onsdag 10. februar 2010

Jeg sendte en klage på en Nextgentel-bruker, til Nextgentel

Google Mail - Problemer med indentitestyveri på irc

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Problemer med indentitestyveri på irc

Erik Ribsskog

Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 7:49 AM



en av deres kunder, later som at han er meg, på irc.

Dette må gå under identitetstyveri, som er et stort problem i samfunnet.

Jeg håper dere kan be deres abonnent slutte med dette, og gi en advarsel, for trakassering av folk på nettet.

På forhånd takk for hjelp!


Erik Ribsskog


Her er loggen, fra #London, deres abonnent er merket med uthevet skrift. Jeg kaller meg john_cons på irc, men kalte meg jc_away, en kort stund, når jeg ikke satt foran pc-en, og brukte deres abonnent mitt nick, og skrev noe, som liksom skulle være skrevet av meg da, om 'mafian', for jeg har overhørt i Oslo, før jeg flyttet til England, at jeg var forfulgt av noe slags hemmelig 'mafian', som dem hadde der:

Session Start: Tue Feb 09 18:31:38 2010
Session Ident: #england
02[18:31] * Disconnected
02[18:37] * Attempting to rejoin channel #england
03[18:37] * Rejoined channel #england

03[18:37] * Topic is 'IT'S NOT LIKE THE OLD DAYS '
03[18:37] * Set by Lambie!~Simon@ on Sun Feb 07 21:27:52
[18:42] <Ophiax> i just cant do it, i try to sleep early, but my body wont shut down

[18:42] <Ophiax> but when i need to get up, then my body has the bright idea that "oh my, maybe i need to sleep after all!"
02[18:48] * zaid (~sd@ Quit

03[18:52] * zaid (~sd@ has joined #england
03[19:05] * ReYza (~reyza_666@ has joined #england

[19:05] <ReYza> huy.......
03[19:07] * ReYza is now known as Rea
[19:07] <Rea> huy...

03[19:20] * Sockibear (TheBears@cpc1-ando2-0-0-cust609.sotn.cable.ntl.com) has joined #england
02[19:35] * Rea (~reyza_666@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer )

[20:01] <OiVey> ok, gotta go
03[20:01] * dracls (drac@host240-10-130-83.adsl-symcentus.net) has joined #england

03[20:05] * uk-guy (~dd_dd.com@ip91350698.speed.planet.nl) has joined #england
02[20:13] * zaid (~sd@ Quit

03[20:16] * dracls (drac@host240-10-130-83.adsl-symcentus.net) has left #england
03[20:44] * club_gay (~ce_bispak@ has joined #england

03[20:51] * lyness (lyness@79-74-198-221.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com) has joined #england
02[21:02] * club_gay (~ce_bispak@ Quit (Ping timeout: 480 seconds )

03[21:24] * Tancredi (~chatzilla@BSN-61-57-34.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) has joined #england
02[21:27] * Tancredi (~chatzilla@BSN-61-57-34.dial-up.dsl.siol.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [SeaMonkey 2.0.2/20100104163003] )

03[21:41] * shockyboy (~shockyboy@ has joined #england
03[21:41] * shockyboy (~shockyboy@ has left #england

03[21:50] * richyy (unknown@2001:888:20d4:7::) has joined #england
03[22:05] * richyy (unknown@2001:888:20d4:7::) has left #england
03[22:10] * laroz (~d_retalor@ has joined #england

03[22:10] * laroz (~d_retalor@ has left #england

02[23:10] * uk-guy (~dd_dd.com@ip91350698.speed.planet.nl) Quit

03[23:20] * Lewis sets mode: +o Lambie
03[23:20] * Lambie changes topic to 'Global Warming Impacts Senate Committee Cancelled Due To Snow. Move Along Please, Nothing To See. '
[23:24] <@Lambie> oh man

[23:25] <@Lambie> this election is not going to be pleasant at all
03[23:38] * tidalwave (unknown@2001:888:20d4:7::) has joined #england
03[23:47] * tidalwave (unknown@2001:888:20d4:7::) has left #england

03[23:54] * bojana_ba (~vesnakiro@ has joined #england
02[23:54] * bojana_ba (~vesnakiro@ Quit (Client Quit )

Session Time: Wed Feb 10 00:00:00 2010
03[00:26] * redz (~redz@ti0163a340-0318.bb.online.no) has joined #england
03[00:26] * redz (~redz@ti0163a340-0318.bb.online.no) has left #england

03[00:26] * Keita (~cesaire@cpe-71-65-67-23.woh.res.rr.com) has joined #england
03[00:27] * gIrL_Phan (~mymen_pea@ has joined #england

[00:50] <john_cons> Hello, everyone! I'm happy to tell you that I finally realized I'm not really being followed by the mafia. I will live a normal life from now on.
02[00:50] * john_cons (~a@104.80-202-190.nextgentel.com) Quit (Happy life! )

03[02:08] * lastpak (unknown@2001:888:20d4:7::) has joined #england
[02:11] <gIrL_Phan> hi.....
03[02:25] * lastpak (unknown@2001:888:20d4:7::) has left #england
03[02:37] * Rxj is now known as Omnasciou

03[02:37] * Omnasciou is now known as fau
02[02:44] * Keita (~cesaire@cpe-71-65-67-23.woh.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: When you have them by the throat, their hearts and minds will follow )

03[03:27] * loopie (coco@host241-150-1-58.bc-centralplus.com) has joined #england
03[03:40] * loopie (coco@host241-150-1-58.bc-centralplus.com) has left #england

03[04:14] * _JVC (~indri_19@ has joined #england
03[04:20] * JVC_M (~indri_19@ has joined #england

02[04:24] * _JVC (~indri_19@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out )
02[04:33] * JVC_M (~indri_19@ Quit (Ping timeout: 380 seconds )

03[04:42] * fau (~Utopia@c-67-164-117-80.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has left #england
02[04:47] * gIrL_Phan (~mymen_pea@ Quit

03[04:51] * BaTMANpl (~podan@2001:888:20d4:7::) has joined #england
03[05:04] * BaTMANpl (~podan@2001:888:20d4:7::) has left #england
03[05:29] * Judey (~Judey@pool-71-178-231-177.washdc.east.verizon.net) has joined #england

03[06:23] * cracked (cracked@cpe-238-108-31-26.nyc.res.rr.com) has joined #england
02[06:26] * JohnCons (~jfhdssvl@ Quit (Ping timeout: 483 seconds )

03[06:30] * cracked (cracked@cpe-238-108-31-26.nyc.res.rr.com) has left #england
03[06:32] * jc_away is now known as john_cons
01[07:02] <john_cons> that wasn't me above, someone stole my nick while i was away

01[07:02] <john_cons> im in the uk, i don't use nextgentel, that's a scandinavian company, i use bt
03[07:05] * liam_ is now known as liam