fredag 10. juli 2009

Argos alts. (In Norwegian)

Google Mail - re: Re: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X, Our Ref: ARG4220657X

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

re: Re: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X, Our Ref: ARG4220657X

Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:22 PM

Argos Direct E-Commerce <>


I'm sorry, but I've also studied computing, (not only marketing), and I know that you are supposed
to have back-up system.

Why is this, that you don't send the confirmation e-mails later, like any responsible e-commerce

business would have done?

Also, Argos rang on the calling-system, at my address, just now.

They were in a hurry, since they had to park in Dale St., where it's quite much trafic.

And now, I can see here, that it seems that I've recieved four coffee-tables, in stead of two.

And I've recieved two sets of cutlery, (that I ordered with the dish-washer, who's being delivered

on Monday), in stead of one set.

Have you got some two-for-one campaign this week, is that why your system isn't working?


Erik Ribsskog

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Argos Direct E-Commerce <> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Subject: Order number AD048963911 and 83558210.

Thank you for your e-mail regarding an order confirmation.

I am sorry you did not receive an email confirmation for the above order, unfortunately we had a system error that did not generate automated email confirmations.

However, in regards to a receipt, I can confirm that your order numbers as detailed above are your proof of purchase. Should you have any problems relating to the items purchased within 12 months, just quote the order numbers in your correspondence

Trusting this information is of assistance and I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact us at or call us on 0845 640 2020.


Belinda Burton

Argos Direct E-Commerce Customer Service Team.

For your reference the above reply is in reference to your earlier email ARG4220657X:

----- Original Message -----

From: "Erik Ribsskog" <>

Date: 09 July 2009

Subject: Re: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X


I think this sounds strange.

If you had a system error, why didn't you send the e-mails later?

You still haven't sent me the confirmation e-mail, that I would have used

as an invoice.

Why do I have to contact you about this?

I think you are lousy, on customer-service.

One of Britains biggest companies are this lousy on customer-service!

(Yes, and I've had a complaint about one of your shops in Liverpool, last

year as well,

with staff taking calls, when I made an order at the cash-registers).

Is your company infected by 'mob' I wonder?

How can customer-service, in the UK, be so much worse, than what I learned


the marketing-line, at upper secondary school in Norway?

I bet if this had been America, your company would have had to pay, if I had


you to court!

But I guess you aren't operating in America(?)

Why did you only answer about one order, when I clearly wrote about two


in the e-mail.

I know this isn't America, but anyway.


Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 6:42 PM, Argos Direct E-Commerce <> wrote:

> Dear Mr Ribsskog,


> Subject: Order number 83558210.


> Thank you for your e-mail regarding confirmation of your order.


> I am sorry you did not receive an email confirmation for the above order,

> unfortunately we had a system error.


> Having checked the system I am pleased to confirm your order has been

> processed and will be delivered on Monday 13th July 2009 between 12pm and

> 6pm.


> Should you require any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact

> us at or call us on 0845 640 2020.


> Regards,



> Jerome Vernon

> Argos Direct E-Commerce Customer Service Team.


> For your reference the above reply is in reference to your earlier email

> ARG4220053X:


> ----- Original Message -----

> From: "" <>

> Date: 09 July 2009

> Subject: Customer Enquiry


> Reason for enquiry (header) - Feedback

> Reason for enquiry (specific) - Feedback on the website

> Comments - I didn't recieve a confirmation e-mail, for the order I placed

> yesterday, for a dish-washer ++.


> The order-numbers, (that I got when I called your customer-support, today),

> are:


> - 83558210


> - AD 048963911


> How can you not send a confirmation e-mail/invoice?


> Regards,


> Erik Ribsskog

> Title - Mr

> First name - Erik

> Surname - Ribsskog

> Email address -

> Confirm email address -

> House name/number -

> Street/Road -

> Address 3 -

> Town -

> County -

> Country - United Kingdom

> Postcode -

> Daytime phone number -

> Evening phone number -


> The information contained in this message or any of its attachments is

> confidential and may be privileged.


> Unauthorised disclosure, copying or dissemination of the contents is

> strictly prohibited.


> The views expressed may not be official policy, but the personal views of

> the originator.


> If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in

> error, please delete this e-mail and advise the sender by using the reply

> facility in your e-mail software.


> All messages sent and received by Argos are monitored for viruses,

> high-risk file extensions, and inappropriate content.


> The registered office address of Argos Limited (registered in London,

> number 1081551) is Avebury, 489-499 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9

> 2NW.


> Please visit our website at for further information

> about Argos.

> ______________________________________________________________________

> This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System.

> For more information please visit

> ______________________________________________________________________



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Her er mer om dette:

Photo 1399

Photo 1401

PS 2.

Kan det være sånn, at politiet har gått inn, hos Argos, lurer jeg?

Fordi, at politiet har gjort noe galt, mot meg, siden de ikke har gitt meg rettighetene mine.

Også skjønner denne 'polti-mafian', at de har driti seg ut.

Også prøver de å sette opp 'plott', i vanlige situasjoner.

Det er derfor det skjer så mye rart, som jeg skriver om på bloggen.

For politiet har fått lov å tulle, av Argos.

For da kan politiet si sånn i retten, at 'Erik Ribsskog, han er litt som en kjeltring. En gang så fikk han fire bord fra Argos, men han beholdt bare de to som var for mye, uten å si fra'.

Så vinner politiet rettsaken da.

Er det noe sånt som foregår, at den her polti-mafian tuller med meg i årevis, til de har nok ting mot meg, for å vinne en rettsak, eller hva det kan være?

Ting skal jo være virkelige, de har vel ikke lov å konstruere feller, hos Argos osv., for å tulle med personer?

Jeg synes det er her er helt på tryne.

Politiet, hvis det er dem, ødelegger jo livet mitt, for tullet deres tar jo all min tid omtrent, å prøve å rydde opp i.

Så sånn er det.

Med hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

PS 3.

Nå virker ihvertfall e-post systemet, til Argos:

Google Mail - re: Re: Re: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X, Our Ref: ARG4220657X, Our Ref: ARG4221962X

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

re: Re: Re: Customer Enquiry, Our Ref: ARG4220053X, Our Ref: ARG4220657X, Our Ref: ARG4221962X

Argos Direct E-Commerce

Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 12:24 PM


Thank you for your enquiry. Your email has been given a reference of ARG4221962X.

We aim to answer all emails within 48 hours.

If you need to contact us, please call 0845 640 2020.

We are open:

Monday to Friday        8am - 10pm

Saturday                8am - 5pm

Sunday          9am - 5pm


Argos Direct E-Commerce Customer Services Team

The information contained in this message or any of its attachments is confidential and may be privileged.

Unauthorised disclosure, copying or dissemination of the contents is strictly prohibited.

The views expressed may not be official policy, but the personal views of the originator.

If you are not the intended recipient or have received this message in error, please delete this e-mail and advise the sender by using the reply facility in your e-mail software.

All messages sent and received by Argos are monitored for viruses, high-risk file extensions, and inappropriate content.

The registered office address of Argos Limited (registered in London, number 1081551) is Avebury, 489-499 Avebury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 2NW.

Please visit our website at for further information about Argos.


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