onsdag 18. november 2009

Folk som har sider på Facebook, kan noen ganger imitere Tommy og Tiger'n og lage nye regler, etterhvert som de holder på, som i såkalt 'Tommyball'

Cecilia Elisabeth Strøm

Cecilia Elisabeth Strøm I have read some more of your posts Ribsskog, stop putting links to your web page. No one calls michael what you did! if you post any more sensitive information you will be kicked from the group.

11. november kl. 18:49 · · · Rapporter

Erik Ribsskog

Erik Ribsskog

I'm only posting about my employment-case against Arvato.

This is a legit case, that I'm trying to whistelblow about.

I explain what this is, my side of the employment-case.

If there is something you don't want to be posted in the group, then I suggest you write it under 'Information', so that people are aware of this, in stead of making new rules later, like in 'Tommy og Tigern' in Norwegian, 'Calvin and Hobes' in English, og 'Sten og Stoffet', in case you are Danish and not from Norway.

for 13 minutter siden · Slett

Erik Ribsskog

Erik Ribsskog

Like some of the videoes and the posts, that I've posted, had been on this page, for around a year.

And then to delete it, that I think seems strange.

If you are to delete posts etc., then I think you should delete it at once, and not a year later.

It seems like maybe you got a phone-call from someone, and then decided to delete it.

But I understand it if eg. Arvato calls, then one don't want to be taken to court.

for ca. ett minutt siden · Slett

Cecilia Elisabeth Strøm

Cecilia Elisabeth Strøm

Erik Ribsskog.
I am the founder of this group, I founded it so that previous and present arvato employees could have a place to meet up on facebook. You are welcome to bitch as much as you like but....
Please do not post company-sensitive information! You could get me sued! I can see that you have posted a time-sheet in one of your videos, please remove that! Look through your videos, any sensitive information must be removed.

11. november kl. 18:43 · · · Rapporter
