Hi Erik,
Thank you for your email.
Please note that we have not taken any kind of payment from your card and will not do.
On the other hand, I have now closed your account and now you will not receive any further renewal notices from us.
Therefore my colleague told you to ignore the reminders and we do not have any kind of your card details. So please ignore any previous renewal reminders.
Now your account is closed from here and you will not receive any kind of email or renewal reminders regarding to your account.
If you still have any query or issues, please get back to us.
Kind regards
Steve Benson
Customer Services Adviser
Domain Express
Ticket ID: #703223
Subject: Re: Customer Invoice
Status: Closed
Ticket URL: http://www.domainexpress.co.uk/viewticket.php?tid=703223&c=6Ju3BQpg