torsdag 28. mai 2009

Det her tror jeg er en ganske høyt på strå i Wikipedia-systemet, ifølge de på #wikimedia-ops. Men det er nok ikke han Wales, som jeg først trodde. (N)

Session Start: Wed May 27 21:58:57 2009
Session Ident: seanw
[21:59] <john_cons> I was muted on wikipedia-no, just for talking there about wiki-stuff (that the son of a former minster, flums, tried to stop me from writing about a norwegian pizza brand, grandiosa, since one of his employers, stabburet, told him to stop me. another admin, Jeblad, then covered this up, explained it as a 'practical joke')
[21:59] <john_cons> i try to bring up this case on wikipedia-no, but am just being muted
[21:59] <john_cons> wondering what to do
[22:32] <seanw> Okay
[22:33] <seanw> I'd start by letting it lie a bit before going at it, and then talking to some of the high-ranking ops in the channel about the ban, explaining you won't do it again etc.
[22:33] <seanw> If you really feel they are being unreasonable after that, you can e-mail me about it and I'll talk to them.
[23:40] <john_cons> ok, i'll do that, thanks for the advice
[23:40] <john_cons> you are Mr. Wales right, that I've contacted before about this?
[23:41] <john_cons> i guess so, thanks again for the help! Bye!
Session Close: Wed May 27 23:41:55 2009