mandag 27. september 2010

Jeg sendte en ny e-post til husvert-firmaet

Gmail - Rent/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Change of Cirumstances Notification Form/Fwd: Appeal against the decition, to put a sanction, on my Jobseekers Allowance, for not going on Employment Zones-meting at Sencia/Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New


Erik Ribsskog

Rent/Fwd: Update/Fwd: Change of Cirumstances Notification Form/Fwd: Appeal against the decition, to put a sanction, on my Jobseekers Allowance, for not going on Employment Zones-meting at Sencia/Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New

Erik Ribsskog

Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 9:59 AM

Lorna Murphy <>

Hi Lorna,

it seem's the rent is a bit delayed, this month, but I'm going to your office, with the rent, as soon as I get the Housing Allowance, which I think must be any day, (since this is just some beurocratic 'non-sense' really, to do with the Council and the Housing Allowance).

I'm also going to Employment Zones now, so I think I'll soon get a job, and then I can start paying the arrears, because they are good at giving advice etc.

Sorry about the delay with this, and see you as soon as possible, when the Council have sorted with their files etc.

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Mon, Sep 27, 2010 at 9:51 AM
Subject: Update/Fwd: Change of Cirumstances Notification Form/Fwd: Appeal against the decition, to put a sanction, on my Jobseekers Allowance, for not going on Employment Zones-meting at Sencia/Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-me



I had planned to go to my landlord today, to pay the rent.

But I can't see that I have received any housing allowance, (which I think I should have, today).

Since the last e-mail, Mr. Winther at the Jobcenter, Williamsson Sq., has told me, that I have got the sanctioned Job-seekers allowance, re-instated, after the appeal.

So the Jobcentre has acknowledged, that the sanction was un-fair, I think one have to say.

No I wonder what to tell my landlord.

Since there really haven't been any change in circumstances, like I also explained, in my previous e-mail to you, from 19/9.

Hope it's possible for you to reply to me about this, so that I know what to tell my landlord.

Thank you in advance, for your reply.

Best regards,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Sun, Sep 19, 2010 at 11:38 PM
Subject: Change of Cirumstances Notification Form/Fwd: Appeal against the decition, to put a sanction, on my Jobseekers Allowance, for not going on Employment Zones-meting at Sencia/Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-meeting?



I'm enclosing a Change of Cirumstances Form, (and enclosures), as a reply to your letter, from Benefit Officer B. Gibbs, from 10/9.

(There are really no change in cirumstances, but this is explained more about, on the form).

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 7:26 PM
Subject: Appeal against the decition, to put a sanction, on my Jobseekers Allowance, for not going on Employment Zones-meting at Sencia/Fwd: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-meeting?



I would like to please appeal, against the decition, that I'd lose my Jobseekers Allowance, since I 'didn't go to Employment-zones'.

(Mr. Winter, Jobcentre Manager, Williamson Sq., Liverpool, said in the meeting there yesterday, that it was ok to send an appeal like this, in an e-mail, as long as I wrote 'I want to appeal'.

So I hope this is alright):

I write a blog, where I write tips for other Norwegians who want's to work in the UK, so I have some pictures, when one can see, that I went to the Sencia-meeting, in this link.

Here one can see, that on this day, (1/7), I first go to a meeting at the Jobcenter, on 10.30, then to Sencia, on 1.30.

I got a new replacement dish-washer, from Argos, the day before, that I had 'installed', so I was maybe a bit thinking about the dish-washer.

Because I was wondering if I needed dish-washer salt etc:

The problems with the Employment Zone-meetings, started in June, I think it was.

But I'll focus on what happened, from when I chose Sencia.

I told Mrs. McCarthy, I think her name was, that I'd like to chose Sencia, from the three companies, who provided Employment-zones.

She asked why.

And I said it was because, it was close to my home address, (in Leather Lane).

Really, Reed are involved in my employement-case against Bertelsmann.

And, Pretemps are involved in a complaint against the Jobcentre, Williamson Sq., when I asked what Employement-zones was, then I only got the Pretemps-folder.

(From the young woman there, with the scars from the pimples on her chin).

So I hadn't been given the Employment-zones information-pack, before the Employment-zone meeting, so I had no idea what Employment Zones was, before I went to the meeting.

So I was socially alienated by the Jobcenter, I think, like I've complained about to the Jobcentre, on e-mail.

On the Pretemps-folder, it said an address in Lord St.

So then I went back, and asked I was supposed to meet in Lord St., for the Employment-zone meeting.

But I wasn't, so the woman took back the Pretemps-folder.

I complained because they didn't give me the information-pack before at the Employment-zone meeting.

So I went for two weeks, not knowing what kind of meeting, I was going to.

Since there isn't any information about Employment-zones on the internet.

Which I think it maybe could have been.

And when I then didn't get the information-pack, then I didn't know what kind of meeting, that the Jobcentre, had arranged for me.

Or rather, I didn't know what 'Employement Zones' was, but an Employement-Zone meeting was set up for me, by the Jobcentre, without anyone there, explaining to me, what it was.

So Pretemps and Reed, where involved, in complaints, I had from before.

That's why I chose Sencia.

But I didn't want to talk about the complaints with Mrs. McCarthy, since they were with ICE, etc.

So I just said, since it was close to my home-address.

And then, Mrs. McCarthy, didn't comment or correct me, or anything.

(This was in the second Employement Zone meeting, that I had there.

So then I had had the information-pack, for two weeks time).

Since I had noticed, when I browsed through the folders, that Sencia had an address in Pall Mall, which was close to where I lived.

I've noticed where that street is, since I think that's a bit 'funny' name.

Since my motther, (who died in 1999), Karen Ribsskog, had been an au-pair, in the UK, in the late 60's, and therefor, (I think at least), smoked Pall Mall sigarettes, when I grew up in Larvik, Norway, in the first half of the 70's.

So I first went to a Jobcentre-meeting, _before_ the Employment-Zone meeting.

(I didn't understand the purpose of this meeting).

But here is a link to the letter, from the Jobcentre, about this meeting:

(This meeting was at 10.00 AM, I noticed now.

And the job-centre woman is called McCarten, (and not McCarthy), I noticed now).

I had said, to McCarten, on the meeting a forthnight before 1/7, that I would first go to the Sencia-meeting, and then to the Jobcentre-meeting.

(She asked me what I'd prefer).

So I don't know why she sent me a letter, where she'd changed this agreement.

I was a bit tired in that meeting, since I had been busy with changing the dish-washer, from Argos, since the old one didn't work any longer, even if it wasn't even a year old, so I got a new for free.

Since I only have one wash here, so using a sink to wash up here, I think is un-hygenic, since one have to use the same sink to wash-up in, as one uses to pour out water from washing the floors etc., and that sink wasn't very clean when I moved in here, so a dish-washer, is much better, for this appartment, I think. But it's the least expensive one, from Argos, which only cost around £100. But I used to have a dish-washer in Norway).

I went to Sencia, in Pall Mall.

I was a few minutes late, because the clock on my laptop, sometimes slows, for some reason.

(Maybe Microsoft knows why.

I got so stressed while working with a lot of work-pressure, in Norway, in the 90's in the budget food chain Rimi, as an Assisting Manager there, that I had to stop wearing a watch, since just looking at the watch, made me stressed, after a particulary stressful sommer, when I was in charge of the shop, while the manager was on holiday, I think it was.

Something like this).

The calling-system, with the building, in Pall Mall, where Sencia have an office, didn't work.

Noone answered, when I called, on the Sencia-button.

But, a young man, with business-wear, and dark hair, told me that Sencia had moved to Hanover St., I think it was.

Then I called Sencia, from my mobile.

But they told me, that it would take me another 10 minutes to get to that address.

And then, I would be like 20 minutes late, (because the calling and the laptop-clock, delayed me).

And they planned to start at 1.45, with inductions, (a young man told me on the phone).

So I would be there in time, he said.

So I was told to contact the Jobcentre, for a new appointment.

I then went home, and sent the e-mail, which is forwarded, with this e-mail, to the Jobcentre contact-us team.

(Or I noticed now, I sent it to the Department of work and pension, so I was a bit tired from the dish-washer, and sterssed from the meeting, and some complaints I wrote, in between.

So sorry about this!).

So I thought I had an understanding, or rather agreement, with Mrs. McCarten, that I'd go to Sencia Pall Mall, at 1.30.

McCarten gave me the time only, 1.30, that I wrote in my pocket-calender.

I was also at a lot of meetings at Jet Breck Road, and Jet Waverthree, in these weeks, so I was a bit absent-minded/distracted, in these weeks.

It was also very warm, (this was in mid-summer, the first week of July).

And it was also the World Cup, which was a distraction, even if I wanted it to be, or not.

So I didn't intensionally go to the wrong address.

But I thought I had an agreement, with Mrs. McCarhten, to go to Pall Mall.

And as soon as I knew, that I'd gone to the wrong address, then I called Sencia.

And I then e-mailed the Jobcentre, within halv an hour, after the initial meeting-time, with Sencia.

(See the e-mail which is forwarded, with this e-mail).

So I can't see that I've been ignorant here.

Some distractions have caused, that I thought the meeting was in Pall Mall, and not in Hanover St.

But, I was sure, that the meeting was in Pall Mall, so I didn't look that closely on the letter I got really, since I thought the agreement, with Mrs. McCarhen, was what was important.

I was sure I knew where the meeting was going to be.

I had thought about this address, in my head, since my mother smoked Pall Mall.

So I was sure I knew where to go.

But these weeks, in late June/early July, where stressful for me, with a lot of meetings going on, in four offices, Jet Breck Road, Jet Job-bank, the Jobcentre Williamson Sq., and Sencia.

And I also had an early Jobcentre-meeting, at 10.00 AM, this day.

So I somehow managed to go to the wrong address.

But this was due to Mrs. McCarthen not being clear on the address.

(And that I was a bit stressed, so I didn't double-check what Mrs. McCarthen and I had agreed on.

As far as I understood it.

Since I had a lot of meetings, so I just remembered what Mrs. McCathen and I, had agreed on, and went to Pall Mall.

I don't think I did anything wrong then.

Maybe Sencia had a bit bad customer-service, (I've gone to business upper secondary school, in Norway), since the couldn't wait for the five or ten minutes, it would have taken me, to go to their other office, in Hanover St.

(I think that must be next to the big Tesco Supershop, so I know where that is, more or less.

Since I've been to that Tesco shop, a lot, since they have must better assortiment/range, and lower prices/larger budget assortment, than my local shops, in Dale St. etc).

So I think this was unfair, that I would be sanctioned, on my allowance, because of this.

This are money I'm dependant on, to buy food, and to pay bills.

I have a budget, that I've set up, in co-operation, with the CCCS.

And I can almost not explain, how frusterated I get, when the money I need for food etc., is stopped.

It was almost like my hold world fell apart, when I heard about this, from Jenny, at the Jobcentre.

Because now, maybe companies are going to take me to court, since I can't pay my bills.

And maybe I have to eat rice/purrige/etc., for two weeks.

And drink the tap-water, which my 'belly', can't take that well, since I have some problems with air in my stumic etc.

And I've been told, by fellow study abroad students, from when I studied at the University of Sunderland, in 2004, that one shouldn't drink the tap-water here, in the UK.

So I wonder if it is the tap-water here, that has coused me problems with my stumic, from a few years back, after I started the Arvato-case.

Anyway, I thought this was very un-fair.

Because I haven't intentially, skipped a meeting.

I meant to go to the meeting, but a misunderstanding, led to me, to go to the wrong address.

But I think the Jobcentre, and Sencia, has a bit of the blaim for this as well.

Since the Sencia-folders, have three different addresses in them.

And since Mrs. McCarthen, at the Jobcentre, didn't clearify it with me, which address I meant, when I told her, that I chose Sencia, since they were close to my home-address.

(When she asked me why I chose Sencia).

So this is a misunderstanding, that sometimes happen.

So the Jobcentre, should have just put me on a new appointment with Sencia.

In stead of making a big deal out of this.

This is like something that happens every day, all around the world.

Why should I be punished for this, which was misunderstanding between me and the Jobcentre?

Or maybe Mrs. McCarthen, mis-lead me on purpose, when she didn't clearify about the address, but only gave me the meeting-time.

This I want to complain about.

And also that Sencia, couldn't wait another ten minutes for me, when I called them, at 1.40, on 1/7.

That was bad customer-support, I think.

Some place I've read about that one have 15 minuttes, that one can be late, in business-life.

I called on the door-bell/calling, at Sencia, Pall Mall 5 minutes late.

And called Sencia Hanover St., 10 minutes late.

So this isn't a big deal, I think.

So this I think is 'far-out' if one put this in the perspective of traditional business-conduct/rules.

So this I think was very un-fair to me.

Sencia showed bad customer-service, I think.

But that's one thing perhaps.

I could expect then to wait for 20 minutes really, to be fair.

I have to say Sencia acted ok.

But their calling didn't work in Pall Mall, that's a complaint.

And the Sencia leaflets, are bad, since they have three addresses in them.

And I suspect that Mrs. McChanen, deliberatelty failed to lead me to the right address.

She must have understood, that I would go to Pall Mall.

And therefore changed the meeting-time, for the Jobcentre meeting on 1/7, I suspect.

Then I was first shown to one person, then to another, I think it was.

So it could they noticed how tired I was.

So this could have been a plot at the Jobcentre I suspect.

I have the Order of St. John-members, among my relatives, in Norway, and I suspect I'm being followed by them, (and have also overheard, in Norway, in 2003, that I'm being followed by the "mafia'n").

So I want to please appeal, on that I shouldn't lose these money.

First I was told I'd lose the previous payment.

That payment, I got anyway.

So now my last weeks have been distroyed, since I didn't understand, if I was going to be punished, or if you had changed your mind?

How can people plan their economy, with Jobcentre's like this?

All information is given to late.

It's like I'm systematically being attacked in a way that you try to make me stressed, and lose control.

I think this must be the Order of St. John, or something like this.

In Norway, noone would have been punished, for a thing like this.

In Norway, one would have respected peoples need to have control of their economy and their lives.

This is a scandal, from the Jobcentre I think, the way I have treated by you, in the last weeks and months.

My mother was almost like a Brit, from being an au-pair, in the UK.

But maybe she should have gone to another land, I sometimes think now.

Why do Brits always have to try to set up people in different plots I'm wondering.

I have had appriciated if you could please stop this now, and please stop messing with my Jobseekers Allowance.

I also send about this to the UN, CCCS, and the Norwegian Embassy, since I sent them a Jobcentre-complaint yesterday, which is linked to this appeal.

Hope this is alright!

Yours sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 1:57 PM
Subject: Problems with the Employment-zone meeting/Fwd: New review-meeting?


now I was at Sencia, in Pall Mall, for the Employment-zone meeting, at 1.30 pm.

The only problem was, that while I tried to get the calling to work, in that building, in Pall Mall 30-32, then someone told me, that they've moved, to Hanover St.

Then I called Sencia, on 0151 236 1204.

And they told me, that the inductions would start in 5 minuttes, and that it would probably take me 10-15 minuttes, to get to their new address.

So Sencia told me to contact the Jobcentre, and get a new appointment.

So that's why I'm sending this e-mail.

And to complain about that your Employment-zone information-pack litterature, should be up to date.

I remember telling Mrs. Smart, at Jobcentre, Williamsson Sq., that I chose Sencia, among other things, that they were close to my address, (in Leather Lane).

So I wasn't given the information about the new Sencia-address, by Mrs. Smart eighter.

So this is a new complaint in the long line of complaints, that I've had to send about Williamson Sq. Jobcentre.

Can you please explain how you can not have up to date litterature, in you information-packs, about Employment-zones, after you didn't give me the right information at first eighter, (like I've also complained about, to this e-mail address, on 20/5).


Erik Ribsskog

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Erik Ribsskog <>

Date: Thu, Jul 1, 2010 at 11:22 AM
Subject: New review-meeting?


almost a year ago, I received my university-level degree in IT, from my 'home-university', Oslo University College.

And I've mentioned this, from time to time, in sign-on meetings, at the job-centre, (Williamson Sq.).

But, I was wondering.

Should one have a new review-meeting, if one get a new university-level degree, (and a new jobseekers-agreement).

Also, I was wondering.

I have the internet at home.

Do I still have to use the machines at the Jobcentre, for the job-search?

(I think it's better to do at home, because then there's less noise, etc.).

I haven't got a regular contact-person, at the Jobcentre, so I thought I could try to send an e-mail about this.

Thank you very much for any help in advance!

Yours Sincerely,

Erik Ribsskog

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