mandag 18. januar 2010

Det jeg ikke visste om Rollag, det var at de også har Rollag i USA. Like ved Fargo. Var det her oldemora mi vokste opp som fosterbarn?

rollag usa


Så for å vite hva som foregår i Norge, så tror jeg at man burde se filmen 'Fargo', for å finne ut hvordan familien min i Drammen osv., er.

Så sånn er nok det.


Erik Ribsskog

PS 2.

Det finnes også en bok om dette:

Home » Family Histories » Rollag: From Norway to Minnesota
Rollag: From Norway to Minnesota
The Numedal Valley Immigrants and their Families

Dennis K. Herbranson and Maxine Lee Shulstad

Format: Hardcover

Pages: 337 pp.

Published: 2009

Price: $50.00

Item #: GWFH561

Send orders to: Dennis K. Herbranson and Maxine Lee Shulstad, 4103 Carnation Drive, Arlington, TX 76016; e-mail:

The authors have compiled a thorough genealogy of a small upper Midwest community whose ancestors emigrated from Rollag, Norway, and settled in Rollag, Minnesota. Encompassing 40 families, this book traces the first and second generation descendants and the ancestors of these immigrants. It contains almost 3,500 names and 300 pictures, as well as data and stories about the family members. The early ancestors are dated in the 1500s, with one family ancestry dating to the 13th century. The sources for the information are noted in the book.

This book will provide valuable information for the genealogist or descendant who is searching for information on ancestors from the Numedal Valley in Norway and the families who came to this community in northwestern Minnesota.

PS 3.

Min familie, (dvs. min far og min farmor), de fortalte meg ikke noe om at jeg hadde slekt som hadde vært i Rollag i USA.

De nevnte aldri Rollag i USA engang, enda jeg bodde på Berger, i ti år.

De snakka bare om Rollag i Numedal.

Det her var vel litt mystisk, vil jeg si.

Vi får se hva som skjer.

Vi får se.