harrasment and they get fucked over and if they dont search enogh ppl and someone gets stabbed then they have not donethere job well enough. i am pretty sure cops dont carry crystal balls so they just have to search as many ppl as possible to make sure they get the bad guys. if your inconvienienced then tough shit. rather that than be stabbed on a night out eh!
Why don't you move to china then. Here in the USA, I will do everything to protect the rights of myself, and my kids. It's this kind of attitude that starts the cracks in the system, and next thing you know, you are living under martial law.
You people have been scared into submission. I pity you all.
so let me quess, your one of these retards that think we dont need a legal system, dont need cops and so on. are you fucking retarded or what. I have kids aswell and i would rather be stopped and searched and come away clean than see the police not want to stop and searches becasue they are worried some fucking pipsqeek like you is going to get offended that your human rights have been breached by someone that wants to make the streets a safer place for everyone. Its ppl like YOU that ruin our contries, not ppl like me.
Well, here in America, we have something called probable cause, as well as illegal search and seizure. You brits gave that up years ago, along with your guns. No wonder GB is becoming a muslim state. In 10 years, all your crooked teethed women will be wearing burqas. LOL
fuck probable cause. just get it over and one with, treat me nice but with saftey first in mind and i dont give a fuck. i got nothing to hide. and as for our crooked toothed women, at least our women have teeth and dont all weigh about half a ton. Crawl back into your hole and stfu. the prob with america is the fact that everyone is too scared to do fuck all about the crims as they are to scared of the repurcusions. here they just get on with it. Although i do agree that we are turning into a muslim state but hopefully something will happen and that will be sorted.
So you miss or ignore the many stories about criminals getting shot by the ordinary folks over here.
I probably shouldn't write this, since I'm from Norway.
But in Britain, the Police, chased a Brazilian through London, an on to the tube, where they executed him.
And he was just a normal guy.
So I'm not sure if everything is like it should be, with the Police here.
He was not a normal guy, he was an illegal immigrant who refused to stop when armed police asked him to. He then ran onto a packed tube train where he could have set off an explosive device. The idiot who shouldn't have even been here should've stopped when the police asked him to.
This is not the normal behaviour of British police nor is it a common occurrence. You seem extremely paranoid.
If he wasn't a normal guy, why did they let his family come over, and look at the murder-scene etc., like I saw on TV?
A normal guy in Britain is a British citizen, the man in question was not. His family were invited because his death was a public relations disaster for the authorities.
My point still stands; this is not the normal behaviour of British police nor is it a common occurrence.
You make it sound like it's ok for the Police to occationally execute some normal people on the tube if they aren't British citizens.
Posted 6 mins ago by "johncons" (R)
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Quoted comment by kajidono:
Quoted comment by fozzy5000:
Quoted comment by smart99:
Quoted comment by fozzy5000:
Quoted comment by smart99:
Quoted comment by fozzy5000: i would be happy to be searched by police if it means that they are trying to keep gun and knife crime down. i got nothing to hide so why should i give a fuck if 2 mins of my time is waisted. its catch 22 for the cops if they serach too many ppl its harrasment and they get fucked over and if they dont search enogh ppl and someone gets stabbed then they have not donethere job well enough. i am pretty sure cops dont carry crystal balls so they just have to search as many ppl as possible to make sure they get the bad guys. if your inconvienienced then tough shit. rather that than be stabbed on a night out eh!
Why don't you move to china then. Here in the USA, I will do everything to protect the rights of myself, and my kids. It's this kind of attitude that starts the cracks in the system, and next thing you know, you are living under martial law.
You people have been scared into submission. I pity you all.
so let me quess, your one of these retards that think we dont need a legal system, dont need cops and so on. are you fucking retarded or what. I have kids aswell and i would rather be stopped and searched and come away clean than see the police not want to stop and searches becasue they are worried some fucking pipsqeek like you is going to get offended that your human rights have been breached by someone that wants to make the streets a safer place for everyone. Its ppl like YOU that ruin our contries, not ppl like me.
Well, here in America, we have something called probable cause, as well as illegal search and seizure. You brits gave that up years ago, along with your guns. No wonder GB is becoming a muslim state. In 10 years, all your crooked teethed women will be wearing burqas. LOL
fuck probable cause. just get it over and one with, treat me nice but with saftey first in mind and i dont give a fuck. i got nothing to hide. and as for our crooked toothed women, at least our women have teeth and dont all weigh about half a ton. Crawl back into your hole and stfu. the prob with america is the fact that everyone is too scared to do fuck all about the crims as they are to scared of the repurcusions. here they just get on with it. Although i do agree that we are turning into a muslim state but hopefully something will happen and that will be sorted.
So you miss or ignore the many stories about criminals getting shot by the ordinary folks over here.
I probably shouldn't write this, since I'm from Norway.
But in Britain, the Police, chased a Brazilian through London, an on to the tube, where they executed him.
And he was just a normal guy.
So I'm not sure if everything is like it should be, with the Police here.
He was not a normal guy, he was an illegal immigrant who refused to stop when armed police asked him to. He then ran onto a packed tube train where he could have set off an explosive device. The idiot who shouldn't have even been here should've stopped when the police asked him to.
This is not the normal behaviour of British police nor is it a common occurrence. You seem extremely paranoid.
If he wasn't a normal guy, why did they let his family come over, and look at the murder-scene etc., like I saw on TV?
A normal guy in Britain is a British citizen, the man in question was not. His family were invited because his death was a public relations disaster for the authorities.
My point still stands; this is not the normal behaviour of British police nor is it a common occurrence.
You make it sound like it's ok for the Police to occationally execute some normal people on the tube if they aren't British citizens.
I'm beginning to understand why I'm just being f*cked around by the British Police, it's because I'm from Norway, and not a British Citizen.
And the Norwegian Government, is f*cking me around as well.
It doesn't seem like the Government in eighter Norway or Britain have any respect for peoples rights.
That's my view at least, after what has been going on.
Posted very recently by "johncons" (R)