onsdag 27. mai 2009

Fra irc-kanalen til engelsk Wikipedia. (In Norwegian)

Session Start: Wed May 27 20:25:15 2009
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[20:25] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
[20:25] * Topic is 'Discussion of the English Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/ | Status: Slow for some | No public logging | Guidelines: http://bit.ly/OiAr | Offtopic chatter to #wikipedia-social | For operator assistance, type !op or join #wikimedia-ops | For emergency admin help, type !admin followed by your request | Join #wikipedia-en-blp for BLP-related fun!'
[20:25] * Set by Majorly on Wed May 27 16:08:42
[20:25] #wikipedia-en url is http://en.wikipedia.org/
[20:25] final
[20:25] <[Soap]> hi JC
[20:25] who is winning?
[20:25] ah
[20:25] MAnchester United v Barcelona
[20:25] hi there
[20:25] Barcelona 2-1
[20:25] no
[20:25] * jc_away is now known as john_cons
[20:25] Barce, 1-0
[20:27] I was muted on wikipedia-no, just for talking there about wiki-stuff (that the son of a former minster, flums, tried to stop me from writing about a norwegian pizza brand, grandiosa, since one of his employers, stabburet, told him to stop me. another admin, Jeblad, then covered this up, explained it as a 'practical joke')
[20:27] i try to bring up this case on wikipedia-no, but am just being muted
[20:27] wondering what to do
[20:35] * Disconnected
Session Close: Wed May 27 20:38:16 2009

Session Start: Wed May 27 20:40:03 2009
Session Ident: #wikipedia-en
[20:40] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en
[20:40] * Topic is 'Discussion of the English Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/ | Status: Slow for some | No public logging | Guidelines: http://bit.ly/OiAr | Offtopic chatter to #wikipedia-social | For operator assistance, type !op or join #wikimedia-ops | For emergency admin help, type !admin followed by your request | Join #wikipedia-en-blp for BLP-related fun!'
[20:40] * Set by Majorly on Wed May 27 16:08:42
[20:40] #wikipedia-en url is http://en.wikipedia.org/
[20:40] got disconected
[20:40] i'll try to exlpain again, in case what i wrote didn't get to the channel
[20:40] * HarryW has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:41] I was muted on wikipedia-no, just for talking there about wiki-stuff (that the son of a former minster, flums, tried to stop me from writing about a norwegian pizza brand, grandiosa, since one of his employers, stabburet, told him to stop me. another admin, Jeblad, then covered this up, explained it as a 'practical joke')
[20:41] i try to bring up this case on wikipedia-no, but am just being muted
[20:42] wondering what to do
[20:42] Majorly - I added some questions
[20:42] thanks in advance for any help!
[20:42] john_cons - hold on
[20:43] ok, np
[20:43] john_cons, well I've spoken to the channel, they're not going to unban you.
[20:43] okey
[20:43] * Ose|Barca has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:44] then that's sorted then i guess
[20:44] thanks for the help then
[20:44] tara
[20:44] john_cons - wait, we're discussing whether to let you live
[20:44] live?
[20:44] * tombom has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[20:44] * tombom_ is now known as tombom
[20:44] yes
[20:44] just a bunch of morons here as well
[20:44] fuck off
Session Close: Wed May 27 20:44:58 2009