tirsdag 30. mars 2010

Jeg fikk en ny e-post fra Facebook. De har visst gjenåpnet kontoen min der. Vi får se

Google Mail - Re: Appeal: Why have disabeled my Facebook-account please?

Google Mail

Erik Ribsskog

Re: Appeal: Why have disabeled my Facebook-account please?

The Facebook Team

Mon, Mar 29, 2010 at 10:34 PM

The Facebook Team <appeals+yvvqngq@support.facebook.com>


Hi Erik,

Your account was suspended because Facebook's security systems detected behavior that could be associated with fake accounts, or that could be considered annoying or abusive by other people on Facebook.

Please review the guidelines below to prevent your personal account from being disabled for abusive behavior:

• Do not use the site to contact strangers through Inbox messages or friend requests.

• Do not use the site to directly solicit others for dating or business purposes.

• Do not provide false information (i.e., fake name or date of birth) on your account.

After reviewing your situation, your account has been reactivated and you should now be able to log in. For technical and security reasons, we are unable to provide further details regarding this warning.

For more information on conduct prohibited by Facebook, please read our Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, which can be accessed by clicking the "Terms" link at the bottom of any Facebook page.

Thanks for your understanding,


User Operations


-----Original Message to Facebook-----

From: Erik Ribsskog (eribsskog@gmail.com)

To: The Facebook Team

Subject: Appeal: Why have disabeled my Facebook-account please?


my name is Erik Ribsskog, born 25/7/70, with login e-mail address:


Why have disabled my account please?

Is this some CIA/sionist-stuff?


Erik Ribsskog

-----End Original Message to Facebook-----