torsdag 22. juli 2010

Jeg sendte EFTA klagen min til UD. Angående mulig tull med at hun Sigurdardottir sine islandske venninner i Brussel, muligens dekker over for henne

Gmail - Klage på EFTA/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Reminder to Katrin Sverresdottir/Fwd: Complaint to Katrin Sverresdottir, Manager for the department for Services, Capital, Persons and ProgramsFwd: Påminnelse/Fwd: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-o


Erik Ribsskog

Klage på EFTA/Fwd: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Reminder to Katrin Sverresdottir/Fwd: Complaint to Katrin Sverresdottir, Manager for the department for Services, Capital, Persons and ProgramsFwd: Påminnelse/Fwd: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-o

Erik Ribsskog

Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 10:39 PM



jeg leste i Aftenposten idag, at hu islandske i EFTA, som jeg klager på, Linda Bjørk Sigurdardottir, har flytta til Norge:

Og da sikkert slutta i EFTA.

Hu skriver også at hu har islandske venninner, i Brussel.

Og jeg blir tulla med av noen andre islandske damer, i EFTA, som ikke behandler klagen min på Sigurdardottir, og ikke engang svarer på e-postene mine.

Jeg lurte på om dere kan fortelle meg hvem som er sjef i EFTA, for EFTA svarer ikke meg.

På forhånd takk for svar!


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 3:59 PM
Subject: Reminder/Fwd: Complaint/Fwd: Reminder to Katrin Sverresdottir/Fwd: Complaint to Katrin Sverresdottir, Manager for the department for Services, Capital, Persons and ProgramsFwd: Påminnelse/Fwd: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The Eur



I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail yet, so I'm sending a reminder about this.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 11:28 AM
Subject: Complaint/Fwd: Reminder to Katrin Sverresdottir/Fwd: Complaint to Katrin Sverresdottir, Manager for the department for Services, Capital, Persons and ProgramsFwd: Påminnelse/Fwd: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic



I called EFTA now, on +32 22 861 719, and was told, that you are the person, that Katrin Sverresdottir, is reporting to.

I have a problem, that she hasn'¨t replied, to my e-mailst from 17/11 and 14/12.

My inital complaint, was that Linda Bjørk Sigurdardottir, gave me the wrong advice.

She told me to contact Solvit about some EEA-cases, when I should have contacted the EU-commission.

I think this mistake was a bit strange, so I hope you can investigate, what has been going on, (even if I've heard that Sigurdardottir has quit working for EFTA, I still think this should be looked at, if possible).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Dec 14, 2009 at 8:55 PM
Subject: Reminder to Katrin Sverresdottir/Fwd: Complaint to Katrin Sverresdottir, Manager for the department for Services, Capital, Persons and ProgramsFwd: Påminnelse/Fwd: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic Area



I can't see that I've received an answer to this e-mail, so I'm sending a reminder about this.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Nov 17, 2009 at 3:12 PM
Subject: Complaint to Katrin Sverresdottir, Manager for the department for Services, Capital, Persons and ProgramsFwd: Påminnelse/Fwd: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic Area



I wanted to please complain about your representative, Linda Bjørk Sigurdardottir.

It's regarding, that I haven't been given my rights, as an EEA-citizen, in the UK.

I've been discriminated by the Merseyside Police, and the IPCC and the Home Office, and more.

(Since I haven't been treated like an EU-citizen, like I've understood, that I should have been, according to the EEA-agreement, since I am a Norwegian citizen, and Norway are a part of EFTA, and have signed the EEA-agreement, like the EU and the UK have, as I've understood it).

Sigurdardottir, told me to contact Solvit.

But, I wanted to bring up the problems formally.

Where as Solvit, is an solution, if one want to bring up the problems _informally_.

So Solvit told me to contact the EU Commission.

So Sigurdardottir should have adviced me to contact the EU Commission and not Solvit, since these are important problems, that I wanted to bring up, in a regular way, which Solvit Norway/Norwegian Foreign Ministry says is the EU Commission.

So I wanted to complain about that Sigurdardottir gave me the wrong advice/directives, since I think that Norwegian citizens, should be able to trust what EFTA says, since Norway are part of EFTA.

So I hope you deal with this complaint, accordingly, like you normally deals with complaints like this.

I know that Sigurdardottir has quit working in EFTA now, but I think she gave these advice, as an EFTA-representative, so I think EFTA are responsible for any mistakes she did, since she made them, as an EFTA representative.

I called the EFTA switch-board, some weeks ago, but they couldn't understand my English, so I got the phone-number to Elin Bjerkebo, since she is from Norway, so then I could explain this in Norwegian, that I wanted to complain to Sigurdardottirs line-manager, and Bjerkebo told me that it was you, since you were the manager for the Services, Capital, Persons and Programs-department.

Hope that this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2009/10/9
Subject: Påminnelse/Fwd: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic Area


jeg kan ikke se å ha mottatt noe svar på denne e-posten, og sender en påminnelse om dette.

Forresten, hvorfor kan jeg ikke få klage på Sigurdardottir, til hennes sjef, er ikke dette vanlig i organisasjoner?


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: 2009/9/29
Subject: Re: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic Area
To: BJERKEBO Elin <>


nei, nå ser jeg det.

Jeg sendte en e-post til deg:


Erik Ribsskog <>



Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 2:22 PM


Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic Area.


hide details 7/7/08

jeg er ikke så vant til å drive med ting som har med EU eller EFTA å gjøre, men jeg hadde noen spørsmål,
angående rettighetene til innbyggere fra EFTA land som er med i EØS, og som bor i EU.

Og da sendte jeg det først til noe som heter EU Ombudsmannen, men det har jeg skjønt nå at var galt.

Det er min feil, som ikke er vant til hvor man skal henvende seg, når det gjelder EU og EFTA-saker.

Men jeg har jo lest nå, på nettet osv., at det er tre EFTA land, som er med i EØS-avtalen.
Og siden jeg er fra et av de EFTA-landene, så er det vel riktig av meg, å ta opp spøsmål angående EØS-

avtalen, med EFTA og ikke EU, hvis det er noe jeg lurer på, angående rettigheter osv.

Har jeg ressonert riktig da?
Jeg sender med en kopi av e-posten jeg først sendte EU-ombudsmannen, samt en kopi av svaret,

for å forklare mer, om hva spørsmålene gjelder.

Så håper jeg at jeg har klart å sende spøsmålene riktig nå, og jeg sier på forhånd tusen takk for svar!
Med vennlig hilsen

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Euro-Ombudsman <>

Date: Jul 7, 2008 1:48 PM
Subject: RE: The European Economic Area.
To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Også fjernet dere e-posten som var på norsk, og så svarte Sigurdardottir.

Er ikke det litt spesielt da, at dere fjernet e-posten min, som var på norsk?

Og en annen ting, du skrev til meg på engelsk, på den første e-posten jeg fikk igår, enda vi pratet sammen på norsk, på torsdag, på telefonen.

Hva var poenget med det liksom?

Er det sånn at nordmenn kan skrive på norsk til EFTA, eller er EFTA-språket engelsk?


Erik Ribsskog

2009/9/29 BJERKEBO Elin <>


Hvis du ser nærmere på eposten, så har du videresendt oss
din korrespondanse med European Ombudsmann, vi i EFTA har ikke vært i kontakt
med dem på noe tidspunkt. I den originale eposten du sendte oss, så skrev du at
du hadde vært i kontakt med European Ombudsmann, men at dette var gal instans
for ditt spørsmål, epost 7. juli 2008.

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:
Euro-Ombudsman <>
> Date: Jul 7, 2008 1:48
> Subject: RE: The European Economic Area.
To: Erik Ribsskog

> From: Erik Ribsskog []
Sent: 30 June 2008 21:58
> To: Euro-Ombudsman
> Subject: The
European Economic Area.

Hvis du som norsk statsborger ønsker å klage på EFTA
Sekretariatet, så er Utenriksdepartementet rett



Officer, Information and Communication -
Secretary-General's Office

EFTA - European Free Trade

Tel: +32 2 286 17 19 | Fax: +32 2 286 17 50 | Mobile: +32
476 62 38 03
E-mail: | Web:
Rue Joseph
II 12-16 | B-1000 Brussels | Belgium

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 September 2009 19:22

Subject: Re: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd:
The European Economic Area


men jeg sjekka det igjen nå, og e-posten jeg fikk fra Sigurdardottir, var
en som var sendt EFTA fra the EURO Ombudsmann, (hvis du ser nederst i denne

Har dere vært i kontakt med the EURO ombudsman da?

For man kan jo se, at the European Ombudsman, sier at jeg kan kontakte
Europe Direct, om dette.

Men hvorfor har the European Ombudsman sendt dette til EFTA da, hvis de ber
meg ta det med Europe Direct?

Har dere bedt the European Ombudsman om å sende det til dere da?

Bare lurte på hva som har foregått.

Håper dette er i orden!


Erik Ribsskog


Dessuten så sier Handels- og Næringsdepartementet i Norge, at jeg ikke
kan klage på EFTA, til departementene.

Det var derfor jeg ringte deg, i forrige uke, for jeg tenkte jeg skulle
eskalere det innen EFTA.

Men jeg får vel bare sende det til UD likevel da, på tross av hva Handels-
og Næringsdepartementet skriver.

(Bare prøver å finne ut hvordan det er riktig å gjøre dette).

2009/9/28 BJERKEBO Elin <>


Sigurdardottir var ansatt i EFTA frem til februar 2009, og jobbet for avdeling
for Services, Capital, Persons and Programmes. Jeg beklager forvirringen
rundt dette, men assosierte henne ikke umiddelbart med etternavnet når du
Grunnen til
at Linda besvarte eposten din, er fordi jeg videresendte den
til denne avdelingen som vet mer om området.



Officer, Information and Communication -
Secretary-General's Office

EFTA - European Free Trade

Tel: +32 2 286 17 19 | Fax: +32 2 286 17 50 | Mobile: +32
476 62 38 03
E-mail: | Web:
Rue Joseph II 12-16 | B-1000 Brussels |

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 28 September 2009 14:18

Subject: Re: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor
EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic Area


takk for svar!

Men kan du bekrefte det du sa på telefonen på fredag, at du ikke visste
hvem hun Sigurdardottir var.

Og hvordan kan det ha seg at hun svarte på e-post som jeg sendte


Erik Ribsskog

2009/9/28 BJERKEBO Elin <>

Dear Mr.

In reference to our phone conversation on 24 September
2009, we would like to clarify what the EFTA Secretariat
works with, in order to avoid any further misunderstandings. T
he role
of the EFTA Secretariat is to provide support for the management of the
EEA Agreement and assist the EEA EFTA States in the preparation of
new legislation for integration into the EEA Agreement. The EFTA Secretariat
is not entrusted with surveillance of correct implementation or
enforcement of EEA legal acts. The surveillance role within the EEA
Agreement is entrusted to the EFTA Surveillance Authority which is to ensure
correct implementation and enforcement of EEA legal acts within the EEA
EFTA States, i.e. Norway, Iceland and

On the EU side it is generally the role of the European
Commission and the European Court of Justice to ensure that the EU Member
States enforce and implement corresponding EU rules

Unfortunately, the EFTA
Secretariat does therefore neither have the competence nor the
mandate to deal with a potential violation of EEA rules in
the United Kingdom and can therefore not be of help to you in this

Should you wish
to file a complaint about the work of the EFTA Secretariat in Brussels the
appropriate party to turn to in the case of a Norwegian citizen
would be the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign



Officer, Information and Communication -
Secretary-General's Office

EFTA - European Free Trade

Tel: +32 2 286 17 19 | Fax: +32 2 286 17 50 | Mobile: +32
476 62 38 03
E-mail: | Web:
Rue Joseph II 12-16 | B-1000 Brussels |

Sent: 24
September 2009 14:53
Subject: FW:
Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic

From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 24 September 2009 14:46
Subject: Fwd: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor
EØS-området/Fwd: The European Economic Area.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: SIGURDARDOTTIR Linda Bjork <>

Subject: RE: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd:
The European Economic Area.
To: Erik Ribsskog <>

Dear Mr.

Thank you for your email. Unfortunately the EFTA
Secretariat is not competent to deal with your case. I am afraid that
we can not assist you any further in this matter.

Linda Bjork

-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Ribsskog []

Sent: 16 October 2008 03:55
Subject: Re: Spørsmål om rettigheter innenfor EØS-området/Fwd: The
European Economic Area.


thank you very much for your

I've contacted Solvit now, regarding the problems I've been
having with the British Police, the IPCC, and the Ministry of Justice, etc.,
that they aren't answering my e-mails, and they aren't returning my phone-

The Merseyside Police didn't call me back, even if I went to
the Norwegian Consulate, here in Liverpool, and got them to call the Police,
after I'd tried to call myself a lot of times, but the Police just didn't
call back.

It's the same with the IPCC, they don't call back, and
they don't answer e-mails.

The Home Office, tells me, that then I
have to take the IPCC to Court.

But, I've been trying to get a
work-case against Bertelsmann Arvatos Microsoft Scandinavian Product
Activation, to the Court, in Britain, for almost two years now, but even the
law-firms, don't want to do their job, it seems. (Within the legal aid

But Solvit says that this is my fault, that I'm
experiencing problems with the communication with the

When it's the Police and the IPCC, who aren't returning
my phone-calls and e-mails.

I think I have the same right, to get my
correspondence answered, like an EU-citizen.

How can I get my rights,
if I don't even get to speak with the case-worker?

So I'm trying to
send back a copy of the correspondence with Solvit Norway.

Maybe you
understand more about how to explain the problems to Solvit, than I

Hope this is alright, and thanks again for the first

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

On Wed, Sep
10, 2008 at 2:36 PM, SIGURDARDOTTIR Linda Bjork <> wrote:
> Dear
Mr. Ribsskog,
> The EFTA Secretariat has
received your request concerning the rights
> of Norwegian citizens
living and working in the UK.
> For your
information, the task of EFTA Secretariat in Brussels is
> mainly to
provide support to the EEA EFTA States for the management of
> the EEA
Agreement and assists them in the preparation of the
> incorporation
of new legislation into the EEA Agreement.
Norway is a Party to the EEA agreement and therefore the same rules
apply to Norwegian citizens as to EU country citizens when it
> the Internal Market, i.e. freedom of movement of goods,
> services and capital. As a Norwegian citizen living and
working in UK
> you should enjoy the same rights as UK citizens when
you are making
> use of these freedoms (Art. 4 of the EEA
> You could try to contact SOLVIT
which is an on-line problem solving
> network. They try to solve
problems caused by the misapplication of
> the Internal Market law by
public authorities. As you are a Norwegian
> citizen, you should
contact the Norwegian SOLVIT Centre (tel.: +47 222
> 404 11; email: website:
> We are sorry to inform you that the EFTA
Secretariat can unfortunately
> not help you any further in this
> With best
> Linda Bjork Sigurdardottir
> EFTA -
European Free Trade Association
> E-mail: | Web:
> Rue Joseph
II 12-16 | B-1000 Brussels | Belgium
---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Euro-Ombudsman
> Date: Jul 7, 2008 1:48 PM
Subject: RE: The European Economic Area.
> To: Erik Ribsskog <>
Dear Mr Ribsskog,
> Thank you for your e-mail
of 30 June 2008, in which you ask if you, as
> a Norwegian citizen
living in Britain, have the right to get help from
> the police and
the British government.
> In replying to your
e-mail, first, I would like to give a short
> presentation of the work
of the European Ombudsman.
> The European
Ombudsman investigates complaints about maladministration
> by the
institutions and bodies of the European Union. This means that
> you
can complain to the Ombudsman if you consider that, for instance,
the European Commission, the European Parliament or the Council of
> European Union has done something
> It is thus not part of the
Ombudsman's function to provide you with
> the kind of information
that you are asking for.
> However, you could
consider turning to EuropeDirect, which provides
> practical
information in the official EU language of your choice about
> the
European Union and its policies or a reference to further sources
> of
information. You can reach the service by calling the following
toll-free number from anywhere in the EU during opening hours
(9h00-18h30 CET on
> weekdays):
> 00 800
6 7 8 9 10 11
> Or call the standard number +
32-2-299.96.96 from anywhere in the
> world (normal charges
> You can also contact the service by
sending an e-mail:
For more information on Europe Direct, you can consult the following
Yours sincerely,
> Angela
> Office of the European
> From: Erik Ribsskog []
> Sent: 30 June 2008
> To: Euro-Ombudsman
> Subject: The European Economic
> Hi,
> I'm a Norwegian citizen
living in Britain.
> Here, there have been many problems, at
work, and regarding a
> complaint against the Police etc., that I
haven't got any help with.
> (I've also contacted the Norwegian
Government, regarding these problems, but
> they don't answer
> e-mails, and the Sivilombudsmannen, is part of a cover-up, from
> Government, it seems, even
> if I wont explain this in
detail now, but I can explain more detailed if
> it's
> I was wondering, since Norway, are part of the
European Economical
> Area. So Norwegian citizens, are allowed, to
live and work, in
> Britain, like if they were EU-Citizens, as I've
understood it.
> But, I was wondering if this means, that one, as a
Norwegian citizen in
> Britain, also has the right,
> to get
help/advice from the Police, and other Goverment in Britain, like if
one was an EU-citizen?
> I think, that if one have the right
to work and live in an EU-country,
> like the 'EFTA/EØS-agreement'
says, then only has the right help from
> the Government, it that
EU-country (the Police etc), like
> if one were an EU-citizen,
> I just wanted to try to get this clear, since I'm
having some
> problems, both with the Norwegian and the British
Goverment now, so I
> just wanted to know, if some this could be
something to do, with
> that one aren't that well protected by rights,
if one are a Norwegian
> citizen living in the EU?
> Hope that
you have the chance to answer about this, and thanks in advance
> for
the reply!
> Yours sincerely,
> Erik