lørdag 12. september 2009

Jeg sendte en anmeldelse til politiet i Oslo, om at noen kalte meg pedofil, på et engelsk debattforum

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Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse av trakassering på engelsk forum

Erik Ribsskog

Sat, Sep 12, 2009 at 8:02 AM



noen i England driver og skriver på et forum at jeg er pedofil, noe jeg ikke er i det hele tatt.

Politiet her borte bare driver og mobber og trakasserer meg, så jeg sender det til politiet i Oslo.

Jeg ønsker gjerningsmannen tiltalt og straffet!

(Dere i Oslo-politiet driver jo også bare å ignorerer anmeldelsene mine, så dere får legge dette i den samme bunken som de andre anmeldelsene, som dere heller ikke gjør noe med).


Erik Ribsskog


Her er mer om dette:

+Quote Post

post Yesterday, 02:51 PM

Post #268

Bobby Collins

Group: Members
Posts: 873
Joined: 8-April 09
Member No.: 10,402

QUOTE (johncons @ Sep 11 2009, 01:38 PM) *

Well I don't really know what nonce means to be honest.

But I'll look it up.

Nonce (slang), a sex offender


You think I look like a sex-offender????

Noone ever told me that before.

I'm an inteligent person, who has allways been the best in my class etc.

I'm hard-working, I used to be the thinest guy, on the place I lived, but no I've been in the army and done heavy work in shops.

I always act like a gentleman towards women, I've never got any complaints from women that I've taken out no dates etc.

But I guess you think I am this because I now have a strong physic, and you are not a very reflected person, so you think you can look at a picture of a person, and say he's a sex-offender, for some mumbo-jumbo reason.

This I think sounds a bit moronic, how can you say a thing like that, I think there are a lot of spin-doctors, on this message-board, from the Police or American Government who also has been messing with me.

I think it must be a crime to just say that someone is a sex-offender, so I think you should be more careful, in what you are saying, using words that foreigners don't know, and calling people you don't know sex-offenders on message-boards.

You must be disturbed, I think, calling people things like that.

If you call people things like that, one time you're going to meet a person who really is a criminal.

This message-board disapoints me, I don't think I can go on writing here, after have being called a sex-offender.

So I'm out of here, I think I'm going to stick to the Everton message-board, from now.

So thank you very much, and goodbye, from the Norwegian guy, (me).


I've overheard earlier, that I'm being used, as a 'target guy'.

I think what that means, is that police, are spreading roumers about me.

And then wait for the criminals to attack, like if they say on this message-board, that I'm a sex-offender.

Then the criminals are going to attack.

But the criminals don't know, that the police are using me as a bate, using spin-doctors, to get criminals to attack me.

(And distrotying my life, at the same time, terrorrising me).

Just to try to level about this, I think I'm being exploited in this way, by the Police, who I don't want anything other than my rights from, and that I would have taken to court, if it haden't been for that they mess with me, in the legal-system etc., as well.


Erik Ribsskog