Hi, it didn't explain this much on the LCS website, but I think this is above my human rights, since I'm being bullied and tortured almost, in the process with this employment-case.
That I'm being percecuted, on work, and being tortured/bullied by the Government, in Norway
and the UK, since I'm a refugee from Norway, since I overheard that I was followed by the 'mafia' there, in 2003, and then went to Britain.
So I think the problems at work at Arvato, could in some way be related to this, or/and that I
after 2005, when I went to Liverpool.
Then I contacted the police in Norway and Britain, but the police and other Government institutions, in both contries have refused to give me my right, and give advice, tell me what's going on.
The Arvato-case, was really a crime-case, since the bullying was illigal, but the police, refused to investigate.
I complained to the IPCC, about many things that the Merseyside Police did wrong, that was
worse than some of the things that were in the media, after the protests in London earlier this year.
And the Police lied and said that the CAB was Government.
And they sent me a letter calling me 'Miss Erik Ribsskog', even if Brits should know that
Erik is a boys/mans-name since you in the UK have the quite famous movie 'Erik the Viking'.
(The IPCC stopped answering my correspondence, and the Home Office don't want to interact, even if they found the IPCC)
So this is like torture to me, that noone tells me what's going on.
So I think this is about my human rights really.
I've sent about this to the UN.
I'm going to find that e-mail now:
hide details May 26 (1 day ago)
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I can't see that I've recieved a reply to this e-mail yet, so I'm trying to send it again.
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, May 12, 2009 at 8:10 AM Subject: Complaint about that the UK don't let me apply for assylum/Fwd: Problems with UK Border Agency To: daws@una.org.uk
I've overheard that I'm being followed by the mafia, which seems to be an organisation set up by Jens Chr.
Hauge, in Norway, after the war, and who persectued my grandfather Johannes Ribsskog, since he appearantly had insulted the elite in the Norwegian labour-party after the war, the Gerhardsen and Stoltenberg-families,
an American P.I. in London wrote about to me, telling me, earlier this year.
I was chased by someone that seemed like a hunting-team, in Norway in 2005, but got away, and went to Liverpool.
I contacted the Merseyside Police, but then they didn't want to give any help.
I then got a job for Bertelsmann, working for their Scandinavian Microsoft-activation.
I was bullyied and I think I have to say persecuted at work, which I again contacted the Merseyside Police about
in 2006, but again they didn't give any help, even if I had documents from work, showing this.
I then complained, to the IPCC, but they haven't really done anything, neighter have the Home Office, which I complained
about the IPCC to, since the Home office found them.
The Home Office haven't done anything, so I've contated Downing Street, but the have now twice just sent it back to the
Home Office, even if The Office are really just messing with me, one have to say.
I didn't know where to go, being a refugee, in 2005.
But now, I've got the files from the American P.I in London, and it seems like this is political.
So I went to the Home Office, to apply for assylum.
But the woman on the assylum-meeting, just told me I wasn't allowed to apply for assylum, to the
UK, since I was from a European country. But, I think that international law, gives me the right to apply for assulym, since I'm being persecuted in Norway.
So I sent an e-mail to the Home Office, (which I'm forwarding with this e-mail), but they haven't replied.
So I thought I could try to contact the UN, and assure me that I'm right, that I have the right to apply for assylum when I'm being persecuted in another country, like i even can document about now.
Hope you have the chance to help me with answering this e-mail, sorry if I sent it a bit wrong, but I have
a blog, since I'm being persecuted, and then I can publish the e-mails, if I send them to a valid e-mail address.
Hope this is alright!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 10:37 AM Subject: Problems with UK Border Agency To: public.enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk
Hi, I was at the Border Agency in Liverpool today, since I'm being persecuted by the Norwegian
Government, by some mafia or gladio that's under their control, due to that my grandfather,
Johannes Ribsskog, offended someone in the Gerhardsen and Stoltenberg-families, in the Norwegian Arbeiderpartiet-party, it seems, from what I've been told.
I've also been persecuted in Britain, I was harassed when I worked for Bertelsmann/Microsoft,
and the Police and the IPCC and you at the Home Office, have been 'messing' with me, in
a case that's now at the Prime Ministers Office.
I've also been recieved funny letters, threat-letters, this year, from Germany and Liverpool,
while I have been staying in Liverpool, with strange drawings, and the German one had a strange pyramide, so this could be some Illuminati-stuff etc.
I had an agreement to claim asylum in the UK, today, at 9 am.
But, I was told, that one couldn't get asylum, if one were from a European country.
But I think they must have meant the EU.
But Norway aren't in the EU, and I tried to explain this, because, Norway and the UK, aren't
the same country, since Norway aren't in the EU. So then it should be possible for me, to claim asylum, to the UK, in accordance to normal
international principles and laws, I reckon.
So I would please like to complain about your representative, and I hope you can sort this out,
so that I can get asylum, since I'm being persecuted. (Why would they give me an appointment, if people from Norway can't claim asylum?
I doesn't make any sense to me, I'm afraid).
I hope you can sort this!
Yours sincerely,
Erik Ribsskog
So I think this is about my human rights, but the employment-case is also about discrimination
due to gender, by a woman manager there against me, and it seems that young women where exploited in the company, so this case could also help uncover about that. It was also one case of harassment against me from a manager because of age.
So mainly a case about human rights, but also about discrimination about gender and age, and possbly due to race, since Norwegians were treated poorly there. Norwegians had to answer phone-calls in three languages, so Norwegians had to do much more
work, without getting more pay. The Freemason-stuff could be linked with sionist/kabbalistic thinking that I read is about Jew supprimacy, over the blond/Nordic people. And I've read on the net that Bertelsmann sponsor sionist spy-organisastions, so this could
be that the company is run according to Moses Hess' idology of sionism, that said that Jews are supperior to Nordic/blond people, because it was only the blond women who was crying there, and the people using the kabbalistic manipulation were dark-haired.
And I'm also Norse, and I was bullied almost to death there, with that I had to take so meny Danish calls, and work so much overtime. So I'm sure really, that it was discrimination against the Norse race there at Bertelsmann.
So this case is about human rights, and discrimination to do with gender, age and race, is clear to me. Yours sincerely, Erik Ribsskog