tirsdag 16. juni 2009

Jobbsøking i England: Nå sendte jeg karakterutskrifter, fra høyskoler i Norge, til hun dama på the Jobcenter. For jeg er ikke så flink til å skrive CV

Google Mail - Update/Fwd: Meeting at the Job-center last week

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Update/Fwd: Meeting at the Job-center last week

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 5:59 PM



sorry that I'm asking a lot of questions.

But now I'm also enclosing my grades, from two university-colleges, in Oslo, so that you
can see, that I have good grades in Computing and also some business-modules.

So I'm going to explain more about these skills as well, on my CV.

Also, my problem is, that my Home University in Norway, Oslo University College, they
don't want to send me a 2 or even a 3 year bachelor degree in computing, which I think

these files qualify for.

So I feel a bit stupid, when I apply for work, since I haven't got a degree, due to this.

But now I'm also contacting NHI/NITH, so maybe that university-college, have the

opertunity, to send me a degree.

But, when I studied, we had groupt-assignments, so I did most of the difficult Java-
programming and perl-programming etc.

But I didn't get to learn web-design that good, since we had group-assignments.

So I dealt more with programming, and this took much of my time there, on the groups,
so I didn't get to learn web-design and PHP that well.

So that's why I was wondering about this again.

Thank you very much again, for the help with the CV!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Update/Fwd: Meeting at the Job-center last week

To: Margaret Hudson <Margaret.Hudson@connexionslive.com>

Hi Margaret,

thank you very much for your help with the CV, it looks very brilliant now!

I'm just a bit conserned, now it looks a bit like I have holes in my education and work experience.

Aren't companies going to wonder what I was doing before 1998, and after I finished studying?

And shouldn't I write that I won the famous Food shop-manager contest, in Norway, in 2001, in Rimi,

'Rimi Goldmines', and things like that?

But other than that, I thought the CV was very fine!

Thank you very much for you help with this.

In our meeting, a couple of weeks ago, we talked a bit about courses.

I've studied computing, for several years, but when I look at the vacancies now, very many companies
are looking for people who know PHP.

We talked about, in our meeting, that the Jobcenter had some courses, that could be available to me,

since I unfortunatly has been unemployed for some months.

But is it right that you have courses in web-design and/or PHP, you think, since I see that many
companies advertise for people who knows PHP, so I thought to take a course in that would be

very useful for my chances for getting an interesting and challenging job.

Or should I bring this up in the review-meeting later this week, at the jobcenter?

Thanks again for your fine help with the CV!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 1:03 PM, Margaret Hudson <Margaret.Hudson@connexionslive.com> wrote:

Hi Erik

I have changed your CV around and just took some of your past jobs off from over 10 years ago as the last 10 years work experience are the most important.

If you require any further help please contact me



From: Erik Ribsskog [mailto:eribsskog@gmail.com]

Sent: Wed 03/06/2009 21:45

To: Margaret Hudson

Subject: Update/Fwd: Meeting at the Job-center last week


I'm also attaching a cover-letter, with this update, for a job that I applied for just now, like we agreed last week,

that I was going to send you.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Wed, Jun 3, 2009 at 6:41 PM

Subject: Meeting at the Job-center last week

To: margaret.hudson@connexionslive.com

Hi Margie,

I'm refering to our meeting at the Job-center at Williamsons Sq., last week, and I'm enclosing

a copy of my revised CV, as agreed.

I've added a column called 'Personal Profile', on the CV, like you adviced me to do.

Is it right that you also want me to remove some of my work-practise, from my CV, since it's

many years since I worked in my first jobs. Isn't it valuable for new employers to also be able

to see which jobs I had, some years ago, to see that I've always been working/studying etc?

We also discussed cover-letters, and I thought I'd use something like the Person Profile on

the CV, as a cover-letter. What do you think is the difference between what should be in the

cover-letter, and what should be in the personal profile on the CV, by the way?

Thanks again for the fine advice in the meeting, and sorry that it took some days for me to

get this done!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


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