mandag 2. november 2009

Her kan man se at det er ikke bare bare alltid, å søke jobber i England

Google Mail - Team Leader (WSQ/124968)

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Team Leader (WSQ/124968)

Gillespie, Michael

Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 9:36 AM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Erik

Unfortunately we do not accept CV’s
as applications for positions.

You can apply for LDL posts via our
where you will find application form to complete online, or download


Michael Gillespie

Resourcing Co-Ordinator

Human Resource and Payroll Service

Liverpool Direct Limited | Sixth Floor | Venture
| Sir
Thomas Street
| Liverpool | L1 6BW

Tel: 0151 233 3003



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Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 29 October 2009 20:19

To: LDLRecruitment

Subject: Team Leader (WSQ/124968)


I've been working ten years with management, thereby four
years as a food shop manager, in three different food-shops, so I have very
good knowledge of management.

I've been working in a Contact Centre, and I've also recieved training from a
council in Yorkshire, East Riding, practising on answering phone-calls, from
council-citizens, calling in with complaints, to the Council, when I worked for
Arvato, on the Microsoft Scandinavian Product Activation-campaign, in the
Cunard Building, here in Liverpool, a few years ago.

I've also studied Computing with Business, on
University-level, so I also have a good theoretical background in organisation
and management, to complement my practical experience from these fields.

So I hope to please get to an interview for this job!

I'm attaching my CV.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog


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