torsdag 11. juni 2009

Jeg måtte sende en ny klage til YouTube, på noen mafia-aktige folk som driver å kødder. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - Copyright Infringement Notification Confirmation

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Copyright Infringement Notification Confirmation

YouTube Service

Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 6:27 PM



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Copyright Infringement Notification Confirmation

Thank you for taking the time to submit your copyright complaint to YouTube. We will review your submission shortly.

Here is the information you filled in:

Thank you for completing the Copyright Infringement Form.

Copyright Owner Name (Company Name if applicable):
Erik Ribsskog

Your Full Legal Name (Aliases, usernames or initials not accepted):
Erik Ribsskog

Your Title or Job Position (What is your authority to make this complaint?):
Private person (Blogg editor)

Flat 3, 5 Leather Lane



L2 2AE



Email Address:

+44 151 236 3298


Describe the work allegedly infringed:
This video, 'Protest mot
Bertelsmann ved tysk krigsskip i Liverpool', that I've produced myself,
and uploaded on YouTube: The
infriging video is a remix, that only uses my orginally uploaded video. I
think that even if I upload a video I've recorded on YouTube, it's still
my work, and I should have the copyright for this work, and I haven't
given anyone the permition to use this video, in any way.
This is the second remix, that I report to you, since yesterday.
This must be organised, in some way, by mob etc, I suspect.
I particularly didn't like the picture of a dead horse's head, in this video, that can be interperated,
as a death-treath, since it's a threath from the Godfather-movies, with the horse's head, in the bed, in of the first movies.

URL of allegedly infringing video to be removed:

Country where copyright applies:

I, in good faith state that:

  • I am the owner or an agent authorised to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.

  • I have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner reported by complaint is not authorised by the copyright owner, its agent or the law; and

  • This notification is accurate.

  • I understand that abuse of this tool will result in termination of my YouTube account.

Authorised Signature:
Erik Ribsskog


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