fredag 1. mai 2009

Det er noen plagsomme drittunger som driver å tuller med meg litt, på internett. Men jeg driver å søker jobb osv., så jeg sendte en anmeldelse igjen

Google Mail - Ny anmeldelse av Ole-Christian Rochmann/Fwd: Oppdatering/Fwd: Fwd: Erik Ribsskog and Translationdirectory [Message to Mr. Onoshko]

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Ny anmeldelse av Ole-Christian Rochmann/Fwd: Oppdatering/Fwd: Fwd: Erik Ribsskog and Translationdirectory [Message to Mr. Onoshko]

Erik Ribsskog

Fri, May 1, 2009 at 7:41 PM



jeg sender en oppdatering til denne anmeldelsen av Rochmann.

Nå, så virker det som at han er med i en gjeng, som nok er folka fra Spillegal-forumet, som
har drevet å tullet med meg, på internett, med trakassering og de ødelegger navnet mitt.

Og nå har denne gjengen, som man kan se i det vedlagte bildet fra Rochmanns Facebook-side,
de har opprettet falske 'Erik Ribsskog Fanclub-er', både på Facebook og Blogger, hvor de driver

å trakasserer meg og ødelegger navnet mitt da.

De har også opprettet flere andre, lignende grupper, på Facebook, hvor de har brukt mitt navn,
med skrivefeil, 'Erik Ripsskog', for å lage gruppene, (Dette har jeg også rapportert om til

Facebook idag).

Dette er plagsomt, for hvis folk søker på mitt navn, på Google f.eks., så får de opp denne svadaen
som disse menneskene visstnok har fått som hobby, å drive med.

Jeg skjønner dette nok bare er sånn som ble kalt røverstreker og drittunger, i gamle dager, men
nå driver jeg faktisk og skal søke jobb osv., i utlandet, og da er det ikke så lett for f.eks.
arbeidsgivere og skjelne mellom 'drittunger' med fritidsproblemer og reelle ting, når de

skal behandle jobbsøknader f.eks., så derfor skulle jeg gjerne sett at dere gjorde noe med
disse plagsomme drittungene da, som det nok bare er snakk om.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 7:44 PM
Subject: Oppdatering/Fwd: Fwd: Erik Ribsskog and Translationdirectory [Message to Mr. Onoshko]
To: Baard Berge <>


her kan dere se at det er en som heter Ole-Christian Rockmann, som

driver å sprer løgner om meg,

bak ryggen min.

Jeg vil gjerne anmelde vedkommende for ærekrenkelser og

personforfølgelse, og jeg ønsker gjernings-

personen tiltalt og straffet.

Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: <>

Date: Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 2:34 PM

Subject: Re: Fwd: Erik Ribsskog and Translationdirectory [Message to

Mr. Onoshko]

To: Sebastiaan Moeys <>

Cc: Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Mr. Moeys,

Thank you for your response.

This is to confirm we have taken your name off the black list. We are

sorry for any inconvenience caused.

You are welcome to continue using

Click here to post a job announcement free of charge:

Click here to contact translators directly:


Serhiy Onoshko



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From: Sebastiaan Moeys <>


Date: Friday, April 3, 2009, 3:08:15 PM

Subject: Fwd: Erik Ribsskog and Translationdirectory [Message to Mr. Onoshko]

===8<==============Original message text===============

Dear Mr. Onoshko,

As a result of an email I received today, which I have included as a

forward below, I got aware of the fact that I have been banned from

your directory.

I paid Mr. Ribbskog 10 euros for giving me only two words: the word

"thousand" and the a Norwegian first name. They were part of a short

consult for which domain name to register. For less than 30 mins. of

work I paid him 10 euros. Not an unreasonable fee. After that, during

the conversation and by mail, he sent me long stories about conspiracy

theories, illuminati, target guys, spies and how everything evil was

interrelated and evolving around him, while suggesting even more

domain names (worthless ones by the way). Naturally I ignored him,

having finished our cooperation and having no interest at all in

conspiracy theories.

After more of these messages I finally responded and found out he

wanted 80$ for the bullshit emails he sent afterwards, including the

two worthless domain names that had been registered already.

As you might have guessed by now Mr Ribsskog is a psychopath. You

might find it useful to read the email below.

You could also check out the following links: -> Erik Ribsskogs blog -> lists most

items he posted about me. He lists my contact information as well as

private address information he was able to get from bank information

from my payment. He also brags about you banning me from TD, and

publishes his communications with you.

Or you might not do all of that and just conclude that he's a psychopath.

I would like to let you know that I have been paying fees for small

jobs with great satisfaction to many of the translators listed in your

directory. It's disappointing to see how a single nutjob can get

someone banned.


Sebastian Moeys

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Ole-Christian Rochmann <>

Date: Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 2:15 AM

Subject: Erik Ribsskog and Translationdirectory


You may or may not be aware, but Erik Ribsskog, the crazy guy who you

gave an assignment to come up with Norwegian domain names



Here he posts everything he does. He posted about the assignment you

gave him, the e-mail and MSN conversation where he pulls the sum of

$80 out of the air, and how he complained to Translationdirectory

about how you wouldn't pay him. Tonight he pasted an e-mail from them

where they said they've now blacklisted you. And that's just not

right. Here's the e-mail:

You can find everything pertaining to this case on this label:

He writes some stuff in Norwegian, but nothing important.

Me? I'm just one of many followers of Ribsskog's insanity. Because he

IS crazy. He has paranoid psychosis (he even posted his psych case

files on the blog) and thinks he's being followed by the Illuminati

and some kind of made-up "mafian", who have an agenda against blonde

people (even though Ribsskog has brown hair).

It'll probably be a bit of a hassle, but showing these e-mails,

conversations, hell his entire blog, to Translationdirectory should

prove Ribsskog is not to be trusted. With anything.


Ole-Christian & #sexbomb @ efnet

===8<===========End of original message text===========

rochmann 2.JPG


Her er vedlegget:

rochmann 2