fredag 10. april 2009

Lukter det litt av amerikanera tro? Jeg synes den her kom dagen etter at jeg sendte dem e-post. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Autoreply from U.S. Embassy London, Special Consular Services Unit

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Autoreply from U.S. Embassy London, Special Consular Services Unit


Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 11:50 AM


AUTOMATED REPLY: This is an automated response to acknowledge receipt of your email. This email address is for inquiries regarding American citizens ONLY. We will be responding to your inquiry shortly.

We cannot answer inquiries regarding visas for non-American citizens wishing to travel to the United States. We also cannot answer inquiries regarding legal permanent resident status in the United States ("green cards"). For information about visas or LPR status, please call 09042-450-100 from within the UK (calls to this line are charged at £1.20/min from BT landlines; some mobile and network providers may charge more) or 1-866-382-3589 from within the United States (callers are charged a fixed rate of $16 for up to seven minutes which is payable by credit card - Visa, MasterCard, American Express only). You can also check our website at for additional information.


Nei, det var samme dagen.

(Jeg sjekka nå).

Det er bare jeg som har dårlig døgnrytme.

Jeg synes amerikanerne var så snobbete, siden de bare ville ha e-poster fra amerikanske borgere.

Men det var visst om amerikanske borgere, husker jeg nå.

Så sånn var det.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog