Jeg sendte en e-post til Sivilombudsmannen angående hvor lang tid, som man burde vente, før man sender purring, til forvaltningen, pga. manglende svar

Google Mail - Spørsmål om hvor lang tid man bør vente, med å sende purring, når man ikke mottar svar fra forvaltningen

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Spørsmål om hvor lang tid man bør vente, med å sende purring, når man ikke mottar svar fra forvaltningen

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 10:24 AM



jeg har vært i kontakt med dere tidligere, angående en sak, hvor Ambassaden i London, ikke
svarte på mine henvendelser.

Dere sa at det var iorden, siden UD tilslutt svarte.

Men, jeg ser jo på nettsidene deres, at dere har uttalelser, fra visse saker.

Så lurte jeg på, om hvorfor dere ikke har noen uttalelse der, fra min sak.

Jeg leste uttalelsen deres, i forbindelse med saken som involverte pasientombudet. Og der,

så la Sivilombudsmannen vekt på, at helse Sør, til slutt beklaget, at de ikke hadde svart,
på 15 måneder.

Men, i saken min, så har jo ikke ambassaden beklaget enda, de har jo ikke engang svart

meg, eller noe som helst, enda dere har bedt dem om det.

Hvorfor tar dere hensyn til beklagelser i pasientombud-saken, men ikke i min sak, dere
sa at det var greit, så lenge UD svarte, men jeg har jo ikke fått noe beklagelse fra


Her lukter det forskjellsbehandling fra Sivilombudsmannen, vil jeg si.

Til sist, så var grunnen til at jeg søkte på nettet, det var hvor lang tid, som man bør la
forvaltningen ha, før man sender en purring, for manglende svar.

(For jeg blir fortsatt tullet med over hele linja fra forvaltningen i Norge).

Så jeg kunne tenkt å ha en tommelfingerregel, på hvor lenge man bør vente, før man
sender en purring, på manglende svar, til forvaltningen.

Dette høres kanskje bagatellmessig ut, og høres kanskje ikke ut som en grunn, til å
kontakte dere, men nå er det så mange saker, hvor jeg blir tullet med av myndighetene,
så nå må jeg prøve å få litt struktur inn i dette og litt rutiner, må man vel kalle det.

Det virker som at det er en slags mafia innen offentlig forvaltning som driver å motarbeider
meg her, bare se mine tidligere klager, som jeg har sendt dere.

Om dere kan se disse i sammenheng.

Så håper jeg at dere har mulighet til å svare på disse spørsmålene!


Erik Ribsskog

Jeg lurer litt på det med illuminati-symbolet(?) solstrålene, hva det er om. Og det er visst noe med solhesten og solfisken å gjøre, kan det virke som

illuminati symbolet solstrålene



Her har vi kanskje en mistenkt, ja:

jing og jang

PS 2.

Hun Siri Rognli Olsen, som jeg har anmeldt for voldtekt av meg, da hu og venninna, ei lyshåra jente som var the Alarms største fan i Norge, besøkte meg, like før påsken 1990, på Abildsø.

Hu Siri Rognli Olsen, hu trodde på jing og jang, fortalte hun meg.

Og hun Siri Rognli Olsen, hun brukte også hu 'the Alarms største fan i Norge', som noe slags slave, virka det som.

Hun ble kallt Caroline, men det tror jeg var slavenavnet hennes.

Hu bor visst i England nå, hu 'slavejenta'.

Så sånn var det.

Og hu fikk ikke lov å gå ut aleine, virka det som, så jeg måtte ta henne med, og gå tur med henne til kiosken osv.

Og da sa jeg at nå går vi til høyre her.

Og trodde hu slavejenta, at jeg sa 'høyet', så hu ville i høyet.

Men jeg ble bare irritert fordi hu skulle ha det til at jeg sa høyet, når jeg sa høyre.

Så sånn var det.

Så det er mye rart.

Men men.

Hu Lene, som var fra Abildsø, og som var sånn 15 år, på den tida.

Jeg var jo 19, men jeg ble kjent med alle ungdommene, på Abildsø, for jeg kjeda meg der, så jeg pleide å gå til kiosken der, på søndagene osv.

Men jeg ville ikke rote med hu Lene, siden hun ikke var 16, så jeg rørte aldri henne, selv om hun til og med ble med meg hjem en gang, i hybelen min, og satt på vannsenga, så holdt jeg meg unna, siden hun var så ung.

For jeg pleide å gå på byen hver helg, på Radio 1 club osv.

Og på den tida her, 1989/90, så var Radio 1 Club og andre diskoteker i Oslo, fortsatt sånn at det ble spilt rolige sanger, på slutten av kvelden, så jeg pleide å treffe mange damer på byen, som jeg ble sammen med, en eller to av dem ihvertfall, så jeg var ikke så desperat etter damer og jenter, at jeg gadd å rote med hu som bare var 15 år, det gjorde jeg ikke, bare for å ta med om det.

Jeg hadde sånn grense på 16 år da, når jeg var 19 selv.

Men, jeg syntes det var døvt, hvis damene var under 18 år, for da kunne de ikke bli med ut på byen og drikke og sånn.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg kom på.

Og jeg var i England, også sommeren 1989.

I Brighton.

Og da traff jeg hu Siri Rognli Olsen, og venninnene, på Englandsbåten, Braemar, som gikk fra Oslo til Hastings, i England.

Og det som skjedde da, var at hu fortalte om jing og jang og sånn da, hu Siri Rognli Olsen.

Og da kjøpte jeg sånn merke til henne, med jing og jang, og sånne stråler rundt da, i England, samme sommeren.

Og da hu fikk det merket, så spurte hu meg, om jeg visste hva det betydde.

Men det visste jeg jo egentlig ikke da, jeg bare huska at hu var fan av jing og jang.

Og hu forklarte det ikke heller.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg kom på.

Men hu Lene fra Abildsø, hu så altså meg og hu 'slavejenta' som var the Alarm-fan da, da jeg fulgte henne til telefonkiosken, ved Folkets Hus, på Abildsø der, som var like ved der jeg bodde, i Enebakkveien.

Så sånn var det.

Bare noe jeg kom på.

Jeg sendte en anmeldelse av the Financial Ombudsman, til politiet i Oslo, siden politiet i England også tuller med meg

Google Mail - Anmeldelse av trakassering fra the Financial Ombudsman, i England/Fwd: Advice about how to deal with employment-cases/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: The Finacial Ombudsman, using staff as slaves/Fwd: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Anmeldelse av trakassering fra the Financial Ombudsman, i England/Fwd: Advice about how to deal with employment-cases/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: The Finacial Ombudsman, using staff as slaves/Fwd: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Aug 6, 2009 at 4:24 AM



i forretningsverdenen, så er det regler for når brev og e-poster skal sendes, i forbindelse med
svartid og lover og slikt.

Korrespondanse, fra the Financial Ombudsman, i England, til meg, regnes som forretnings-


Og dette skal da foregå innenfor vanlig kontortid, etter vanlig og kjent praksis.

Men jeg blir trakassert av the Financial Ombudsman.

De sender meg e-poster, klokken 6 om morgenen, på søndager.

Det er helt latterlig, hvem vil ha e-poster om bankklager da?

Dette er tydlig en organisert mobbing av meg fra mafia i offentlig forvaltning.

Som jeg tenker at dere hos politiet i Oslo også er med i, siden dere aldri gjøre noe,

enda jeg har sendt dere utallige slike og lignende anmeldelser nå.

Så ønsker the Financial Ombudsman tiltalt og straffet, (jeg vet at jeg burde ha sendt
det til England, men politiet her tuller med meg og, pluss ambassaden i London,

så jeg vet ikke hvem andre jeg skal sende det til).

Så får dere ha lykke til med dette!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>
Date: Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 3:43 AM
Subject: Advice about how to deal with employment-cases/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: The Finacial Ombudsman, using staff as slaves/Fwd: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail



I looked at the ACAS website now, and saw that you were the ones to contact for problems in the North-West.

I'm a Norwegian citizen, who lives in Liverpool, so I've understood that the North-West office, is the right office,

for me to contact then, if I'm not mistaking.

I have an employment-case, against Arvato, where I worked, in 2005 and 2006, where it was a lot of bullying,
from managers, towards me, (and also others, but me in particular, I think), and I've also un-covered, that

they were using illigal employment-methods, the team-leaders there, when they were screaming commands
across the tables there, in the Cunard Building.

(They were trained to do this screaming, which they called reinforcement, but really was punishment, I've

understood later).

I have a link to the employment-case, (which consists of a lot of documents), on this online publishing-

I've tried, since 2006, to find a law-firm, to help me with this case, because I think it's unworthy, for people
to be treated, like I was treated, at Arvato, and I also lost my job there, since I was contstructivly dismissed,

I have to say, when I tried to bring the problems there up with the higher management.

But I can get any law-firms to help, since they say the case is to complex, since I also brought in the Police,

since I thought it was much bullying, that it was a crime, and one law-firm, Moorcrofts, where messing with
me, I think I have to say, so I've also brought in the Law Society, who also messed with me, I think I have

to say, and also ditto with the Legal Services Ombudsman.

So I try to get advice on how to deal with this.

I think it's to serious problems, to bring up in a Work Trial, it should be dealt with in the court, I think.

It might seem strange, that I'm asking for advice, about a case from 2006, but I have been working with
this case, continously, since then, so it still be an up and running case, so to speak.

Other than this, I'm also trying to get advice about the problems with the Financial Ombudsman.

They have put a woman there, to work, with sending e-mails etc, on 6 am, on Sunday mornings!!

I'm a bit worried that this woman is being used as a slave there, and she obviously has been working
so much, that she has lost a bit of her judgement, since she's emailing bank-complaint e-mails,

to people, while people in the UK are still on their way home from the pub.

People want their Sundays off from Bank-complaints, and things like that, so I think I was harassed
by the Financial Ombudsman, and I fear for how they treat their staff there, since I've been working

as a food shop manager, in Norway, for ten years, from 1994 to 2004, then I automatically thinks
about this perspective, how on earth are the Financial Ombudsman treating their staff, so I wanted

ACAS to have a look at that, that the people working for the Financial Ombudsman, aren't being
used as slaves etc., like it can seem a bit to me.

I hope that you can help me with these cases!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Natalie Bodden <>

Date: Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 9:42 AM
Subject: RE: Reminder/Fwd: The Finacial Ombudsman, using staff as slaves/Fwd: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail
To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Unfortunately we are unable to advice on this query via
email; this facility is solely for ordering hard copy Acas publications. Please
call the Acas helpline on 08457 47 47 47
to speak to a trained advisor.

Alternatively, please visit the Acas website at,
is a search option on the homepage where you may type in key words. This
search will bring up all publications that cover this subject. The website will
list the publications available and all prices (although some are free). From
there, you can order through the website using a credit card (if you are
ordering priced publications) or, you can e-mail me with the stock codes,
quantities and a delivery address. I will order the publications for you the
same day.

Kind regards,

Natalie Bodden

Account Executive

+44 (0) 20 8867 3324

-----Original Message-----

From: Erik Ribsskog

Sent: 23 July 2009 22:27

To: ACAS-01

Subject: Reminder/Fwd: The
Finacial Ombudsman, using staff as slaves/Fwd: Complaint against RBS/Fwd:
Earlier e-mail


I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail yet, so I'm sending you
this reminder.

Best Regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded
message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:48 PM

Subject: The Finacial Ombudsman, using staff as slaves/Fwd: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail



I've contacted you
earlier, about that I was being used as a slave, and that

they had illigal
management methods, at Bertelsmanns Scand. Microsoft-activation,

in Liverpool.

Now, people at the
Financial Ombudsman, are also being used as slaves, it seems.

Or this could be connected with a cover-up, of the Bertelsmann/Microsoft-case,

I am being bullied by
Government, to cover up what went on there.

Please send this e-mail
to the right people in Acas.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded
message ----------

From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 4:31 PM

Subject: Re: Complaint against RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

To: "Collins, Jackie" <>


Monday to Friday, 8 am to
6 pm, is alright, I think.

But you also let your staff work Sunday mornings, at 6 am.

It seems to me that you
overload your representatives with work, and that they have to

work 12 to 14 hours 7
days a week.

I thought slavery was
forbidden in our time.

Why do you let your
representatives work every Sunday morning, when other people in

England are on their way
home from the pub?

Do your staff get
summer-holiday at all?


Erik Ribsskog

On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at
9:54 AM, Collins, Jackie <>

Dear Mr

always try to provide the best service we can to our customers, and sometimes
that means offering our staff the option of working overtime during very busy

be assured that they have to work within strict time guidelines, and these are
always checked by Operations Managers to ensure they are not working too many

service our department offers is outside of the usual office hours of 9am
till 5pm because we have found that a lot of our customers have difficulties
contacting us whilst they are at work themselves during the 9am to 5pm times,
so we have opening hours of 8am - 6pm, as do many firms these days.

I hope this


Jackie Collins


Dial : 020 7964 0116

Fax: 020 7964 0117

From: Erik
Ribsskog []

Sent: 29 June
2009 19:32

To: Collins, Jackie

Subject: Re: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


that sound very fine!

But, why is that you let
your representatives work over-time every Sunday then?

Shouldn't you as a main rule conduct your business, within the business hours?

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at
3:50 PM, Collins, Jackie <>

Dear Mr

Cox has passed your complaint to me to take over as you have requested that she
no longer deals with your case.

I can
confirmed that a letter has been sent to the firm, and we have asked that they issue
you with a final response letter within 14 days. We have also asked them
to copy us in on that response.

If you
remain unhappy with the firms response, or you have not received a response
from them within 14 days, please let me know and I will arrange for your
complaint to be moved forward for investigation by an Adjudicator.


Jackie Collins


Dial : 020 7964 0116

Fax: 020 7964 0117

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 June 2009 11:17

To: Cox, Rosemary

Subject: Re: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


I don't think it's any
use with me repeating myself.

I don't think you should
handle my complaint.

The reason is, that if you are to overworked, you get to tired.

And in dealing with
complaints like these, one obviously needs ones judgement, to be like

it should be.

If one are out of balance, like I think you could be, then I don't think this
is good for how the

complaint is being dealt

So please do as I ask Mrs .Cox, and tell your manager what I said, that I want
someone else

to deal with my
complaint, due to that I think that you must be overworked.

Haven't you seen how fine the weather is today, you should have a day off in
the fine weather,

I think.


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at
11:10 AM, Cox, Rosemary <>

Dear Mr Ribsskog

Thank you for your

As previously advised I
am not going to debate with you the working hours of this office.

I have written to you
today to advise the steps we are taking with your complaint. If the firm fail
to resolve the situation for you, your complaint will be passed onto our
adjudication area for further consideration of the concerns you have raised.

I should add that we do
not tolerate rude or insulting language at this office, and would expect any
further communication to be sent in a more acceptable manner.

Kind Regards

Rose Cox

team manager

From: Erik
Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 June
2009 10:43

To: Cox, Rosemary

Subject: Re: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


of course you can work on
Sundays if you want.

But business e-mails should just be sent within the business-hours.

Or else, what's going to happen, is obvious.

Someone are going to come drunk home from town, and answer the business-e-mails
when they are drunk, which is what has happened today, with our correspondence.

If this is something, you didn't know from before, then I think this Financial
Ombudsman-stuff is just a load of crap really.

Try to use the head that
God gave you when you were born!


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at
10:33 AM, Cox, Rosemary <>

Dear Mr

you for your e-mail

I must
admit to being surprised and confused with the content of the e-mail.

We are
an extremely busy department and we often work at the weekends, this is
obviously of help to consumers as we are able to deal with their
complaints in a more timely manner. I would suggest that It is entirely
up to each individual business to determine which hours their staff will work
and I do not intend debating this with you.

working this weekend I have been able to deal with your complaint, which as you
can appreciate is of a benefit to you.

you can clarify the spelling mistakes you are referring to?


Rose Cox


From: Erik
Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 June
2009 10:20

Subject: Re: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail

Hi again,

don't you think it's
strange for an institutions like yours to send e-mails on Sunday mornings then?

Shouldn't e-mails be sent within normal business hours then you think?

This is what it says on

the United States and United Kingdom, the hours between
9 am and 5 pm are typically considered to be
standard business hours

I think
this is rather akward, as I also think your spelling-mistakes are.


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at
8:06 AM, Cox, Rosemary <>

Dear Mr

you for your e-mail

no problem, however I should point out that we are not a government department,
we are a independent complaints body.

I will
be in touch with your again in the next few days


Rose Cox


From: Erik
Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 June
2009 08:02

To: Cox, Rosemary

Subject: Re: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


ok that's very fine, I'm
just home from town you see.

I thought it was a bit strange, since noone in Government in Norway, work on

Sorry about this, I forget sometimes that I'm not in Norway any longer.

Sorry about this!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at
7:54 AM, Cox, Rosemary <>

Dear Mr

you for your e-mail

I can
assure you this is not a joke, I am currently in the office working today.

presume that you would like us to deal with your complaint, so am responding to
your e-mails today


Rose Cox


From: Erik
Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 June 2009 07:36

To: Cox, Rosemary

Subject: Re: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


why do send the e-mails
early on a Sunday morning, by the way.

Is this some kind of joke?


Erik Ribsskog

On Sun, Jun 28, 2009 at
7:33 AM, Cox, Rosemary <>

Dear Mr

you for your e-mails

I will
contact you again once I have considered the information.


Rose Cox


From: Erik
Ribsskog []

Sent: 27 June 2009 14:59

To: Cox, Rosemary

Subject: Complaint against
RBS/Fwd: Earlier e-mail


thank you for you e-mail,
that I recieved today.

I'll contact your collegue back, regarding the Barclays-complaint.

I sent the complaint on
RBS Dale St., to Yvonne Williams at RBS, but she

also harassed me, like
this, she writes 'Dear Ms Ribsskog', even if my name

is Erik, and in Britain,
you have a movie called 'Erik the Viking', and Eric is

also a quite usual name,
in English-speaking countries.

So I think Yvonne Williams, the complaint-investigator, also bullied me.

I think this must have
been a deliberate mistake.

This ended with the
complaint being partly resolved, in the way that RBS,

gave me the bonus of
£100, for moving my account to them, from Barclays,

(who I also had problems
with, that I'll exlain about to your collegue, like I

mentioned earlier).

I'll also find the actual complaint against RBS Dale St. now, and forward it

to you.

What I meant with the complaint-form, was that it didn't look anything at all

like the ones you've sent
me now.

Maybe the complaint-form I was sent, was to do with other financial

than banks?

Like share-fonds etc?

Have you also got other
complaint-forms, other than to banks, perhaps someone

sent me the wrong form

Just a thought I had.

But anyway, thank you very much for your e-mail, and I'll also find the actual

RBS Dale St. complaint,
and e-mail it to you now.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

Forwarded message ----------

From: Williams, Yvonne (CRU) <>

Date: Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 4:30 PM

Subject: RE: Earlier e-mail

To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Ms

you please arrange another copy of your email to be sent to me for my



From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 19 June 2007 14:04

To: Williams, Yvonne (CRU)

Subject: Earlier e-mail

WARNING : This message originates from the Internet ***


I'm refering to the
e-mail I sent you on 5/6.

I was just wondering if
you have recieved this e-mail, because I cant see

that I have recieved any
answer to it yet.

Please just contact me if
you want me to send you the e-mail again.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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