tirsdag 1. september 2009

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til the Independant Case-Examiner, for Jobcenter-klager, med en klage på sjefen, Mrs. Hart, på the Jobcenter, Williamson Sq.

Google Mail - Reminder/Fwd: Problems at the Jobcenter, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about ICE, to Complaints Manager

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Reminder/Fwd: Problems at the Jobcenter, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about ICE, to Complaints Manager

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 4:59 PM

DWP ICE gateway team <ICE@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>


are you sure about this?

Because, it wasn't resolved properly, I think.

- The manager, told me, in the meeting, that she hadn't recieved my initial complaint, which was sent to her, from the Jobcenter national complaint center, (or what exactly they are called).

- The manager said in the meeting, that in the next review-meetings, I would get a new jobcenter-advisor, still, when I went there last week, it was Mrs. Henderson, the same case-worker still, who had the review-meeting.

- The manager, Mrs. Hart, told me, in the meeting, three weeks ago, on Thursday, that she would send me something in writing, a summary, from the meeting, which I haven't recieved.

So I want to complain about the manager there, Mrs. Hart.

Then I think, that I should direct the comlaint, to her manager, and not to her in person, due to that she is involved, from before.

Could you please tell me if you agree with this, that the complaint should go to Mrs. Hart's manager, and not to Mrs. Hart herself?

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 11:55 AM, DWP ICE gateway team <ICE@dwp.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

Dear Mr Ribsskog,

Thank you for your email of 30thAugust 2009.

Having examined your email, you have stated your
original complaint has been resolved and the issues you have raised would
appear to be new issues. In light of this, this is a matter you will need to
bring to the attention of the Manager of the Job Centre Plus in the first

You will therefore need to write to the Manager of
your local Job Centre regarding this matter. They will then forward you details
to the appropriate department.

Should you not receive a reply, or remain
dissatisfied once you receive one, please advise this office accordingly and we
will register your complaint accordingly.

Yours sincerely

Barbara Harrold

Independent Case Examiner's Office


From: Erik Ribsskog

August 2009

To: DWP ICE gateway team

Subject: Reminder/Fwd: Problems at
the Jobcenter, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint about ICE, to
Complaints Manager


I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail yet, so I'm sending
this reminder.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded
message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Date: Thu,
Aug 13, 2009 at 2:54 PM

Subject: Problems at the Jobcenter, Williamson Sq., Liverpool/Fwd: Complaint
about ICE, to Complaints Manager

To: ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk


I was at the jobcenter,
for a review-meeting, today, and was also told, that the Manager,

Mrs. Hart, wanted to have
a meeting with me.

This meeting was about a jobcenter representative-complaint, that I've sent to

at the Independant Case
Worker-offce, on 23/7.

This complaint was
resolved, in the meeting today, Mrs. Hart was going to speak with

the representative, and I
was going to get a new advisor, due to the problems mentioned

in the complaint.

But, Mrs. Hart also told
me, in the meeting today, that she 'didn't see the original complaint'.

This I think is strange,
since Alison Monkhouse, on the central jobcenter complaint center,

for the UK,
(when on complain from the Jobcenter-website), she sent me an e-mail about

this complaint, on 27/5,
(which I've also forwarded to you), and then she also sent Mrs. Hart

a copy of the e-mail she
sent me, (containing also the original complain). One can see this,

since it says Cc:

the e-mail that Alison Monkhouse, sent on 27/5.

how could Mrs. Hart tell me today, that she hadn't seen the original complaint,

was e-mailed to her, on 27/5, from Alison Monkhouse?

think Mrs. Hart seemed sincere, to me, when she told me this, that she hadn't
seen the

until now, a few days ago, when she got an e-mail from you, at the Independant


what has happened at the Willamson Sq. Jobcenter?

Did Mrs. Hart lie, or has someone been messing with the e-mail system?

Or did Mrs. Hart forget that she had read the complaint?

was wondering if this was something that the Independant Case Worker should
look at,

I think this seemed a bit akward.

Are there 'mobsters' at the Williamson Sq. Jobcenter, messing with the e-mails,
I wonder?

What do you think, at the Independant Case-Examiner, should this be looked at?

in advance for your reply!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded
message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <eribsskog@gmail.com>

Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 12:26 PM

Subject: Complaint about ICE, to Complaints Manager

To: DWP ICE gateway team <ice@dwp.gsi.gov.uk>

ICE Ref: DWP00408/09


I got your letter today, with the date 3. august.

You write, that if I haven't got a response, to my jobcenter-complaint, within
5 weeks,

then I should contact you

But, I sent the compaint in May, so this is already more than five weeks ago,
and I haven't

received a response yet,
from the jobcenter, which I informed you about, in my e-mail from

24/7, then it was already
gone TWO MONTHS, when I sent you the e-mail.

How can you fail to understand that two months are more than five weeks?

This is ridiculus, how can people trust you, if you act in a 'moronic' way like

Please clean up this now!


Erik Ribsskog

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