fredag 2. juli 2010

Jeg sendte en klage til the Jobcentre, på at det nok er noe kommunist-mafia, som tuller med meg der

Gmail - Being messed with since my grand-aunt, in Denmark, Unse Heegaard, is directly after Charles le Magne?


Erik Ribsskog

Being messed with since my grand-aunt, in Denmark, Unse Heegaard, is directly after Charles le Magne?

Erik Ribsskog

Fri, Jul 2, 2010 at 11:15 AM



I have had many complaints against the Jobcentre.

Yesterday, I found, that my grand-aunt, in Denmark, Unse Marie Heegaard, born Trock-Jansen, is directly after Charles le Magne, Pippin the little, Hartaknut, Rollo of Normandy, Gorm of Denmark, a Greek-Bysantian emperor, Waldemar the Great of Denmark, a third-cousin of the Norwegian, (I'm from Norway), king, after the god Freyr, Olav Håkonsson.

I also remember now, my sister in Norway, saying things to me, in the 90's like, 'you wont get any help by the Police [if something happens]'.

Things I didn't understand about then, since I only knew that my grandmother was after some generals etc., at that time.

But now I understand, that my sister is almost 100% certain, in some communist-mob/mafia, it seems to me.

(I thought she only was a socialist/communist, (like she admits herself), but now I think she's also in a mob/mafia).

And she has been accusing me, of being to confirm, for her liking, 'like our grandmother', like she has been saying, like a threat almost.

But I'm really just a normal Norwegian guy, so I haven't really understood anything, of why my sister has been acting aggressive/hostile towards me, at times, (before just now yesterday, when I saw we were related to the Nordic kings and the 'german-roman', (like we call them in Norway), emperors, like Karl the Great, (like we say in Norway), Charles le Magne.

Here is a link, where one can see this, (I'm named, I think, by her husbond Erik Anker Heegaard, my grandmother Ingeborg Ribsskog born Heegaard's older brother):

(Their children Steffen and Thomas Heegaard, were my late mother, Karen Ribsskog's cousins).

Even if they lived in different countries, they in Denmark, us in Norway.

I suspect also sionist would attack, since I've read that Jewish philosopher, Moses Hess, says there has always been a war between the Jews and the Arians/Germans, like in Charles le Magne, who I think that perhaps the sionist don't like, since I think he was possible german or germanic, (but I'm not an expert on this, I just think he must have been, since he was a German-Roman emperor, or what empire was called in English).

So I suspect now, that some communist-mob, and/or sionist-mob, (CIA? Since I wasn't let in to the USA, in 2005, but had to go back to Europe, for really no reason, that I could understand, at least), must be messing with me, at work, and at the jobcentre, (and at the Merseyside-police, etc).

So I wanted to complain about the communist-mob, that I think you have, at the Jobcentre I go to, in Williamson Sq.

Hope you clean up the mess!

Best Chales-le-Magne and Hartaknut Regards,

Erik Ribsskog