tirsdag 22. september 2009

Jeg sendte så klart en e-post, til han sovjet-eksperten, von Geldern, selv om han kanskje så litt 'gæern' ut

Gmail - Charlotte von Geldern, from Courland


Erik Ribsskog

Charlotte von Geldern, from Courland

Erik Ribsskog

Tue, Sep 22, 2009 at 2:24 AM



I'm a Norwegian citizen, who lives in the UK.

My grandmother, who was from Denmark, died this summer.

She told me, that her family was from the Danish noble-family 'Gjedde'.

I've heard from the Danish 'Rigsarkivet', that's the Danish Government arcives, that this noble-family, Gjedde, is dead.

But I read on the internet, that there is another Gedde/Gjedde-family, that I've read are noble, from the Courland-nobility, (now a part of Latvia), through Charlotte von Geldern, who married a Gedde, in the 19th century, I think.

I've tried to search, about this von Geldern-family, on the internet, but I haven't found much.

I'm wondering why my grandmother would lie about this.

In her family in Denmark, there is, among others, an important general, Anders Gjedde Nyholm, who was general in command of all Denmarks war-forces, during the 1920's.

So he had a very important position, and something wasn't right in Denmark, in this position, before WWII, since the generals that had been in command, were critisised, since they hadn't warned the Danish politicians, about, that Denmark needed to use more money on the military, to keep up with Hitlers Germany, (which they didn't at all, history tells us).

So I'm just trying to learn more about my Danish grandmothers familiy, so I was just wondering if you know anything about this Charlotte von Geldern, from Courland, or anything else about the von Geldern-family in Courland, etc.

Thank you very much in advance for any help, and I hope it was ok for me to send this e-mail!


Erik Ribsskog