fredag 16. oktober 2009

Jeg ble avvist ved et legesenter, i Walton Village, i forrige uke, og dette ønsker jeg å gjøre til en klage, siden Vernepliktsverket tuller

Google Mail - Problems with GP-center in Walton Village, Liverpool

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Problems with GP-center in Walton Village, Liverpool

Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 2:50 PM



I used to live in Walton, in Liverpool, (now I live in the City Center).

And I have a dentist there, that I went to in 2005, when I lived in Walton, so I went back there, this year, when I had a problem with an amalgam-filling in my tooth.

I'm a Norwegian citizen, and has been one year, in conscription-service, in the Norwegian Army, where I got a frostbite, on my ear, during a winter-rehersal.

After I was at the dentists, last week, on Wednesday 7/10, then I went to Goodison Park, since I support Everton, and bought a ticket for the guided tour there, at 1 pm.

Then I had some spare-time, and I walked an looked for a GP, because I needed a statement, for the Norwegian Army.

I found a GP-center, in Walton Village, with one or two doctors who had an Indian name, I think, on the door.

I went in an spoke with the woman in the reception, but she said I couldn't register with them, since I lived to far away.

But I've read, on the NHS site, I think it was, that one are allowed to register with a GP, even if it isn't the closest one.

So I was wondering if I was harassed?

It was a woman in her 40's, I think, with dark hair, white, that I spoke with in the reception there.

I've got a problem with the Norwegian Army now, since then I needed more time, to find a GP, so I found one yesterday, in the City Center, by the Superlambanana there.

And today, the Norwegian Army, sent me an e-mail, where they've changed it, so now they aren't asking me for a statement.

But I could have sent them the statement already, if they hadn't rejected me, at the doctors-center, in Walton Village.

So I want to please complain about this, to the NHS, since the Norwegian Army is involved in this, (which I exlpain in Walton Village), so then I thought it was best, to make this rejection of me there, by the reseption, into a formal case, since this reflects badly towards me, from the Norwegian Army, since they must wonder why I used so long time, to get a GP/statement.

So I wanted to make a case out of this harassment, due to this with the Norwegian Army.

I hope that this is alright, and sorry if I send this a bit wrong, but I wanted to have about this, in a proper e-mail, and not webmail, to document this, and write about this on my blog.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog