tirsdag 8. september 2009

Her er en bloggpost, som jeg skrev nå, på Blue Kipper, om at Liverpool City Council, ringte på igjen, på callinga mi, og ville prate med meg igjen

post Today, 11:42 AM

Post #221

Gary Jones

Group: Members
Posts: 107
Joined: 3-August 08
Member No.: 2,848

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Now the Council called on my calling again, (at around 11 AM).

I explained that the Merseyside-police, had been calling on my calling, like them.

And I asked who they were, and they didn't answer, so I thought it was the bailiff.

And then someone else let in the Police, so they were hammering on my door, for half an hour, without telling they were police.

So I thought they were the bailiff.

The people from the council, (one manager, and one with a white shirt, black trousers, and hat), explained that if the hat's band, had green and white checkered pattern, then it's Council).

I explained that last week, when the Council were on my door, then I first thought they were police, since I'm from Norway.

But the officer from the Council, with a reflex-west, showed me, that if the, (quite slim), band, on the hat, had green and white squares, then it was Council-officers.

They said that it was allowed for businesses, to put household-waste, in the big bins, if it was from the business itself.

(I told that Lady of Mann had purple bins, and wondered if the Eberle St.-clubs, also shouldn't have purple bins).

I explained to them, that the big bins, were dragged to Dale St., so I thought that maybe the bin-company, had trown some garbage, in the lane, if they found household-waste, in the bins.

They also explained, that they had to send a letter to all the households around here.

I said that I had explained, to the Council already that it wasn't me who threw the garbage, in the lane.

But they said they had to send the letter to me as well, for some reason.

I said that perhaps they should have mentioned, that they had spoken with me, on Wednesday.

They agreed, (the manager), that they possibly should have done this.

So we compromised a bit, (it wasn't really that serious, from my behalf eighter, I just curious about why they have police-like uniforms, since in Norway, councils haven't got this).

And I've been bullied by police, in an almost similar way, last year, on this address, like I explained to the Council-officers, that were here today.

Just an update about this.

The Council-officers said that they would speak with some people, about the large bins as well.

And on the photograps, above, one can see them talking with the lady in the leather-shop, after they spoke with me.

Just to update about this.


Now it looks to me, like it's the woman from Yoyo hairdresser, that they are speaking with.

I haven't spoken with her before, so I don't really know her, if it's the woman from the hairdressers, that they are speaking with, like I think it looks like now.


Her er mer om dette, på Blue Kipper-forumet:


PS 2.

Den gata her, Leather Lane, det er en gammel gate, i en av de eldste delene av Liverpool, såvidt jeg mener å ha lest, på museum osv.

Og i gamle dager, så var gatene her, ikke breiere, for de hadde ikke biler osv.

Så i de gatene her, så var det nok sånne øl-kneiper osv., for for hundre år siden osv., da amerikabåtene gikk fra Liverpool, rett ned Dale St. og Water St, (ca. fem minutter å gå), så kommer man til the Pier Head, hvor jeg pleide å jobbe før, i the Cunard Building, som var hovedkvarteret til et stort rederi da, som kjøpte opp the White Star Line, blant annet, etter at Titanic sank.

(Men det rederiet, flyttet hovedkontoret, til Southampton, for noen tiår siden, så det var derfor at den skandinaviske Microsoft-aktiveringen, og de andre avdelingene til Bertelsmann Arvato, hadde kontor, i den bygningen).

Så sånn var det.

Så da var det nok fullt av liv, i denne delen av byen.

Bare noe jeg kom på.


Erik Ribsskog