onsdag 16. september 2009

Jeg lurer på om jeg heller skal ta et kurs i 'Personell Skills', fra Home Learning College, siden det er så mye tull med Liverpool Community College

Google Mail - Erik, get EDI certification for your HR Personnel skills

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Erik, get EDI certification for your HR Personnel skills


Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 3:37 PM

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Study for a new career in Media, Digital & Creative from the comfort of your home... or garden
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Erik, get EDI certification for your Personnel skills

If you are looking to improve your knowledge of HR issues or want to launch a new career in Human Resources, the EDI Certificate in Personnel Skills is ideal.

Brought to you in partnership with Home Learning College, the UK's leading home study provider, your EDI Certificate will add weight to your CV by showing a potential employer that you have the training and skills needed to be a confident and highly effective HR professional.

You will study how to develop policies and procedures relating to staff employment. It's also ideal if you're a small business owner, as it gives key insights into legislation and employee relations.

Home Learning College's employer recognised EDI certificate will enable you to upgrade your skills and gain a competitive edge - regardless of your industry or career level.

Request further information Give us a call now 0800 975 7829 View all courses

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