fredag 12. februar 2010

Her har noen rappet nicket mitt, for andre dag på rad. Det er organisert, fra forskjellige land, (CIA?). john_cons er ikke meg, jeg er johncons/cons

Session Start: Thu Feb 11 17:15:17 2010
Session Ident: #england
03[17:15] * Now talking in #england
03[17:15] * Topic is 'Global Warming Impacts Senate Committee Cancelled Due To Snow. Move Along Please, Nothing To See. '

03[17:15] * Set by Lambie!~Simon@ on Tue Feb 09 23:26:56
03[17:34] * loopie ( has joined #england

03[17:45] * loopie ( has left #england
[17:51] <john_cons> Im back
[17:51] <john_cons> xaihpO: hey

03[18:05] * OiVey ( has joined #england
[18:06] <Lambie> i like djarum

[18:06] <Lambie> can we keep him
03[18:08] * zaid (~sd@ has joined #england
[18:08] <john_cons> lol
[18:11] <xaihpO> hi john, live frö work

[18:11] <xaihpO> érom
[18:11] <xaihpO> from
02[18:20] * OiVey ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out )

03[18:40] * Sockibear ( has joined #england
02[18:52] * zaid (~sd@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer )

03[18:53] * zaid (~sd@ has joined #england
02[18:53] * zaid (~sd@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer )

[18:59] <john_cons> live from work?
[18:59] <john_cons> no. Im home now
[19:01] <xaihpO> i am live from work
[19:01] <john_cons> oh
[19:01] <john_cons> :P

[19:01] <xaihpO> on the icy streets of sweden
[19:01] <xaihpO> icey?
[19:02] <xaihpO> hmm
[19:02] <john_cons> I dont know about sweden
03[19:02] * zaid (~sd@ has joined #england

[19:03] <xaihpO> i am telling you
[19:03] <xaihpO> hehe
[19:03] <john_cons> oh
03[19:05] * z0nic ( has joined #england

[19:10] <john_cons> u wanna know something funny
[19:10] <john_cons> I just changed to efnet today from dalnet
[19:10] <john_cons> and I found someone with almost same nick as me

[19:10] <john_cons> haha
[19:10] <john_cons> crazy
[19:12] <john_cons> but little irritating. as my name is john. and his name should be Vegard from what I read by his whois

[19:15] <john_cons> johncons: why do u call urself by the same nick as me?
[19:16] <john_cons> ur name is not john
[19:16] <john_cons> unlike me
[19:21] <xaihpO> haha

[19:22] <Fordy> ha
03[19:22] * moholt ( has joined #england
[19:22] <xaihpO> hi fordy
[19:23] <xaihpO> i am on my route

[19:23] <Fordy> your route?
[19:23] <xaihpO> yes im working
[19:24] <Fordy> lol, just read your nick properly
[19:24] <Fordy> Ophiax is disguise :P
[19:24] <xaihpO> did you read my nick backwards?

[19:24] <xaihpO> yes
[19:24] <Fordy> :P
[19:24] <Fordy> wonderful
03[19:24] * moholt ( has left #england

[19:24] <xaihpO> now i will make my second to last visit
[19:25] <xaihpO> bye
[19:26] <john_cons> seeya
03[19:30] * john__con ( has joined #england

[19:30] <john__con> bah. got dc
[19:32] <john_cons> uh, I did not
[19:32] <john_cons> lol
02[19:33] * john__con ( Quit

03[19:35] * uk-guy ( has joined #england
02[19:37] * zaid (~sd@ Quit

03[19:48] * cracked ( has joined #england
[19:49] <john_cons> good it was not crackhead

[19:49] <john_cons> :P
[19:50] <john_cons> I guess u like porn cracked ur on the xxx channels for getting "free" stuff
03[19:55] * cracked ( has left #england

[19:55] <john_cons> finally. he left the country
03[20:26] * Rea (~bugil@ has joined #england
03[20:27] * Rea (~bugil@ has left #england

[20:28] <xaihpO> hehe
[20:29] <xaihpO> soon the day has come to an end
03[20:32] * Filansa ( has joined #england

03[20:33] * lyness ( has joined #england
[20:35] <Filansa> lyness
[20:35] <john_cons> oh nice Ophiax

[20:44] <john_cons> All jump to bed. bit tired today
[20:44] <john_cons> Ill*
01[20:45] <johncons> 'john_cons' is someone who has nicked my nick. I'm being persecuted in Norway, I guess this must be part of it

[20:45] <john_cons> uhm
[20:45] <john_cons> what?
[20:46] <john_cons> wtf are u talking about?
03[20:46] * Filansa ( has left #england

01[20:47] john_cons is * gibke
01[20:47] john_cons on #london #england
01[20:47] john_cons using Another visitor. Stay a while. Stay FOREVER...

01[20:47] john_cons actually using host
01[20:47] john_cons End of /WHOIS list.
01[20:48] <johncons> john_cons is * gibke

01[20:48] <johncons> hire a geek?
[20:48] <john_cons> yo. johncons. what the hell are you talking about? I have never ever been on undernet
[20:48] <john_cons> efnet*

[20:48] <john_cons> I used to be on undernet and dalnet
[20:48] <john_cons> not here
[20:49] <john_cons> hire a geek yes. what is wrong with it?
[20:49] <john_cons> dont u like geeks?

01[20:49] <johncons> that's not true, because I've also been on undernet, I've had that nick on irc for thirteen years
01[20:50] <johncons> no i dnt
[20:50] <john_cons> uhm. and I should care cause?

01[20:51] <johncons> i don't give a damn about you, I just try to explain to the people on this channel that this is part of some persecution of me, in norway etc., i've overheard that I'm being followed by the 'mafian', whoever they are

[20:51] <john_cons> lol
[20:51] <john_cons> do u regulary smoke crack?
[20:51] <john_cons> its not good for u u know
[20:52] <john_cons> just look at clapton area here in london. full of fucking crackheads

03[20:54] * johncons is now known as cons
[20:54] <john_cons> and if the mafia was after you. I think you would be 6 feet under already
[20:54] <john_cons> so stop bugging me u faggot. Im using this nick as my name is john. and it aint a fucking thing you can do about it

[20:55] <lyness> nah with the recession its only a metre and they put lime over the body
02[20:57] * uk-guy ( Quit

01[20:58] <cons> john_cons/rent a geek: do you mean in chelsea, london, are you sure you don't mean chelsea nyc?
[20:58] <john_cons> I understand now what Ophiax ment when he said this channel became silent. if your running around here screaming bloody murder all day long now wonder people are not talking

[20:58] <john_cons> uhm
[20:59] <john_cons> No. I mean London
[20:59] <john_cons> who have said anything about chelsea?
01[21:01] <cons> nuremberg?
[21:02] <john_cons> I said Clapton - London. Dont you know geography?

[21:02] <john_cons> its in north london ffs
[21:02] <john_cons> full of crackheads like you
01[21:04] <cons> im a member of the Norwegian society of engeniers and technologist (Nito)'s managers-forum, I'm not a crackhead at all

[21:05] <john_cons> u sure act like one. sitting here blaming people for being the mafia. lol.
01[21:06] <cons> it's you who's stealing my nick, if you hadn't done that, i wouldn't have bothered you at all

[21:06] <john_cons> stealing your nick?
01[21:06] <cons> the nick i've been using for thirteen years on irc
01[21:06] <cons> yes
[21:06] <john_cons> wtf.

[21:06] <john_cons> lol
[21:06] <john_cons> and who cares?
[21:06] <lyness> efnet has no services
[21:06] <lyness> you cannot own a nick on efnet
01[21:07] <cons> no, i can't own a nick, but this is not a nick-collision

01[21:07] <cons> this is pure harassment
[21:07] <john_cons> no. its a huge conspiracy with the mafia
[21:07] <john_cons> lol
[21:07] <john_cons> cut the crap

01[21:07] <cons> i reported to people for the same yesterday, with norwegian ips
01[21:07] <cons> two people
[21:07] <john_cons> lol
[21:07] <john_cons> reported to whom?

01[21:08] <cons> this organised harassment towards me, a crime in the uk
01[21:08] <cons> this is
[21:08] <john_cons> you know what you should do?
[21:08] <john_cons> file a complaint to the internets

[21:08] <lyness> how can it be a crime?
[21:08] <john_cons> maby the starter of internets can help you
[21:08] <lyness> you cannot own it, so no one is technically stealing it

01[21:08] <cons> harassment is a crime, i've read that since i've been working in the uk
01[21:09] <cons> well, that might be true
02[21:09] * xaihpO ( Quit (jmIrc destroyed by the OS )

01[21:09] <cons> but i'm being harassed
[21:09] <lyness> and computer missuse act is only valid for people using a computer in the UK, which they are not if their IP's are .no

01[21:09] <cons> since this is not a nick-collision
[21:09] <john_cons> do I harass you?
[21:09] <john_cons> I never even spoken to you before
01[21:09] <cons> lyness: i'm not talking about any computer missuse act

01[21:10] <cons> i'm calling this organised harassment
01[21:10] <cons> which is a crime in the uk
01[21:10] <cons> mobster-activity
[21:10] <john_cons> I have your name by your whois. your your name is indeed vegard. I will for sure file a complain about you to the police for making false statements agains me on IRC

[21:10] <lyness> Im sure SOCA will be overjoyed at your allegations
[21:11] <john_cons> as we both are in UK
01[21:11] <cons> well i've been in contact with them from before

[21:11] <john_cons> we can meet in court?
[21:11] <john_cons> and Ill sue you for harassing me online?
[21:11] <john_cons> as ur a engineer. should be some money to pay me with to then

[21:11] <Fordy> what is the fucking point of saving money if im not allowed to spend it.
01[21:11] <cons> i only deal with the norwegian police since i have an ipcc-case and eea and un-case against the british police

[21:11] <Fordy> sigh
[21:12] <lyness> who is not letting you spend it?
[21:12] <john_cons> ur in the UK. so the UK laws is ruling. not the fucking norwegian laws u dumbstruck

03[21:12] * richyy (unknown@2001:888:20d4:7::) has joined #england
[21:13] <lyness> why have you got caught cases against the British Police?
[21:13] <lyness> and which forces?

01[21:13] <cons> no, i'm a norwegian citizen so i can deal with the norwegian police if i want
01[21:13] <cons> its to do with a employment-case etc
[21:13] <lyness> they wouldnt employ you?

01[21:13] <cons> no, not like that
[21:13] <john_cons> yes. but now ur in the UK and harass me online. so I deal with the british police agains you
01[21:13] <cons> i have a website about the employment-case

01[21:14] <cons> one sec
[21:14] <Fordy> lyness: im 16. my phone is broken, i need a new one. parents = NO.
03[21:14] * UnPasComm ( has joined #england

03[21:14] * UnPasComm ( has left #england

01[21:14] <cons> its to do with this case
01[21:14] <cons> a large employment-case against bertelsmann and microsoft
01[21:14] <cons> etc
[21:15] <john_cons> You should worry more about the case Im making against you for harassing me online

[21:15] <john_cons> now I cant sleep anymore :(
[21:16] <john_cons> I have work in the morning
03[21:16] * Added john_cons!*@* to ignore list
01[21:16] <cons> Added john_cons!*@* to ignore list

01[21:18] <cons> haven't heard lauryn hill to sion in a while btw, but anyway
03[21:26] * richyy (unknown@2001:888:20d4:7::) has left #england
[21:38] <Sockibear> wtf is all this pointless bullshit being spouted

03[21:39] * uk-guy ( has joined #england
03[23:09] * Keita ( has joined #england

03[23:12] * control_r (~control@ has joined #england
03[23:13] * control_r (~control@ has left #england

03[23:14] * control_r (~control@ has joined #england
03[23:14] * control_r (~control@ has left #england

02[23:25] * uk-guy ( Quit

03[23:52] * ^Lambie^ (~Simon@ has joined #england

[23:52] <^Lambie^> god bless america
03[23:57] * control_r (~control@ has joined #england
02[23:59] * Lambie (~Simon@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out )


Det virker som at den som skrev den første kommentaren til denne bloggposten, vil ha det til at det er politiet som tuller.

Og det er jo ikke noe nytt det, på johncons-blogg akkurat, at jeg skriver om at politiet tuller med meg osv.

Men nå kom det et anonymt hint her da, om det samme.

Jeg vet ikke hvor mye vekt man skal tillegge sånt, men jeg konstaterer at noen hinter om at det nok er politiet som tuller, ihvertfall.

Så sånn er nok det.


Erik Ribsskog