fredag 11. desember 2009

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Google Mail - Re: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against Bertelsma

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Re: To manger LSC Eve Clayton/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against Bertelsma

Chester E-Mail

Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 9:55 AM

Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your enquiry about legal aid.

The only way to obtain a case reference number for legal aid is to

contact your solicitors and make a full application for legal aid on the

Legal Services Commission's forms.

Once your application has been received and processed you will then be

given a legal aid case reference number, and an assessment will be

carried out to determine whether or not you qualify for legal aid under

the merits test, and then under the means assessment eligibility test.

I hope this is of assistance, but if you have any further queries

please contact our Customer Services on 0845 602 1400.

Kind regards

Emma Collings

Legal/Means Team

Chester Office

Need help with your legal problems?

Community Legal Advice is a free government funded confidential


Visit to find out more or ring 0845 345

4 345

Legal Aid is 60! 

>>> Erik Ribsskog <> 10/12/2009 12:53 >>>


I called Maureen today, at Liverpool LSC, and got the name of the LSC


I'm getting different directions, you see, from you representative


Thompson, and the law firm.

So I was just wondering if you could tell me one thing.

I've checked that I'm eligable for legal aid, on your calculator, and I


since I'm unemployed.

And now, I need a reference-number, for legal-aid.

And Mr. Thompson, in LSC, says that the law-firm should get this


And the law firm says I should get this number by contacting the LSC.

So we aren't getting anywhere.

So I hope you can clear this a bit up, what the procedure is, regarding


me to obtain a reference number, for legal aid, from where the case is


it's at where I've checked that I'm eligable for legal aid, on the

calculator on your website.

I'm also sending a copy of this e-mail to the solicitors firm.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 12:37 PM

Subject: Re: FW: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case


Bertelsmann Arvato

To: Tom Mooney <>


thank you very much for your e-mail!

What I thought I'll do, is that I'll try to contact Stuarts manager,


then I'll get back to you, sooner rather than lather, I hope.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 9:08 AM, Tom Mooney <>


>   **

> Erik,


> I refer to my previous email.


> It is not possible to commence any investigations into the merits of


> claim until you have received a reference number from the LSC. It is

> essential that you contact the LSC, on 0845 345 4345, so they can


> confirm your eligibility and provide you with a reference number.


> I look forward to hearing from you.



> *Tom Mooney*

> *Trainee Solicitor*

> **

> Employment Department

> *For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP*

> Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan  WN3 5BA

> Direct Dial: 01942 77*4170*

> Direct Fax: 01942 774525

> Email:

> Web:


> ------------------------------

>   *From:* Erik Ribsskog []

> *Sent:* 07 December 2009 15:08

> *To:* Tom Mooney

> *Subject:* Re: Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case


> Bertelsmann Arvato


>  Hi,


>  I called LSC Liverpool now, on 0151 242 5200, and spoke with



> He told me that you should just send it to the LSC, that this was the


> procedure, in cases like this, since you are a registered Legal

> Aid-programme solicitor-firm.


>  So it should just be for you to send an application to the LSC, as


> understood from Stuart there, today, since I've already checked that


> eligable for legal aid, using the calculator on their website.


> Hope this is alright!


> Yours sincerely,


> Erik Ribsskog



> On Fri, Nov 27, 2009 at 1:20 PM, Tom Mooney <>



>>  **

>> Erik,


>> I appreciate that you have assessed your financial merits online and


>> been informed that your are eligible for legal aid.


>> Please note that it is essential that you also contact the Legal


>> Commission (LSC), on 0845 345 4345, so they can verbally confirm


>> eligibility and provide you with a reference number.


>> Once you have this reference number a member of our team will then

be able

>> to provide you with advice.


>> Kind regards



>> *Tom Mooney*

>> *Trainee Solicitor*

>> **

>> Employment Department

>> *For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP*

>> Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan  WN3 5BA

>> Direct Dial: 01942 77*4170*

>> Direct Fax: 01942 774525

>> Email:

>> Web:


>>  ------------------------------

>>    *From:* Erik Ribsskog []

>>  *Sent:* 27 November 2009 13:12

>> *To:* Tom Mooney

>> *Subject:* Reminder/Fwd: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against

>> Bertelsmann Arvato


>>    Hi,


>>  I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail yet, so


>> sending a reminder about this.


>>  Hope this is alright!


>>  Yours sincerely,


>> Erik Ribsskog



>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

>> From: Erik Ribsskog <>

>> Date: Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 2:42 PM

>> Subject: Re: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against Bertelsmann


>> To: Tom Mooney <>



>> Hi,


>>  thanks very much for the phone-number!


>>  I called LSC now, and they explained me how to log on, to their


>> and answering some questions, that would determine, if I was

eligible for

>> legal aid, or not.


>> And here's what the website said:


>>  *As you or your partner are receiving one of the following:*


>>    - *Income Support*

>>    - *Income Based Job Seeker's Allowance*

>>    - *Income-based Employment and Support Allowance*

>>    - *Guarantee Credit*


>> *you are automatically financially eligible for the following levels


>> service:*


>> *Legal Help

>> Help at Court

>> Immigration cases: Legal Representation before the Immigration and


>> Tribunal; and the High Court

>> Asylum cases: Legal Representation before the Immigration and


>> Tribunal; and the High Court

>> Family Mediation

>> Help with Mediation

>> Other Legal Representation

>> General Family Help*


>> *

>> *


>> So it shouldn't be a problem with the legal aid!


>> That's good news!


>> I also have a website, where I've published about the



>> It's on this link:





>> And in this link, I explain about some of the problems that were

going on,

>> but there where also a lot more problems, that I was constructivly


>> as well, and more:




>> I post the links, since it was so much problems there, so it isn't


>> for me, to summarise it, since there were so many problems going on


>> in the one year and three months I worked there.


>> Hope it's alright that I just refer to the website, but if it's

anything I

>> should answer, then please just tell me, and I'll explain it



>> Thanks again for you help so far!


>> Yours sincerely,


>> Erik Ribsskog


>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 2:20 PM, Tom Mooney



>>>  **

>>>  <>

>>>  <>

>>> ------------------------------


>>>  Erik,


>>> My apologies, the LSC's telephone contact is 0845 345 4345.


>>> Kind regards



>>> *Tom Mooney*

>>> *Trainee Solicitor*

>>> **

>>> Employment Department

>>> *For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP*

>>> Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan  WN3 5BA

>>> Direct Dial: 01942 77*4170*

>>> Direct Fax: 01942 774525

>>> Email:

>>> Web:


>>>   ------------------------------

>>>    *From:* Erik Ribsskog []

>>> *Sent:* 23 October 2009 14:19

>>> *To:* Tom Mooney

>>> *Subject:* Re: FW: Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against


>>> Arvato


>>>    Hi,


>>>  thank you very much for your e-mail!


>>>  I was just wondering, shouldn't it be one more number in the

>>> phone-number you gave, to call to check if I'm eligible for

receiving legal

>>> aid?


>>> Is this number to the LSC?


>>> I think I'm eligible because I'm unemployed at the moment, due to


>>> finance-crises, etc., unfourtuntly, even if I have a lot to do,

with working

>>> on the employment-case and writing a blog etc.


>>>  Thanks again for your e-mail!


>>> Best regards,


>>> Erik Ribsskog



>>> On Fri, Oct 23, 2009 at 9:09 AM, Tom Mooney



>>>>  **

>>>>  <>

>>>>  <>

>>>> ------------------------------


>>>>  Eric,


>>>> To qualify for legal aid you must be financially eligible and your


>>>> must also have sufficient prospects of success.


>>>> In relation to the first requirement I would invite you to call

0845 345

>>>> 434 to enable an advisor to ask you several questions to determine


>>>> you are financially eligible to receive legal aid. If you are


>>>> you will receive a reference number and you claim can then be



>>>> Kind regards



>>>> *Tom Mooney*

>>>> *Trainee Solicitor*

>>>> **

>>>> Employment Department

>>>> *For and on behalf of Stephensons Solicitors LLP*

>>>> Wigan Investment Centre, Waterside Drive, Wigan  WN3 5BA

>>>> Direct Dial: 01942 77*4170*

>>>> Direct Fax: 01942 774525

>>>> Email:

>>>> Web:


>>>>     ------------------------------

>>>>             *From:*


>>>> *Sent:* 09 October 2009 06:19

>>>> *To:* Enquiries

>>>> *Subject:* Reminder/Fwd: Employment-case against Bertelsmann



>>>>  Hi,


>>>> I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail, so I'm


>>>> a reminder about this.


>>>> Yours sincerely,


>>>> Erik Ribsskog



>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------

>>>> From: Erik Ribsskog <>

>>>> Date: Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 3:47 AM

>>>> Subject: Employment-case against Bertelsmann Arvato

>>>> To: <>



>>>> Hi,


>>>> I've been trying regularly, since 2006, to find some advice,

within the

>>>> legal aid-programme, regarding an employment-case I have, against

>>>> Bertelsmann Arvato.


>>>>  There were problems with constructed dismissal, a lot of bullying


>>>> harassment from managers, illegal management-methods, etc.


>>>> I've published about the employment-case, on this url:





>>>>  Hope you can help with giving advice regarding this case!


>>>>  Yours sincerely,


>>>> Erik Ribsskog



>>>>    ------------------------------


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>  *

> ------------------------------

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